Evaluation of laser therapy efficiency in onychomycosis

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Onychomycosis is one of the most prevalent diseases in dermatological practice. A new method for onychomycosis treatment - laser therapy - is presented. The method is realized on Q-Switched 1064/532 nm and Nd:YAG 1064 nm lasers. The method is highly effective and safe. The study was carried out in 80 patients (aged 27-80 years) with the diagnosis ofplantar onychomycosis confirmed by laboratory findings (microbiological and microscopic). Patients of the study group (N=40) received laser therapy as follows: 1 exposure every other week during 6 months, a total of 12 sessions. Controls (N=40) received total systems introconasole by the pulsed therapy protocol during 3 months. Clinical cure without side effects was attained in 90% of patients in the study group, vs. 85% patients in control group, with 7.5% patients (controls) developing side effects (nausea, vomiting, diarrhea). Hence, laser therapy is effective and safe and comparable by efficiency with total systems antimycotics.

About the authors

A. R Akmaeva

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow State Medical University

Email: adelya-med@mail.ru
Кафедра кожных и венерических болезней им. В.А. Рахманова; аспирант Moscow, Russia

Olga Yu. Olisova

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow State Medical University

Email: olisovaolga@mail.ru
MD, PhD, DSc, prof. Moscow, Russia

I. Ya Pinson

I.M. Setchenov First Moscow State Medical University

Research and Educational Clinical Center of Immunodependent Dermatoses Moscow, Russia


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