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593 patients with chronic viral hepatitis were tested for HGV-RNA and TTV DNA of. HGV-RNA detected in 3 times less than TTV DNA - in 13.6% and 46.64%, respectively. A comparative evaluation of clinical and biochemical parameters in patients with coinfection HCV/HGV and HCV monoinfection revealed significant differences in the average level of activity of ALT and the rate of increased ALT, which were higher in Hepatitis C patients with HGV RNA in the blood. There was no influence of HGV infection on other clinical and biochemical parameters and levels of fibrosis in groups of patients with HCV monoinfected and co-infection HCV/ HGV. The presence of HGV RNA in blood Hepatitis C patients did not affect the effectiveness of AVT. 30 patients with Hepatitis C and Hepatitis B with HGV RNA in blood were examined three times on the background of the AVT (before, during and after treatment). In 23 out of 30 patients (76.6%) a disappearance of HGV RNA in the blood took place during AVT, but after treatment in 17 patients (53.3%) HGV RNA replication is resumed, i. e. suppression of replication on the background of AVT was temporary. In individuals with HGV monoinfection (n 12) clinical symptoms were poor, in half of the patients in this group of young and middle age the increase in cholesterol levels was noticed, as well as the sonographic signs of fatty liver.

About the authors

N. I. Gromova

Federal State Institution Polyclinic №1 of the Office of Presidential Affairs of Russia

I. V. Gordeychuk

Federal State Budget-Financed Institution Chumakov Institute ofpoliomielitis and viral encephalitides ofRAMS, Institut poliomielita

канд. мед. наук, мл. науч. сотр. лаб. этиологии, диагностики, эпидемиологии и профилактики вирусных гепатитов Института полиомиелита и вирусных энцефалитов им. М. П. Чумакова РАМН

K. K. Kyuregyan

Federal State Budget-Financed Institution Chumakov Institute ofpoliomielitis and viral encephalitides ofRAMS, Institut poliomielita

канд. биол. наук, зав. лаб. этиологии, диагностики, эпидемиологии и профилактики вирусных гепатитов Института полиомиелита и вирусных энцефалитов им. М. П. Чумакова РАМН

L. U. Ilchenko

Federal State Budget-Financed Institution Chumakov Institute ofpoliomielitis and viral encephalitides ofRAMS, Institut poliomielita

д-р мед. наук, проф., зав. отд-нием вирусных гепатитов Института полиомиелита и вирусных энцефалитов им. М. П. Чумакова РАМН

M. I. Mikhailov

Federal State Budget-Financed Institution Chumakov Institute ofpoliomielitis and viral encephalitides ofRAMS, Institut poliomielita

д-р мед. наук, проф., дир. Института полиомиелита и вирусных энцефалитов им. М. П. Чумакова РАМН


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