Differential diagnosis between acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf and hypertrophic lichen planus

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The article is devoted to the differential diagnosis of hypertrophic form of lichen planus (CPL) with acrokeratosis verruciformis of Hopf (AVH). It is very rare hyperkeratotic genodermatosis usually inherited in an autosomal dominant manner. Due to the marked clinical similarity of these two dermatoses crucial for the correct diagnosis is histological study of the lesion with the identification of histological feature unique for AVH - papillomatosis as a “church steeples”. Two clinical cases diagnosed last year in the department of dermatology and dermatooncology in Moscow regional research and clinical institute are described in the article. The effectiveness of the treatment AVH with acitretin was described.

About the authors

V. A Molochkov

Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute

Moscow, 129110, Russian Federation

Yulia V. Molochkova

Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute

Email: yulia-molochkova@yandex.ru
MD, PhD, Department of Dermatovenerology and Dermatooncology, Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute Moscow, 129110, Russian Federation

M. A Bobrov

Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute

Moscow, 129110, Russian Federation


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