M.V. Afanasev

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The Experience of investigation of pseudotuberculosis outbreak in the Tyumen region shows the need to improve epidemiological surveillance and control Yersinioses, within the frameworks of informational subsystem of which it is reasonable to take into account serotype land scape and genetic characterization of their pathogens, by means of introdiuction into practice the available methods of diagnosis and identification of Yersinia strains isolated from biomaterial and environmental objects with mand atory sending them to reference-centers for in-depth study with the use of molecular and genetic methods. The last is advisable for more qualitative investigation of foci of yersinioses and establishing epidemiological relationships that will increase the effectiveness of preventive measures.

About the authors

K. G. Perminova

Department of The Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance of the Tyumen region

заочный аспирант каф. медико-профилактического дела ФПК и ППС

V. V. Mefod'ev

Tyumen State Medical Academy

Email: vmefodyev@mail.ru
доктор мед. наук, проф., проф. каф. медико-профилактического отдела ФПК и ППС

O. A. Dubinina

Department of The Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance of the Tyumen region

зав. эпидемиологическим отделом

G. V. Sharukho

Department of The Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance of the Tyumen region

доктор мед. наук, руководитель

M. D. Orlov

Tyumen Regional Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases

доктор мед. наук, проф., гл. врач

G. N. Ivanova

Tyumen Regional Clinical Hospital of Infectious Diseases

канд. мед. наук, зав. бактериологической лабораторией

V. T. Klimov

Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute of Siberia and Far East of the Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance

канд. мед. наук, ст. науч. сотр. клинического отделения

M. V Afanasev

Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute of Siberia and Far East of the Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance

канд. биол. наук, ст. науч. сотр. отдела эпидемиологии

M. V. Chesnokova

Irkutsk Research Anti-Plague Institute of Siberia and Far East of the Federal Service on Customers' Rights Protection and Human Well-being Surveillance

доктор мед. наук, проф., зам. директора по научной и противоэпидемической работе


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