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卷 236, 编号 3 (2019)


On the Asymptotic Properties of Solutions of Functional-Differential Equations with Linearly Transformed Argument

Bel’skii D., Pelyukh G.


We establish new properties the of solutions of functional-differential equation with linearly transformed argument

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(3):225-237
pages 225-237 views

Stabilization of Solutions of a Nonlocal Problem Multipoint in Time for One Class of Evolutionary Pseudodifferential Equations

Verezhak H., Horodets’kyi V.


We show that the solution of a nonlocal problem multipoint in time for an evolutionary equation with differential operator of infinite order is stabilized to zero as t → + ∞ in the space of generalized functions of the form S′:

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(3):238-264
pages 238-264 views

Asymptotic Representations of Rapidly Varying Solutions of Essentially Nonlinear Second-Order Differential Equations

Gerzhanovskaya G.


We establish asymptotic representations for rapidly varying solutions of essentially nonlinear secondorder differential equations.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(3):265-283
pages 265-283 views

Asymptotic Behavior of Slowly Varying Solutions of Second-Order Ordinary Binomial Differential Equations with Rapidly Varying Nonlinearity

Evtukhov V., Chernikova A.


We establish new conditions for the existence of slowly varying solutions of a second-order differential binomial nonautonomous equation with rapidly varying nonlinearity. We also determine the asymptotic representations for these solutions and their first derivatives as tω, ω ≤ + ∞.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(3):284-299
pages 284-299 views

Global Attractor of an Impulsive Dynamical System Generated by The wave Equation

Kapustyan O., Romanyuk I.


We prove the existence and invariance of a global attractor for a discontinuous system generated by the wave equation such that solutions of the system undergo impulsive perturbations when they reach a certain fixed subset of the phase space.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(3):300-312
pages 300-312 views

Bifurcation Conditions for the Solutions of the Lyapunov Equation in a Hilbert Space

Panasenko E., Pokutnyi O.


We establish sufficient conditions for the bifurcation of solutions of the boundary-value problems for the Lyapunov equation in Hilbert spaces. The cases where the generating equation has or does not have solutions are analyzed. As an example, we consider the problem in the space l2 of sequences with matrices of countable dimensions.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(3):313-332
pages 313-332 views

Three-Step Averaging Scheme for Set-Valued Differential Equations with Generalized Derivative

Skripnik N.


We substantiate applicability of a three-step averaging scheme to set-valued differential equations with generalized derivative.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(3):333-342
pages 333-342 views

Solvability of Difference Equations with Nonuniformly Contracting Operators in the Space of Two-Sided Sequences

Slyusarchuk V.


We establish existence and uniqueness conditions for the solutions of difference equations with contracting compact operators in the metric space of two-sided sequences.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(3):343-353
pages 343-353 views

Continuability and Boundedness of Solutions for a Kind of Nonlinear Delay Integrodifferential Equations of the Third Order

Tunç C., Ayhan T.


In the paper, we consider a nonlinear integrodifferential equation of the third order with delay. We establish sufficient conditions guaranteeing the global existence and boundedness of the solutions of the analyzed equation. We use the Lyapunov second method to prove the main result. An example is also given to illustrate the applicability of our result. The result of this paper is new and improves previously known results.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(3):354-366
pages 354-366 views

Oscillatory Solutions of Some Autonomous Partial Differential Equations with a Parameter

Herrmann L.


We study a class of evolutionary partial differential equations depending on a parameter τ (stemming from the problems of groundwater flows). The existence of an open interval ????0 of the parameter τ and of a function τ ⟼ Θ(τ), Θ: ????0 ⟼(0, + ∞), is proved with the property that any nonzero global solution u:ℝ+ × Ω → ℝ of the equation cannot remain nonnegative (nonpositive) throughout the set J × Ω; where J ⊂ ℝ+ is any interval whose length is greater than Θ (τ). In other words, these solutions are globally oscillatory and Θ (τ) is the uniform oscillatory time. The interval ????0 and the function Θ are explicitly determined.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(3):367-375
pages 367-375 views