Biologically false positive serologic reactions for syphilis in patients with benign uterus tumors

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The mechanism of formation of active and chronic false positive reactions serologic syphilis tests is described. Spontaneous negativation of acute false positive serologic reactions develops in 6 months. Chronic false positive serologic reactions persist for a long time, sometimes during the whole life time. Chronic false positive serologic reactions for syphilis are the diagnostic criteria for systemic lupus. Chronic false positive serologic reactions before and during the evaluation of clinical symptoms in other connective tissue diseases, endocrinologic, oncologic pathology are described. The Hughes ’syndrome is the most often cause of false positive serologic syphilis tests. 3 cases of false positive serologic syphilis tests in patients with benign uterus tumors are presented.

About the authors

Irina V. Khamaganova

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University

MD, PhD, Professor, Department of skin diseases and cosmetology, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University Moscow, 117997, Russian Federation

E. N Malyarenko

Moscow scientific and practical centre for dermatovenerology and cosmetology

V.G. Korolenko clinics 111538, Russian Federation

A. Yu Vasilieva

Moscow scientific and practical centre for dermatovenerology and cosmetology

V.G. Korolenko clinics 111538, Russian Federation

O. O Melnichenko

Moscow scientific and practical centre for dermatovenerology and cosmetology

V.G. Korolenko clinics 111538, Russian Federation

A. G Modnova

Moscow scientific and practical centre for dermatovenerology and cosmetology

V.G. Korolenko clinics 111538, Russian Federation


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