The role of genetic factors in the development of liver cirrhosis in viral hepatitis B/D




In the article there is presented the influence of genetic variation in the IL28B gene on the risk of the development of liver cirrhosis and possibility offorecasting disease outcomes of HB/DV infected patients. The purpose of the research: Study of the influence of genetic variations in the IL28V gene on the risk of the development of liver cirrhosis and the ability to forecast the disease outcome of HB/DV infected patients. Materials and methods: For the assessment of the impact of IL28Brs8099917 SNP among the observed groups there was determined the genotype of rs8099917 in the IL28B locus TaqMan SNP by means of genotyping of 94 persons, including 72 patients with liver cirrhosis associated with HDV infection. For the comparison, there was taken a group of 22 patients with liver cirrhosis of HBV etiology. Results of executed studies have shown the distribution of genotypes in liver cirrhosis of HBV etiology to be differed considerably from liver cirrhosis of HDV etiology, as for rs8099917 TT genotype (P < 0.001) as well in rs8099917 TG genotype (P < 0.001). Traditional risk factors for the liver cirrhosis (sex, age, viral load, comorbidities) hardly influenced on the outcome of chronic viral hepatitides. Results ofperformed studies have shown the distribution of genotypes with liver cirrhosis induced by HDV to be significantly differed from the liver cirrhosis of HBV etiology, as well of TT genotype as TG genotype. Conclusion: Thus, the genetic analysis is a promising method for the non-invasive diagnosis of risk for development of liver cirrhosis.


Aziza Khikmatullaeva

Scientific-Research Institute of Virology

MD, PhD, Senior researcher, Scientific Secretary of the Scientific - Research Institute of Virology 7a, Yangishahar, Tashkent, 100194, Uzbekistan

E. Musabaev

Scientific-Research Institute of Virology

проф. директор НИИ вирусологии МЗ Республики Узбекистан 7a, Yangishahar, Tashkent, 100194, Uzbekistan


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