Trends in the longterm dynamics of morbidity of acute intestinal infections and epidemiological features of outbreaks in recent years




There was performed the analysis of long-term dynamics ofmorbidity of certain nosologicalforms ofacute intestinal infections (AII) of the population of the Perm region and the Russian Federation in 2000-2014. There are summarized results of the epidemiological investigation of AII outbreaks recorded in the Perm region in 2009-2014. It was found that in recent years in the territory of the Perm region and the Russian Federation as a whole against the background of significant reduction or stabilization of the population incidence of certain bacterial AII there was noted the gain in the population incidence of viral AII. According to the materials of the Perm region in recent years, there were most frequently recorded food outbreaks of salmonellosis and food outbreaks of norovirus and rotavirus infections involving water as an intermediate factor of transmission.


V. Sergevnin

Perm State Medical Academy named after acad. E.A. Wagner

доктор мед. наук, проф. каф. эпидемиологии с курсом гигиены и эпидемиологии факультета дополнительного профессионального образования ГБОУ ВПО «Пермский государственный медицинский университет им. акад. Е.А. Вагнера» Kuybysheva Str., 39, Perm, Russian Federation, 614990

E. Kuzovnikova

Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Perm Region

зав. отделением антропонозных инфекций, ФБУЗ «Центр гигиены и эпидемиологии в Пермском крае» 66, Mira Str., Perm, Russian Federation, 614066

M. Tryasolobova

Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Perm Region

врач-эпидемиолог, ФБУЗ «Центр гигиены и эпидемиологии в Пермском крае» 66, Mira Str., Perm, Russian Federation, 614066

Yu. Ladeyshchikova

Centre of Hygiene and Epidemiology in Perm Region

канд. мед. наук, врач-эпидемиолог ФГУЗ «Центр гигиены и эпидемиологии в Пермском крае» 66, Mira Str., Perm, Russian Federation, 614066


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