卷 20, 编号 4 (2015)


Immunological effectiveness of mass vaccine prophylaxis against hepatitis B within the framework of the National Priority Project "Health" in some regions of the Russian Federation

Shulakova N., Lytkina I., Akimkin V., Ershova O., Shahgildyan I., Kisteneva L., Kuzina L., Chernyavskaya O.


Immunological efficacy of mass vaccine prevention of hepatitis B was studied in the framework of the National Priority Project "Health" in some regions of the Russian Federation. Markers of hepatitis B (HbsAg, anti-HBs with the determination of their concentration, anti-HBcor summary and class IgM) were determined with the use of commercial test systems by chemiluminescence enzyme immunoassay analyzer the "Architect" of the company «Abbott» (USA) at different times after the completion of vaccination
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(4):4-7
pages 4-7 views

Application of immunoassay systems for diagnosis of dengue fever

Akinshina Y., Larichev V., Mardanly S., Butenko A., Khutoretskaya N., Saifullin M.


As a result of the application of experimental test systems "ELISA-IgM-dengue", "ELISA-IgM-WN" and "ELISA-IgM-TBE" when examining sera from patients with dengue fever (DF), West Nile fever (WNF) and tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) there was established the possibility of a clear differential diagnosis of these related flavivirus infections. Application of the ELISA-IgG test systems fail to provide such an opportunity due to cause of pronounced cross-reactions of group-IgG antibodies. In the article there are presented data on dynamics of IgM and IgG antibodies in patients with dengue fever. Detection of specific IgG in the first days of the disease may indicate to a secondary nature of infection and the possibility of the development of hemorrhagic syndrome.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(4):8-12
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Peculiarities of cellular immunity in acute Epstein-Barr virus infection

Trisko A., Kolesnikova N., Avdeeva M., Chudilova G., Lomtatidze L.


With the aim of the optimization of the differential diagnosis there was performed an assessment of cellular immunity in patients with acute viral (infectious mononucleosis associated with Epstein-Barr virus) and acute bacterial infection (bacterial tonsillitis). Study groups was consisted of 22 patients with infectious mononucleosis, the comparison group - 19 patients with acute bacterial tonsillitis. There was revealed a number of significant changes typical for acute infectious process of various etiology. The features of cellular immunity in acute viral infection in terms of EBV-associated infectious mononucleosis are: the increase of cytotoxic CD8(+) - T-cells; consistent deficiency ofpopulations and subpopulations of CD19 (+) - B lymphocytes; a significant increase in density (MFI) expression of CD19-, CD21-, CD81-receptors in various subpopulations ofB lymphocytes. Revealed regularities of changes in cellular immunity in acute Epstein-Barr virus infection are caused by biological characteristics of the pathogen and can be used for the optimization of the laboratory diagnosis of infectious mononucleosis.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(4):13-16
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Trends in the longterm dynamics of morbidity of acute intestinal infections and epidemiological features of outbreaks in recent years

Sergevnin V., Kuzovnikova E., Tryasolobova M., Ladeyshchikova Y.


There was performed the analysis of long-term dynamics ofmorbidity of certain nosologicalforms ofacute intestinal infections (AII) of the population of the Perm region and the Russian Federation in 2000-2014. There are summarized results of the epidemiological investigation of AII outbreaks recorded in the Perm region in 2009-2014. It was found that in recent years in the territory of the Perm region and the Russian Federation as a whole against the background of significant reduction or stabilization of the population incidence of certain bacterial AII there was noted the gain in the population incidence of viral AII. According to the materials of the Perm region in recent years, there were most frequently recorded food outbreaks of salmonellosis and food outbreaks of norovirus and rotavirus infections involving water as an intermediate factor of transmission.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(4):17-21
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Comparative analysis of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) foci in the Saratov region

Ryabova A., Tarasov M., Zakharov K., Popov N.


The aim of the research was the assessment of the level ofa potential epidemic danger of the anthropourgic foci of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) in the cities of Saratov and Atkarsk ofthe Saratov region. There was performed a comparative retrospective analysis of data of epizootological monitoring of focal territories for the period from 1999 to 2014. For the detection of the spatial structure of HFRS foci there were used methods of remote sensing of the Earth. As a result, there have been revealed spatio-temporal features of an activity of HFRS foci in suburbs, some hallmarks of landscape and biocenotic structure were established.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(4):22-25
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Distribution of the tick-borne encephalitis virus among naturally infected ixodid ticks and small mammals in the Novosibirsk region

Bakhvalova V., Chicherina G., Panov V., Glupov V., Morozova O.


