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Background. There are no data on HHV-7 seroprevalence in Russia. Previously we detected HHV-7 DNA in plasma of 8-10% children with exanthem subitum and fever without rash. Aim. To perform the comparative study of the seroprevalence of HHV-7 and HHV-6 in children in Russia. Materials and methods. The pilot study included 116 children, aged from 10 days to 10 years. Serum samples were tested for IgG to HHV-7 and HHV-6 by indirect immunofluorescent assays and ELISA correspondingly. Results. The prevalence rate antibodies to HHV-7 was three times lower than for antibodies to HHV-6. There were only 18% of patients seropositive to HHV-7, whereas 50% of cases appeared to be seropositive to HHV-6. In infants younger 6 months the frequency of HHV-7 seropositivity amounted to 14.8%, which possibly was due to maternal antibodies. In babies aged from 7 months to 4 years, the HHV-7 seroprevalence was about 7-13%. In children older than 4 years the rate of seropositivity raised to 31%. Conclusion. We can conclude that in life the contact with HHV-7 occurs later than to HHV-6, predominantly after the age of four years. In children under 10 years, the seroprevalence to HHV-7 is lower than to HHV-6. The sample size of our study is too small to extrapolate on Russian population and other seroprevalence studies are needed.

About the authors

Mikhail A. Nikolskiy

I.P. Pavlov First State Medical University

MD, PhD, pediatrician, assistant professor 6/8, Lva Tolstogo str., 197022, Saint Petersburg, Russia

L. B Kulyashova

Pasteur Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

14, Mira str., 197101, Saint Petersburg, Russia

A. V Zakrevskaya

Pasteur Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

14, Mira str., 197101, Saint Petersburg, Russia

D. A Lioznov

I.P. Pavlov First State Medical University; Pasteur Institute of Epidemiology and Microbiology

6/8, Lva Tolstogo str., 197022, Saint Petersburg, Russia; 14, Mira str., 197101, Saint Petersburg, Russia

T. A Kaptur

N.F. Filatov Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital № 5

134, Bukharestskaya str., 192289, St. Petersburg, Russia

M. A Zolotova

N.F. Filatov Children’s Municipal Clinical Hospital № 5

134, Bukharestskaya str., 192289, St. Petersburg, Russia


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