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卷 213, 编号 2 (2016)



Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(2):131-131
pages 131-131 views

Retractable and Coretractable Modules

Abyzov A., Tuganbaev A.


In this paper, we study mod-retractable modules, CSL-modules, fully Kasch modules, and their interrelations. Right fully Kasch rings are described. It is proved that for a module M of finite length, the following conditions are equivalent. (1) In the category σ(M), every module is retractable. (2) In the category σ(M), every module is coretractable. (3) M is a CSL-module. (4) ExtR1 (S1, S2) = 0 for any two simple nonisomorphic modules S1, S2σ(M). (5) M is a fully Kasch module.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(2):132-142
pages 132-142 views

A Remark on Commutative Arithmetic Rings

Golod E.


It is proved that a commutative ring with identity R is arithmetic (i.e., the ideal lattice of R is distributive) if and only if for any finitely generated (or any finitely presented) R-module M and any ideal I of R the equality I +AnnM = Ann(M/IM) holds.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(2):143-144
pages 143-144 views

Prime Radical of Loops and Ω-Loops. I

Gribov A., Mikhalev A.


In this paper, main properties of a commutator of two normal subloops of a loop are considered. The notion of a prime radical of loops is introduced and its characterization as a set of strongly Engel elements is given. Also an Ω-prime radical of Ω-loops is defined and its elementwise characterization is given.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(2):145-157
pages 145-157 views

On Strong Indecomposability of the Dedekind Ring Localization

Grishin A.


Abstract. In this work, we study the question of sufficient conditions for strong indecomposability of Dedekind rings as finite rank modules over their Dedekind subrings. This question was considered earlier in the special case of rings of algebraic integers. Necessary and sufficient conditions are given for Galois extensions. The question of k-indecomposability is also considered.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(2):158-162
pages 158-162 views

Descriptive Spaces and Proper Classes of Functions

Zakharov V., Mikhalev A., Rodionov T.


Abstract. The remarkable class of measurable functions was introduced by classics of function theory. It has found different applications in various branches of mathematics. However this class turned out too restrictive for solving some natural mathematical problems because it is essentially connected with the property of countability. Therefore, along with it another remarkable class, essentially connected with the property of finiteness, was introduced. It is the class of uniform functions. Measurable functions are described both in the classical Lebesgue–Borel language of preimages and in the quite new language of covers. Uniform functions are described in the language of covers exclusively. Both the families of measurable functions and the families of uniform functions are determined by the rigid structure of their supports (descriptive spaces). For this reason, mathematicians weakened more that once the rigidity of the structure of descriptive spaces at the expense of using the additional property of negligence. The present paper is devoted to a contemporary formalization of the indicated ideas. Some applications of the introduced classes of functions to solving a number of known mathematical problems is traced in the paper.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(2):163-200
pages 163-200 views

Algebraic Simplification and Cryptographic Motives

Latyshev V.


Abstract. Algebraic simplification is considered from the general point of view. The main notion here is the so-called scheme of simplification due to the author. For a corepresented algebra, simplificators are related to the standard basis (Gröbner basis, Gröbner–Shirshov basis) of the ideal of defining relations. We introduce as a main subject for study the class of algebras that may be obtained from ordered semigroup algebras by “deformation” in some sense. This class contains free associative algebras and universal enveloping algebras of Lie algebras. Primary attention is paid to the latter algebras. Some possible applications to cryptography are given.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(2):201-210
pages 201-210 views

On Algorithmic Methods of Analysis of Two-Colorings of Hypergraphs

Lebedeva A.


Abstract. This paper deals with an extremal problem concerning hypergraph colorings. Let k be an integer. The problem is to find the value mk(n) equal to the minimum number of edges in an n-uniform hypergraph not admitting two-colorings of the vertex set such that every edge of the hypergraph contains at least k vertices of each color. In this paper, we obtain upper bounds of mk(n) for small k and n, the exact value of m4(8), and a lower bound for m3(7).

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(2):211-229
pages 211-229 views

Bases and Dimension of Vector Spaces Over Lattices

Marenich E., Marenich V.


