Ашық рұқсат Ашық рұқсат  Рұқсат жабық Рұқсат берілді  Рұқсат жабық Тек жазылушылар үшін

Том 44, № 2 (2018)


The Symmetric and Topological Code of the Cluster Self-Assembly of the Icosahedral Structure of (Rb13)(Rb2O)3 (Fm-3c, cF184) Metal Oxide

Shevchenko V., Blatov V., Ilyushin G.


A search for crystal structures of AnOm metal oxides containing icosahedral i–A@A12 cluster precursors is performed (TOPOS program package, ICSD and CRYSTMET databases). Among 1802 metal oxides, the local region represented by i–Cs@Cs12 is determined in the Cs7O (P-6m2) metal oxide. In the case of the (Rb13)(Rb2O)3 (Fm-3c, cF184, V = 12409.8 Å3) metal oxide, the i–Rb@Rb12 cluster precursor with the symmetry m-3 and cluster spacers in the form of Rb–O–Rb chains, which occupy the pores in the threedimensional framework, are identified. Cluster i–Rb@Rb12 occupies position 8b with the highest possible crystallographic symmetry m-3 for icosahedron. The topological type of the basic 3D network, which characterizes the packing of cluster precursors Rb13, corresponds to a simple cubic 3D network Pc (Pm-3m, cP1) with CN = 6. The symmetric and topological codes of the self-assembly processes of the crystal structure from the nanocluster precursors S30 is fully reconstructed in the following form: primary chain S31→ microlayer S32→ microframework S33. Cluster precursors in the primary chain are flipped through 90° and are characterized by the maximum possible number of Rb–Rb bonds corresponding to 8 and this mechanism of local binding is realized at all stages of the self-assembly of the 3D framework structure. During the assembly of the primary chain and microlayer, there is additional binding of the Rb@Rb12 icosahedra via the Rb atoms of three-atomic cluster spacers Rb–O–Rb. In the 3D framework structure, in the local environment of Rb@Rb12, there are 12 Rb–O–Rb cluster spacers.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):55-61
pages 55-61 views

Special Features of Oxide Layer Formation on Magnesium Alloys during Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation

Kossenko A., Zinigrad M.


The process of the oxidation of magnesium alloys in a silicate electrolyte during plasma electrolytic oxidation is investigated. An anomalous form of the chronogram of the formation voltage of the oxide layer in the electrolytes with the highest silicate concentration (approximately 0.15 M Na2SiO3 · 5H2O) is detected. X-ray diffraction analysis, scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy analysis, and thickness gauges are used to characterize the surface microstructure, phase composition, and thickness, respectively. Mechanisms for the initial period of PEO and the “insular” growth were described. During the “insular” growth, islands consisting of vitrified components of the electrolyte are growing on the original smooth surface.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):62-70
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Structure of Ca–Sr–Ba Sodium–Borosilicate Glasses according to 11B and 29Si NMR Spectroscopy

Osipov A., Eremyashev V., Osipova L.


The structure of borosilicate glasses is studied with 11B and 29Si NMR spectroscopy in order to investigate the influence of replacement of Na2O by oxides of alkali earth metals on their local structure. The quantitative data are analyzed with respect to their correspondence to the criterion of the average charge of the structural unit. The reasons for the deviation between the experimental results and this criterion are considered. It is shown that, in the case of glass devoid of borate structural units with nonbridging oxygen atoms, the corrected contents of these units are consistent with the predictions of thermodynamic modeling of the structure and properties of oxide glasses.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):71-77
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Electronic Spectra and Structure of Molten Mixtures xNa2O–Re2O3–(100–x)B2O3 (Re = Pr, Nd)

Khokhryakov A., Vershinin A., Paivin A., Istomin S.


The results of the spectral studies of molten mixtures xNa2O–Re2O3–(100–x)B2O3 (Re = Pr, Nd; x = 0–50) at 1273 K are reported. In both the mixtures, the cyclical changes in the coordination numbers of boron atoms, for which the limits of the concentration variation of fourfold coordinated boron groups are specified, are observed with an increase in the concentration of Na2O. It is shown that the coordination numbers of the Pr(III) and Nd(III) ions increase from 6 to 8 in the range from 0 to 10 mol % of Na2O.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):78-84
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Ion-Exchange Interaction of Glass-Forming Silicate Melts with Mixed Chloride Melts

Sviridov S., Tyurnina N., Tyurnina Z., Kurilenko L.


