The sociodemographic profile of patients suffering from HIV infection and Tuberculosis in Moscow

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The paper analyzes the sociodemographic characteristics of a group of patients suffering with HIV and tuberculosis and shows how to increase the quality of care delivered to these patients.
At present the concept of health and disease should be interpreted in the context of a biopsychosocial approach. It is wrong to consider disease apart from a human being having this disease. Of importance are both the objective evaluation of his/her condition and the subjective appraisal of life satisfaction, namely the quality of life. The main sociodemographic characteristics of a group of patients with HIV infection and tuberculosis are described. Knowledge about this contingent of patients makes it possible to give a better insight into their main needs, to assess possible behavioral risks, and to anticipate some problems during treatment.

About the authors

Ye V Lyubayeva

Federal Research and Methodological Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Moscow

Federal Research and Methodological Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Moscow

A V Kravchenko

Federal Research and Methodological Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Moscow

Federal Research and Methodological Center for AIDS Prevention and Control, Moscow

S N Yenikolopov

Mental Health Research Center, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow

Mental Health Research Center, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow


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