Measles virus-specific IgG-antibodies level in umbilical cord blood according to the maternal age

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Introduction. Mass vaccination and re-vaccination against measles as of children, as well additionally in adults, contributed to the significant decrease in morbidity rate. At the same time, outbreaks of measles in recent years, both in the World and in Russia, became more frequent, especially in the adult population. Aim: To determine the content of transplacental IgG-antibodies to measles virus in the umbilical cord blood, with taking into account of the age of the mother. Materials and methods. There was studied the cord blood of offsprings of 672 parturient women aged 16-43 years old, residing in Moscow and Moscow region, without a history of measles previously. The level of IgG-antibodies was determined by ELISA with the use of a standard set of reagents of the Firm "VECTOR-BEST", accordingly to instructions. Results. Protective (0.18 IU/ml) IgG-antibodies to measles virus in neonates were recorded in 79.9%. In females aged of 16-20 years protective antibodies were detected in 89,7%, 21-25 years - 80,8%, 26-30 years - 75% 31-35 - 75% 36-43 - 88,2% of cases. Average protective antibody level decreased according to the maternal age, respectively, and was the lowest (1,34 ± 0 22 IU/ml) in the group of women aged of 26 to 30 years and the high level was noted in 16-20 and 36-43 years old cases (2,18 ± 0,47 IU/ml and 2,73 ± 0,44 IU/ml). Conclusion. Women aged of 26-30 years are at risk for the development of measles infection, which is an indication for vaccination before pregnancy.

About the authors

M. P Kostinov

Mechnikov Institute of Vaccines and Sera

доктор мед. наук, проф., засл. деятель науки РФ, зав. лаб. вакцинопро-филактики и иммунотерапии аллергических заболеваний

A. D Shmitko

Mechnikov Institute of Vaccines and Sera

аспирант, мл. науч. сотр. лаб. вакцинопрофилактики и иммунотерапии аллергических заболеваний

I. I Bocharova

Moscow Regional Scientific Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology

доктор мед. наук, вед. специалист

A. P Cherdancev

Ulyanovsk State University

канд, мед. наук, доцент каф. педиатрии

A. A Savisko

Rostov State Medical University

канд. мед. наук, доцент каф. пропедевтики детских болезней

V. B Polishchuk

Mechnikov Institute of Vaccines and Sera

канд. мед. наук, ст. науч. сотр. лаб. вакци-нопрофилактики и иммунотерапии аллергических заболеваний


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