The ion-exchange interaction of the sodium aluminosilicate and sodium galliumsilicate melts with a mixture of molten Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, and Ba chlorides is studied. It is established that two alkaline silicate melts are characterized by negative deviations from the ideal behavior, and silicate melts containing alkaline and alkaline-earth cations are characterized by noticeable positive deviations from the ideal behavior.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):85-91
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Analysis of the Parameters of the Mössbauer Spectra and the Spectra of Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance of the Superconducting Ceramic YBa2Cu3O7

Marchenko A., Nasredinov F., Kiselev V., Seregin P.


The parameters of the Mössbauer spectra on 67Cu(67Zn), 67Ga(67Zn) isotopes, and the data of nuclear quadrupole resonance on an 17O isotope are anlayzed, and the lattice gradient of the electric field for the crystal lattice YBa2Cu3O7 is calculated. It is shown that these parameters correspond to the model when the hole is predominantly in the sublattice of the oxygen chain.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):92-99
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Synthesis and Thermoelectric Properties of Ceramics Based on Bi2Ca2Co1.7Oy Oxide

Klyndyuk A., Krasutskaya N., Chizhova E.


Layered ceramics based on bismuth–calcium cobaltite with varied cobalt oxide contents is synthesized by the solid-phase method, the ceramics phase composition is determined, and the microstructure, thermal expansion, electroconductivity, and thermal electromotive force are investigated. The formation of just one compound, ternary oxide composed of Bi2Ca2Co1.7Oy, is established within the quasi-binary Bi2Ca2O5–CoOz system. The effect of the cobalt oxide content on the Bi2Ca2CoxOy ceramics’ microstructure and physicochemical properties is analyzed. The single-phased ceramic sample Bi2Ca2Co1.7Oy demonstrated the highest power factor value among all the investigated samples—26.0 μW/(m K2) at a temperature of 300 K. This sample showed the lowest value of the thermal linear expansion coefficient of 9.72 × 10–6 K–1.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):100-107
pages 100-107 views

Development of Approaches for Designing and Preparing Magnetic Nanocomposites Based on Zeolite Beta and Magnetite Nanoparticles under Hydrothermal Conditions

Golubeva O., Brazovskaya E., Ul’yanova N., Morozova Y.


Nanocomposites based on zeolite Beta and magnetite nanoparticles (MNs) are obtained under hydrothermal conditions. Nanoparticles synthesized under various conditions and having different surface properties are added at the preparatory stage of a zeolite Beta gel that is then subjected to hydrothermal treatment at 140°C for 48 h. It is found that modifying the surface of the nanoparticles by a cationic polymer, polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride (PDDAC) makes it possible to significantly increase the amount of magnetite introduced into the zeolite structure (up to 40 wt % compared to 2–10 wt % for unmodified particles) and obtain zeolites with a magnetic core that contain nanoparticles within the zeolite structure. It is shown that doping the initial gels with MNs allows obtaining magnetically sensitive zeolites with particles of 100 to 200 nm, which are 200 nm smaller than the zeolite particles obtained under the same conditions without doping.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):108-114
pages 108-114 views

Short Communications

Synthesis of Protonated Derivatives of Layered Perovskite-Like Bismuth Titanates

Silyukov O., Minich I., Zvereva I.


The possibility of synthesizing protonated derivatives of layered perovskite-like titanates Bi4Ti3O12, ABi4Ti4O15, (A = Ba, Sr, Ca) and K2.5Bi2.5Ti4O13 is experimentally investigated. It is established that in the case of Bi4Ti3O12 and ABi4Ti3O15, single-phased protonated derivatives cannot be obtained by treating the compounds with acid solutions, due to the partial dissolution of initial oxides, accompanied by the formation of titanium dioxide. In the case of K2.5Bi2.5Ti4O13 titanate, a number of new protonated and hydrated derivatives are obtained and described.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):115-119
pages 115-119 views

Laser Initiation of Photo- and Thermal Processes on a Pentaammine (5-Nytrotetrazolato-N2) Cobalt(III) Perchlorate Example

Ilyushin M., Tver’yanovich A., Tver’yanovich Y., Abdrashitov G., Aver’yanov A., Bal’makov M.


