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卷 214, 编号 3 (2016)


Georgii Ivanovich Petrashen’ 1914–2004

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(3):247-247
pages 247-247 views

On the Excitation Coefficient of a Wave Propagating Along the Edge of an Elastic Wedge

Babich V.


A formula for the excitation coefficient of a wave propagating along the edge of an elastic wedge is derived. The source of oscillations is a force concentrated at a point inside the wedge. The case of harmonic oscillations is considered. Bibliography: 5 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(3):248-251
pages 248-251 views

On a Problem in the Calculus of Variations

Belishev M., Ivanov A.


The paper has a scientific-methodical nature. The classical soap film shape (minimal surface) problem is considered, the film being stretched between two parallel coaxial rings. An analytic approach based on the relations to the Sturm–Liouville problem is proposed. An interpretation of the energy terms of the classical Goldschmidt condition is discussed. The appearance of a soliton potential when analyzing the second variation is noticed. Bibliography: 3 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(3):252-259
pages 252-259 views

Plane Waves, Bateman’s Solutions, and Sources at Infinity

Blagoveshchensky A.


For the three-dimensional wave equation, two equivalent statements are proved: (1) plane waves are not generated by a source at infinity; (2) Bateman’s solution (the solution that is obtained by application of the Kelvin–Bateman transformation to a plane wave) is a solution of the wave equation everywhere in4. Bibliography: 5 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(3):260-267
pages 260-267 views

Integral Symmetry for the Confluent Heun Equation with an Added Apparent Singularity

Kazakov A.


The confluent Heun equation with an added apparent singular point is under consideration. A new integral transform connecting solutions of this equation with different parameters is obtained. The kernel of this transform is a suitable solution of the confluent hypergeometric equation. Bibliography: 22 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(3):268-276
pages 268-276 views

Merging of Asymptotics in the Illuminated Part of the Fock Domain

Kirpichnikova N., Popov M.


Investigation of the shortwave diffraction by elongated bodies of revolution requires a detailed consideration of matching of local asymptotics in the illuminated part of the Fock domain. In the paper, that task is solved by means of a straightforward construction of the reflected wave with the help of the ray method. The main problem on the way, which was judged by V. A. Fock as a rather complicated one, is the calculation of the eikonal and the geometric spreading in curvilinear coordinates used in the boundary layer method in the vicinity of the light-shadow zone. Bibliography: 9 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(3):277-286
pages 277-286 views

A Simple One-Dimensional Model of a False Aneurysm in the Femoral Artery

Kozlov V., Nazarov S.


Using the dimension reduction procedure, a one-dimensional model of a periodic blood flow in the artery through a small hole in a thin elastic wall to a spindle-shaped hematoma, is constructed. This model is described by a system of two parabolic and one hyperbolic equations provided with mixed boundary and periodicity conditions. The blood exchange between the artery and the hematoma is expressed by the Kirchhoff transmission conditions. Despite the simplicity, the constructed model allows us to describe the damping of a pulsating blood flow by the hematoma and to determine the condition of its growth. In medicine, the biological object considered is called a false aneurysm. Bibliography: 15 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(3):287-301
pages 287-301 views

The Parabolic Equation Method and the Fresnel Approximation in the Application to Weinstein’s Problems

Korolkov A., Shanin A.


The problem of diffraction of a high-frequency plane wave by a grating composed of absorbing screens is studied. Difficulties of a correct mathematical formulation are discussed. It is shown how this problem is connected with the classical Weinstein’s problem of reflection by an open end of a planar waveguide. All results are proved by two different approaches, namely, by the parabolic equation approach and by the method of Fresnel integrals. The equivalence of these approaches allows one to use the Fresnel integrals for rigorous arguments, while the integral equation method can be used to get a clear physical understanding of the results.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(3):302-321
pages 302-321 views

Integral Equations and the Scattering Diagram in the Problem of Diffraction by Two Shifted Contacting Wedges with Polygonal Boundary

Lyalinov M.