A comparative analysis of the virus infection carrier state and distribution of genetic types of the virus of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) among invertebrates (2 species of ticks, Ixodes persulcatus Schulze and Ixodes pavlovskyi Pomerantsev 1946) and vertebrate reservoir hosts (4 species of small rodents: the red vole Myodes rutilus Pallas, gray-sided vole Myodes rufocanus Sundevall, field mouse Apodemus agrarius Pallas, birch mice Sicista betulina Pallas and 1 species of insectivores - common shrew Sorex araneus L (1758)), dominating on the territory of the Novosibirsk region in 2009-14 years, was performed with the use of virological and molecular biological methods. Frequency detection of RNA and / or E protein in mammals (70,9 ± 3,0%) were shown to considerably exceed levels of virus infection carrier state rate of ticks (3,4 ± 0,4). In the circulation of three major types of TBE - Far East (FE), Siberian (NIB) and European (Eur) in natural populations in mono - or polytype forms in mites Sib type prevailed (p <0,01), in small mammals - ET type (p <0.001). At the same time the number of genome equivalents FE type in average accounted for 3.2 • 10 4 copies in the mite; Sib and Eur - about 10 and 100 times lower, respectively. In the blood of wild rodents, the amount of RNA ofFE of type TBEV ranged from 2.4 • 10 5 mL, of Sib type - 2.4 • 10 2. With account of blood volume of mammals consumed by larvae and nymphs, the falling of several hundreds and thousands of viral genomes such as DV and only single type of RNA Sib IRB, respectively, is possible in the tick. Passaging TBE isolates from wild reservoir hosts in laboratory mice lead to the transformation of the original genetic composition. In minimal genetic rearrangements ofpathogenic isolates of TBE in infected mice-suckers the transformation of apathogenic isolates was significant. The polytype composition of natural populations of TBE should be considered in the development of diagnostic and preventive preparations.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(4):26-34
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About assessment of the methodology of the epidemiological situation

Kolpakov S., Yakovlev A.


Objective: the study of methods for the assessment of the prevalence and development of methodology for evaluation of the epidemiological situation in the RF subjects during the calendar year. The condition of an objective evaluation is the use of external criteria. Therefore, the assessment of one or another administrative territory is performing accordingly to the distribution of morbidity rate in separate subjects of the Russian Federation. As a criterion there is proposed to use the average prevalence of the subject of the Russian Federation - the median and its confidence limits with 95% significance. As a tool for grading of the scale there are considered as the total confidence interval, as possibilities of transition to centile method. There were elaborated methodical principles of the evaluation of the epidemiological situation. The base is the position that the objective, in territorial aspect may be the estimation only of the role of the stable factors. At the first stage the epidemiological situation should be to assessed on the theoretical prevalence of the year under consideration or on the forecast. Later, after the performing of the retrospective epidemiological analysis of morbidity in the subject and establishing the role of the determinants of the epidemic process in the index of considered year (internal control) it is possible to make adjustment and newly re-assess the epidemiological situation.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(4):34-39
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Peculiar properties of the epidemic process of rotavirus infection in the Odessa region

Vasilyev K., Doan S., Savchuk A., Kozishkurt Y., Haydey V., Krasnitskaya L., Potienko L., Sadkova A.


In the paper there are presented the main tendencies of the epidemic process in rotaviral infection in the one of the southern region of Ukraine during the span of 1998-2013. There was established the prevalence of the contact-house way of the transmission in 1-year-old infants. There were determined the most spread P and G genotypes of the agent, their widely spread combinations and the dynamic changes of genotypes in this region.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(4):40-46
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Systemic processes in influenza in fection, as a triggers of the development of somatic pathology in patients at risk

Deeva E., Zubkova T., Dunaeva N., Koltsebaeva S., Chelaeva G., Tumanova E., Tsypkin E., Deeva Y., Shevchik Y., Kiselev O.


Pathogenetic mechanisms of influenza infection on the one hand are the triggering factor of certain diseases (asthma, neurological diseases and others.), on the other hand they worsen the course of concomitant somatic pathology, leading to severe, complicated course of infection and lethal outcomes in high-risk groups. The two components of the flu - a syndrome of systemic inflammation, which is manifested in the overproduction of cytokines and generalized vascular thrombosis syndrome (VTS) are the most important components of the pathogenesis of influenza and play a critical role in the development of severe infections, especially in patients with a history ofpremorbid background. Analysis of the pathogenic mechanisms of diseases, at risk, is necessary for the development of a comprehensive targeted tactics prevention, treatment and medical examination that will prevent mortality in these groups.
Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(4):47-53
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To the memory of Vasiliy Vasilevich Lebedev

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Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases. 2015;20(4):54-55
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