Microscopic mechanisms of photo- and thermal structural transformations initiated by laser radiation are considered. The results obtained are illustrated on an energy-saturated metal complex of pentaamine (5-nytrotetrazolato-N2) cobalt(III) perchlorate and its fullerene modifications.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):120-122
pages 120-122 views

Materials of the International Conference “Glass: Science and Practice 2017”

Study of the Physical Properties of Metallic Glasses at Cryogenic Temperatures

Chubraeva L.


The problems of using metallic glasses for fabricating magnetic cores of cryogenic and superconducting electrotechnical devices, operating at low temperatures of 77 K, are considered. The experience of creating a number of devices, including electric generators, motors and transformers with HTSC windings, is analyzed. The advantages and disadvantages of magnetic cores from annealed tapes are considered. The results of the study of losses and magnetic characteristics of domestic amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys before and after high-temperature annealing are presented.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):123-129
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Optical Glass Based on the East Sayan Mountain Quartzites

Nepomnyashchikh A., Volkova M., Zhaboedov A., Lesnikov A., Lesnikov P., Paklin A., Sizova T., Spiridonov A., Fedorov A., Shalaev A., Shendrik R.


Four types of high-purity quartzites from the Oka–Urik block, stock quartzites of the East Sayan Urengenur block, and granular quartz of the Patom plateau (vein 2821) are investigated. The textural and structural features and mineral and fluid inclusions (FIs) are determined for all types of raw quartz material. Schemes for producing high-purity quartz concentrates are developed for each type. Optical glass samples are produced by the vacuum-compression fusion and their spectral characteristics are measured.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):130-136
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Phase Separation and Crystallization of Phosphate–Silicate Glass Cores of Preforms of Fiber Optics

Iskhakova L., Milovich F., Erin D., Vel’miskin V., Semenov S.


The phase separation and the emergence of nanocrystalline inclusions in phosphate–silicate preforms for optical fibers activated with ytterbium, which are obtained by the powder sintering methods with the vibrational mixing of the melt and the addition of ytterbium-containing nanoparticles into preforms, are studied. Nanocrystals of YbPO4, SiO2, and YbP3O9 are formed in the preforms in the low-temperature areas of the powder sintering process when using either of the methods. It is concluded that the phosphates are crystallized as a result of the phase separation from the glass phase enriched with ytterbium.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):137-144
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A Novel Method for Preparing a Batch of Silicate Glasses Using Sodium and Potassium Hydroxides

Lavrov R., Mironovich L.


A novel method for preparing a batch of silicate glasses containing crystalline quartz, glass formers, modifiers, intermediates, and auxiliary components, including the physicochemical activation of high-melting batch components with the use of alkali metal hydroxides, is developed. The optimal technological parameters are determined and the general scheme for obtaining an agglomerate by the proposed method is presented. It is found that moisturizing the activated components of a glass batch with a KOH solution having a minimal concentration of 0.5% strengthens the agglomerate of the glass batch in comparison with moisturizing by water.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):145-151
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Synthesis of Foamed Glass Based on Slag and a Glycerol Pore-Forming Mixture

Yatsenko E., Gol’tsman B., Kosarev A., Karandashova N., Smolii V., Yatsenko L.


Foamed glass samples based on a glycerol pore-forming mixture at varied temperatures are synthesized. The structure and properties of the samples are investigated. The effect of varying the glycerol content on the structure and properties of the samples is determined. The optimal ratio of the components of the mixture for synthesizing foamed slag glass is revealed.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):152-155
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Prospective Metallic Glasses for High-Speed Electromechanical Energy Converters

Antipov V., Grozov A., Ivanova A.


The possibilities of using metal glasses for magnetic cores of high-speed miniturbogenerators with a rotation frequency of up to 100000 rpm are studied. The existing amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys satisfying the requirements for designing miniturbogenerators are anlayzed. A numerical experiment is performed, demonstrating that the use of the domestic amorphous GM-440V alloy provides the possibility to halve the weight of the generator and increase its efficiency by 2%. Domestic nanocrystalline alloys are not inferior to foreign alloys in terms of their characteristics; however, they do not have sufficiently high values of the saturation magnetic flux density for use in magnetic cores.

Glass Physics and Chemistry. 2018;44(2):156-161
pages 156-161 views

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