Abstract. In this paper, we give a consistent presentation of dimension properties and properties of bases for vector spaces over distributive lattices. The bases consisting of join irreducible vectors are studied and their uniqueness is proved. Criteria for the following are proved: the set of join irreducible vectors is a generating set for a vector space; this set is a vector space basis; all bases contain the same number of vectors. A criterion of uniqueness for the basis is proved. The basis containing the greatest number of vectors is found. We give a description for all standard bases of a vector space. We prove a theorem allowing one to calculate the space dimension and to find the basis of the smallest number of vectors by known algorithms. These results are applied to vector spaces over chains: we prove that there exists a standard basis, that the basis of join irreducible vectors is the standard basis, that a standard basis is unique. We calculate the dimension of the arithmetic space and describe all bases containing the smallest number of vectors. It is proved that all such bases are standard.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(2):230-242
pages 230-242 views

On Pierce Stalks of Semirings

Markov R., Chermnykh V.


In this paper, we investigate Pierce stalks of semirings and properties of semirings lifted from properties of the stalks. We distinguish classes of semirings that admit characterization by properties of their Pierce sheaves.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(2):243-253
pages 243-253 views

Varieties of Associative Rings Containing a Finite Ring that is Nonrepresentable by a Matrix Ring Over a Commutative Ring

Mekei A.


In this paper, we give examples of infinite series of finite rings Bv(m) , where m ≥ 2, 0 ≤ v ≤ p−1, and p is a prime number, that are not representable by matrix rings over commutative rings, and we describe the basis of polynomial identities of these rings. We prove here that every variety var Bv(m) , where m = 2 or m − 1 = (p − 1)k, k ≥ 1, and p ≥ 3 or p = 2 and m ≥ 3, 0 ≤ v < p, and p is a prime number, is a minimal variety containing a finite ring that is nonrepresentable by a matrix ring over a commutative ring. Therefore, we describe almost finitely representable varieties of rings whose generating ring contains an idempotent element of additive order p.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(2):254-267
pages 254-267 views

Arithmetical Rings and Quasi-Projective Ideals

Tuganbaev A.


It is proved that a commutative ring A is arithmetical if and only if every finitely generated ideal M of the ring A is a quasi-projective A-module and every endomorphism of this module can be extended to an endomorphism of the module AA. These results are proved with the use of some general results on invariant arithmetical rings.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(2):268-271
pages 268-271 views

Periodic Residually Finite Groups with Abelian Subgroups of Finite Ranks

Chubarova E.


In this paper, the investigation of groups with additional finiteness conditions is continued. Criteria of residual finiteness and of almost local solvability of a periodic F* -group are obtained.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(2):272-275
pages 272-275 views

The Structure of Finite Distributive Lattices

Shmatkov V.


This paper is devoted to the structure that describes the construction of finite distributive lattices. From the viewpoint of application, we consider algorithms of construction and enumeration of distributive lattices and partially ordered sets for finite distributive lattices: A formula for finding the maximum anti-chain with respect to nonintersection is given, it is shown that elements of the lattice can be split into pairs according to comparison, the point of the maximum number of elements in the lattices is considered, and the structure of lattice congruence is described.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(2):276-280
pages 276-280 views

A Difference Property for Functions with Bounded Second Differences on Amenable Topological Groups

Shtern A.


Let G be a topological group. For a function f : G → ℝ and hG, the right difference function Δhf is defined by Δhf(g) = f(gh) − f(g) (gG). A function H: G → ℝ is said to be additive if it satisfies the Cauchy functional equation H(g + h) = H(g) + H(h) for every g, hG. A class F of real-valued functions defined on G is said to have the difference property if, for every function f : G → ℝ satisfying ΔhfF for every hG, there is an additive function H such that f − HF. The Erdős conjecture claiming that the class of continuous functions on ℝ has the difference property was proved by de Bruijn; later on, Carroll and Koehl proved a similar result for the compact Abelian groups and, under an additional assumption, for the compact metric groups, namely, under the assumption that all functions of the form ∇hf(g) = f(hg)−f(g), gG, are Haar measurable for every hG. One of the consequences of this assumption is the boundedness of the function {g, h}f(gh) − f(g) − f(h) + f(e), g, hG, for every function f on a compact group G for which the difference functions Δhf are continuous for every hG and the functions ∇hf are Haar measurable for every hG (e stands for the identity element of the group G). In the present paper, we consider the difference property under the very strong assumption that the function {g, h}f(gh) − f(g) − f(h) + f(e), g, hG, is bounded. This assumption enables us to obtain results concerning difference properties not only for functions on groups but also for functions on homogeneous spaces.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;213(2):281-286
pages 281-286 views