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卷 225, 编号 4 (2017)



Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(4):535-535
pages 535-535 views

Argument Shift Method and Sectional Operators: Applications to Differential Geometry

Bolsinov A.


This paper is an attempt to present, in a systematic way, a construction that establishes an interesting relationship between some ideas and notions well known in the theory of integrable systems on Lie algebras and a rather different area of mathematics studying projectively equivalent Riemannian and pseudo-Riemannian metrics.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(4):536-554
pages 536-554 views

Analyzing the Data Bank of Proteins Space Structures (PDB): A Geometrical Approach

Vilkul E., Ivanov A., Mishchenko A., Popelenskii T., Tuzhilin A., Shaytan K.


A geometrical approach to the analysis of a data bank containing information on space structures of proteins is suggested. As a result of the analysis, several relationships concerning possible conformations are found, and also there is obtained a list of polypeptides whose structures differ essentially from typical concepts of the 3D-structure of proteins. Those deviations could indicate possible errors and gaps of the interpreting models in use, as well as some new unknown relations and rules.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(4):555-564
pages 555-564 views

On Fixed Points of Acyclic Type Multivalued Maps

Gel’man B., Obukhovskii V.


We present new fixed point theorems for acyclic type multivalued maps, including a nonlinear alternative for a map defined on an open set.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(4):565-574
pages 565-574 views

The Newton–Nelson Equation on Fiber Bundles with Connections

Gliklikh Y., Vinokurova N.


The paper is a survey with modifications on the research of the so-called Newton–Nelson equation (the equation of motion in Nelson’s stochastic mechanics) on the total space of a bundle in two cases: where the base of the bundle is a Riemannian manifold and the bundle is real and where the base of the bundle is a Lorentz manifold and the bundle is complex. In the latter case, we describe the relations with the equation of motion of the quantum particle in the classical gauge field (the above-mentioned connection). Moreover, a certain second-order ordinary differential equation on the bundle with connection that is interpreted as the equation of motion of the classical particle in the classical gauge field is described.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(4):575-589
pages 575-589 views

On Wood Basis for the mod p Steenrod Algebra

Emelyanov D.


The purpose of this paper is to generalize results of R. M. W. Wood on monomial bases for the mod 2 Steenrod algebra to the mod p Steenrod algebra, p > 2.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(4):590-595
pages 590-595 views

Invariant Foliations of Nondegenerate Bi-Hamiltonian Structures

Kozlov I.


In this paper, we describe all invariant distributions of nondegenerate bi-Hamiltonian structures and investigate their integrability in the neighborhood of a generic point.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(4):596-610
pages 596-610 views

Liouville Integrable Generalized Billiard Flows and Poncelet Type Theorems

Kudryavtseva E.


“Glued geodesic flows” and, in particular, “generalized billiard flows” on Riemannian manifolds with boundary, and geodesic flows on piecewise smooth Riemannian manifolds are studied. We develop the approaches of Lazutkin (1993) and Tabachnikov (1993) for proving the Poncelet type closure theorems via applying the classical Liouville theorem to the billiard flow (respectively to the billiard map). We prove that the condition on the refraction/reflection law to respect the Huygens principle is not only sufficient, but also necessary for “local Liouville integrability” of the glued geodesic flow, more precisely for pairwise commutation of the “glued flows” corresponding to a maximal collection of local first integrals in involution homogeneous in momenta. A similar criterion for “local Liouville integrability” of the succession/billiard map is obtained.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(4):611-638
pages 611-638 views

Lower Bounds for the Circuit Size of Partially Homogeneous Polynomials

Lê H.


In this paper, we associate to each multivariate polynomial f that is homogeneous relative to a subset of its variables a series of polynomial families P(f) of m-tuples of homogeneous polynomials of equal degree such that the circuit size of any member in P(f) is bounded from above by the circuit size of f. This provides a method for obtaining lower bounds for the circuit size of f by proving (s, r)-(weak) elusiveness of the polynomial mapping associated with P(f). We discuss some algebraic methods for proving the (s, r)-(weak) elusiveness. We also improve estimates for the normal-homogeneous form of an arithmetic circuit obtained by Raz, which results in better lower bounds for circuit size. Our methods yield nontrivial lower bound for the circuit size of several classes of multivariate homogeneous polynomials.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(4):639-657
pages 639-657 views

Structure Graphs of Rings: Definitions and First Results

Lipkovski A.


The quadratic Vieta formulas (x, y) ↦ (u, v) = (x + y, xy) in the complex geometry define a two-fold branched covering ℂ22 ramified over the parabola u2 = 4v. Thinking about topics considered in Arnold’s paper Topological content of the Maxwell theorem on multipole representation of spherical functions, I came to a very simple idea: in fact, these formulas describe the algebraic structure, i.e., addition and multiplication, of complex numbers. What if, instead of the field of complex numbers, we consider an arbitrary ring? Namely for an arbitrary ring A (commutative, with unity) consider the mapping Φ: A2→ A2 defined by the Vieta formulas (x, y) ↦ (u, v) = (x + y, xy). What kind of algebraic properties of the ring itself does this map reflect? At first, it is interesting to investigate the simplest finite rings A = ℤm and A = ℤk×m. Recently, it has been very popular to consider graphs associated to rings (the zero-divisor graph, the Cayley graph, etc.). In the present paper, we study the directed graph defined by the Vieta mapping Φ.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(4):658-665
pages 658-665 views

Fomenko Invariants in the Asymptotic Theory of the Navier–Stokes Equations

Maslov V., Shafarevich A.


We discuss connections between Fomenko invariants of Liouville foliations and asymptotic solutions of the Navier–Stokes equations that describe vortex structures in an incompressible fluid.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(4):666-680
pages 666-680 views

Reduction and Integrability of Stochastic Dynamical Systems

Zung N., Thien N.


This paper is devoted to the study of qualitative geometrical properties of stochastic dynamical systems, namely their symmetries, reduction, and integrability. In particular, we show that an SDS that is diffusion-wise symmetric with respect to a proper Lie group action can be diffusion-wise reduced to an SDS on the quotient space. We also show necessary and sufficient conditions for an SDS to be projectable via a surjective map. We then introduce the notion of integrability of SDS’s, and extend the results on the existence and structure-preserving property of Liouville torus actions from the classical case to the case of integrable SDS’s. We also show how integrable SDS’s are related to compatible families of integrable Riemannian metrics on manifolds.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(4):681-706
pages 681-706 views

Hermitian Algebraic K-Theory and the Root System D

Popelensky T.


For the root system D, we construct an analog of the Wagoner complex used in his proof of the equivalence of \( {K}_{\ast}^Q \) and \( {K}_{\ast}^{BN} \) (linear) algebraic K-theories. We prove that the corresponding K-theory \( {KU}_{\ast}^D \) for the even orthogonal group is naturally isomorphic to the \( {KU}_{\ast}^{BN} \)-theory constructed by Yu. P. Solovyov and A. I. Nemytov.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(4):707-710
pages 707-710 views

Isometry Groups of 4-Dimensional Nilpotent Lie Groups

Šukilović T.


The main purpose of this paper is to give a complete description of isometry groups on the 4-dimensional simply connected nilpotent Lie groups. We distinguish between two geometrically distinct cases of degenerate and nondegenerate center of the group. Since Walker metrics appear as the underlying structure of neutral signature metrics on the nilpotent Lie groups with degenerate center, we find necessary and sufficient condition for them to locally admit the nilpotent group of isometries.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;225(4):711-721
pages 711-721 views