Exceptional case of disseminated necrobiosis lipoidica similar to a sarcoidosis form at the child affected by diabetes type I

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The article describes the infrequent disseminated necrobiosis lipoidica similar to a sarcoidosis form which developed at the five-year-old child affected by type 1 diabetes mellitus. The short review concerns the questions of an etiology, pathogenesis, clinical forms, diagnostics and the modern methods of treatment of the described pathology. In the review 26 sources of literature are used. The case is of interest to dermatovenereologists, endocrinologists, pediatricians.

About the authors

V. T Bazaev

North Ossetian State Medical Academy

Кафедра дерматовенерологии Vladikavkaz, 362048, Russian Federation

M. B Tseboeva

North Ossetian State Medical Academy

Email: miradzuceva@rambler.ru
candidate of medical sciences, docent of North Ossetian State Medical Academy Vladikavkaz, 362048, Russian Federation

M. S Tsarueva

North Ossetian State Medical Academy

Кафедра дерматовенерологии Vladikavkaz, 362048, Russian Federation


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