The acoustic problem of diffraction by two wedges with different wave velocities is studied. It is assumed that the wedges with parallel edges have a common part of the boundary and the second wedge is shifted with respect of the first one in the orthogonal to the edges direction along the common part of the boundary. The wave field is governed by the Helmholtz equations. On the polygonal boundary, separating these shifted wedges from the exterior, the Dirichlet boundary condition is satisfied. The wave field is excited by an infinite filamentary source, which is parallel to the edges. In these conditions, the problem is effectively two-dimensional. The Kontorovich–Lebedev transform is applied to separate the radial and angular variables and to reduce the problem at hand to integral equations of the second kind for so-called spectral functions. The kernel of the integral equations given in the form of an integral of the product of Macdonald functions is analytically transformed to a simplified expression. For the problem at hand, some reductions of the equations are also discussed for the limiting or degenerate values of parameters. Making use of an alternative integral representation of the Sommerfeld type, expressions for the scattering diagram are then given in terms of spectral functions. Bibliography: 24 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(3):322-336
pages 322-336 views

Wave Front Sets of the Buldyrev Head Wave and Whispering Gallery Waves

Matskovskiy A.


The diffraction of waves, produced by a point source, on an inhomogeneous half-plane is considered. The square of the wave number inside an inhomogeneous region is assumed to decrease linearly with the distance from the division boundary. Using the results obtained earlier, the Buldyrev head wave and whispering gallery waves are analyzed.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(3):337-343
pages 337-343 views

On an Inverse Problem for a One-Dimensional Two-Velocity Dynamical System

Pestov A.


The evolution of the dynamical system under consideration is governed by the wave equation ρutt − (γux)x + Aux + Bu = 0, x>0, t > 0, with the zero initial Cauchy data and Dirichlet boundary control at x = 0. Here, ρ, γ, A, B are smooth 2 × 2–matrix-valued functions of x; ρ = diag {ρ1, ρ2} and γ = diag {γ1, γ2} are matrices with positive entries; u = u(x, t) is a solution (an ℝ2-valued function). In applications, the system corresponds to one-dimensional models, in which there are two types of wave modes, which propagate with different velocities and interact with each other. The “input→state” correspondence is realized by the response operator R : u(0, t) _→ γ(0)ux(0, t), t ≥ 0, which plays the role of inverse data. The representations for the coefficients A and B, which are used for their determination via the response operator, are derived. An example of two systems with the same response operator is given, where in the first system the wave modes do not interact, whereas in the second one the interaction does occur. Bibliography: 3 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(3):344-371
pages 344-371 views

Gaussian Wave Packets Based on “Complex Sources”

Tagirdzhanov A., Kiselev A.


The paper concerns simple solutions of the linear wave equation with 3 spatial variables. The solutions describe wave packets exponentially localized near a point moving with the light speed. The construction is based on the notion of “complex source.”

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(3):372-381
pages 372-381 views

Some Relations Between the Spheroidal and Spherical Wave Functions

Farafonov V., Voshchinnikov N., Semenova E.


New relations are found between the spheroidal and spherical wave functions, as well as between the spheroidal functions related to different spheroidal coordinate systems. The systems must have a common origin of coordinates and a common symmetry axis of coordinate surfaces. The applicability ranges of the relations obtained are discussed. Numerical test calculations have demonstrated a high efficiency of the relations, specifically those for wave functions including the radial functions of the first kind. As a particular case, relations are considered between prolate and oblate spheroidal wave functions including radial functions of the first and second kinds. These relations are necessary for solving the light scattering problem for nonconfocal layered spheroidal particles. Bibliography: 15 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(3):382-391
pages 382-391 views

The Dynamical Inverse Problem for a Lamé Type System (The BC Method)

Fomenko V.


In the paper, for a Lamé type system the inverse problem of recovering the fast and slow wave velocities from the boundary dynamical data (the response operator) is solved. The velocities are determined in a near-boundary domain, the depth of determination being proportional to the observation time. The BC-method, which is an approach to inverse problems based on their connections with boundary control theory, is used.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;214(3):392-421
pages 392-421 views