


The article presents the results of epidemiological studies of the role of rotavirus in the development of acute diarrheal diseases in children in the Republic of Uzbekistan. Practice of new epidemiological criteria allowed to differentiate the different intensity of the epidemic process and the manifestation of epidemiological patterns of rotavirus infection depending on the region of the republic. The probability of participation of rotaviruses in the formation of the epidemic process in acute diarrheal diseases is proved. The study was conducted in two regions of the republic differing from each other by economic and social conditions. The material for this study was the data obtained as a result of a serological study of feces samples taken from patients with acute diarrheal diseases before the age of 5 years. When examining 1597 children with acute diarrhea in 532 (33.3%) cases, we were able to establish the presence of rotavirus antigens in the feces. Summarizing the above, we can assume that in the Republic of Uzbekistan, rotaviruses occupy one of the leading places in the etiological structure of acute diarrheal diseases, especially in younger age groups.


IIkham Norboev

The ministry оf health оf the Reрublic оf Uzbekistan, Research institute of Virology, Tashkent

Doctor-virologist, researcher institute of virology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan 100194, Tashkent, Yunusabad-3, Yangi-shahar str. 7a


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