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卷 214, 编号 5 (2016)


The Length of an Extremal Network in a Normed Space: Maxwell Formula

Bannikova A., Ilyutko D., Nikonov I.


In the present paper we consider local minimal and extremal networks in normed spaces. It is well known that in the case of the Euclidean space these two classes coincide and the length of a local minimal network can be found by using only the coordinates of boundary vertices and the directions of boundary edges (the Maxwell formula). Moreover, as was shown by Ivanov and Tuzhilin [15], the length of a local minimal network in the Euclidean space can be found by using the coordinates of boundary vertices and the structure of the network. In the case of an arbitrary norm there are local minimal networks that are not extremal networks, and an analogue of the formula mentioned above is only true for extremal networks; this is the main result of the paper. Moreover, we generalize the Maxwell formula for the case of extremal networks in normed spaces and give an explicit construction of norming functionals used in the formula for several normed spaces.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(5):593-608
pages 593-608 views

On the Combinatorics of Smoothing

Chrisman M.


Many invariants of knots rely upon smoothing the knot at its crossings. To compute them, it is necessary to know how to count the number of connected components the knot diagram is broken into after the smoothing. In this paper, it is shown how to use a modification of a theorem of Zulli together with a modification of the spectral theory of graphs to approach such problems systematically. We give an application to counting subdiagrams of pretzel knots which have one component after oriented and unoriented smoothings.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(5):609-631
pages 609-631 views

Graph-Links: Nonrealizability, Orientation, and Jones Polynomial

Ilyutko D., Safina V.


The present paper is devoted to graph-links with many components and consists of two parts. In the first part of the paper we classify vertices of a labeled graph according to the component they belong to. Using this classification, we construct an invariant of graph-links. This invariant shows that the labeled second Bouchet graph generates a nonrealizable graph-link.

In the second part of the work we introduce the notion of an oriented graph-link. We define a writhe number for the oriented graph-link and we get an invariant of oriented graph-links, the Jones polynomial, by normalizing the Kauffman bracket with the writhe number.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(5):632-664
pages 632-664 views

On Large Subgraphs with Small Chromatic Numbers Contained in Distance Graphs

Kokotkin A., Raigorodskii A.


It is proved that each distance graph on a plane has an induced subgraph with a chromatic number that is at most 4 containing over 91% of the vertices of the original graph. This result is used to obtain the asymptotic growth rate for a threshold probability that a random graph is isomorphic to a certain distance graph on a plane. Several generalizations to larger dimensions are proposed.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(5):665-674
pages 665-674 views

On the Volume of Hyperbolic Octahedra with Nontrivial Symmetry

Krasnov V.


In the present paper from Derevnin–Mednykh’s formula we obtain integral formulas for the volume of an arbitrary hyperbolic octahedron with mmm- and 2|m-symmetry in terms of dihedral angles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(5):675-686
pages 675-686 views

On the Chromatic Numbers of Integer and Rational Lattices

Manturov V.


In this paper, we give new upper bounds for the chromatic numbers for integer lattices and some rational spaces and other lattices. In particular, we have proved that for any concrete integer number d, the chromatic number of ℤn with critical distance \( \sqrt{2d} \) has a polynomial growth in n with exponent less than or equal to d (sometimes this estimate is sharp). The same statement is true not only in the Euclidean norm, but also in any lp norm. Moreover, we have given concrete estimates for some small dimensions as well as upper bounds for the chromatic number of pn, where by ℚp we mean the ring of all rational numbers having denominators not divisible by some prime numbers.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(5):687-698
pages 687-698 views

Weak Parities and Functorial Maps

Nikonov I.


We consider functorial maps and weak parities that are two equivalent descriptions of one object. Functorial maps allow one to transform knots and extend knot invariants with these transformations. We introduce maximal weak parity and calculate it for knots in a given closed oriented surface. The weak parity induce a projection from virtual knots onto classical ones.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(5):699-717
pages 699-717 views

Bruns–Gubeladze K-Groups for Quadrangular Pyramid

Popelensky T., Prikhodko M.


We study a recently developed generalization of algebraic K-theory which has a balanced polytope as a parameter. The corresponding Steinberg group for the quadrangular pyramid is studied and K-groups are calculated.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(5):718-727
pages 718-727 views

An Invariant of Knots in Thickened Surfaces

Zenkina M.


In the present paper, we construct an invariant of knots in the thickened sphere with g handles dependent on 2g + 3 variables. In the construction of the invariant we use the Wirtinger presentation of the knot group and the concept of parity introduced by Manturov [9]. In the present paper, we also consider examples of knots in the thickened torus considered in [2] such that their nonequivalence is proved by using the constructed polynomial.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(5):728-740
pages 728-740 views