Detection of Coxiella burnetii in ticks collected from cattle in several provinces of the Republic of Guinea

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Background. Q fever, or coxiellosis, is a natural focal disease characterized by polymorphism of clinical signs and can affect not only humans but also many species of animals. This infection is spread almost all over the world. On the African continent, the foci of coxiellosis infection endanger the local population and people arriving for temporary stay. Given that sick agricultural animals and their ectoparasites are markers of the presence of infection in the region, a study of the latter may be relevant to identify the potential foci of Q fever.

This work aimed to identify Coxiella burnetii DNA from ixodic ticks collected from cattle in several provinces of Republic of Guinea and to type isolates using genetic markers (plasmid type) to enable their comparison with strains of different geographical origin.

Methods. Using amplification technologies, we investigated the ticks obtained from cattle in the provinces of Boke and Kindia to detect Coxiella DNA.

Results. The genetic material of the Q fever causative agent was detected in no more than 5% of the total number of samples studied. For positive samples, typing was performed using plasmid analysis. The isolates with the plasmid type QpH1 circulate in the Republic of Guinea.

Conclusion. The findings were analyzed along with data from other researchers on the spread of Q fever in subequatorial Africa. The differences in the levels of prevalence of Coxiella in ticks in the territories of not only different countries but also within the same state can be determined by the prevalence among the hosts within herds. The risk of contamination with Q fever in endemic regions should be considered.

About the authors

Yulia A. Panferova

Saint-Petersburg Pasteur Institute, Federal Service on Consumers’ Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0001-5211-5086
Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

Olga A. Freylikhman

Saint-Petersburg Pasteur Institute, Federal Service on Consumers’ Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2850-728X

к.б.н., ведущий научный сотрудник

Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

Nikolay K. Tokarevich

Saint-Petersburg Pasteur Institute, Federal Service on Consumers’ Rights Protection and Human Well-Being Surveillance

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6433-3486


Russian Federation, Saint-Petersburg

Ekaterina V. Naydenova

Russian Scientific Anti-plague Institute “Microb”

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-6474-3696


Russian Federation, Saratov

Kirill S. Zakharov

Russian Scientific Anti-plague Institute “Microb”

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4726-309X


Russian Federation, Saratov

Ayslu M. Senichkina

Russian Scientific Anti-plague Institute “Microb”

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1026-2680


Russian Federation, Saratov

Dmitry A. Agafonov

Russian Scientific Anti-plague Institute “Microb”

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-9273-6063


Russian Federation, Saratov

Abdulay A. Nassour

Research Institute of Applied Biology


научный сотрудник

Guinea, Kindia

Oleg K. Konstantinov

Research Institute of Applied Biology



Guinea, Kindia

Boumbaly Sanaba

Research Institute of Applied Biology



Guinea, Kindia

Mamadou Yero Boiro

Research Institute of Applied Biology

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-3339-9380


Guinea, Kindia


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