Retrospective data on the study of Ebola virus in Africa




The provided information based on the data of elinical, epidemiological, and serodiagnostic studies indicates both to a possible epidemic manifestation of Hbola fever in the Republic of Guinea for more than 30 years before the 2014 epidemic in West Africa, and the circulation of the Hbola virus in Guinea and other West African countries in the same period, the circulation of the Hbola virus in Zaire at least 4 years before the first recorded outbreak of the infection in 1976.


A. Butenko

Federal Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology, named after N.F. Gamaley

D. I. Ivanovsky Institute of Virology 16 Gamalei str., Moscow, Russian Federation, 123098


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  2. Иванов А.П., Ткаченко Е.А., ван дер Гроен Г., Бутенко А.М., Константинов О.К. Непрямой иммуноферментный метод для лабораторной диагностики геморрагических лихорадок Ласса и Эбола. Вопросы вирусологии. 1986; 2: 186-190.

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