
A Note on Characterizations of the Exponential Distribution*
Ushakov N., Ushakov V.
Probabilities of Small Deviations of the Weighted Sum of Independent Random Variables with Common Distribution That Decreases at Zero Not Faster Than a Power
Rozovsky L.
Moment-Type Estimates for Characteristic Functions with Application to Von Mises Inequality*
Shevtsova I.
Partial logarithmic derivatives and distribution of zeros of analytic functions in the unit ball of bounded L-index in joint variables
Bandura A., Skaskiv O.
Estimation of the Parameters of Fractional-Stable Laws by the Method of Minimum Distance*
Saenko V.
Convolution equations and mean-value theorems for solutions of linear elliptic equations with constant coefficients in the complex plane
Trofymenko O.
A Non-Uniform Bound of the Remainder Term in the Central Limit Theorem for Bernoulli Random Variables
Nagaev S., Chebotarev V., Zolotukhin A.
Polynomials with integer coefficients and Chebyshev polynomials
Trigub R.
Synthesis of Radiating Systems with Flat Aperture According to a Given Power Directivity Pattern. ІІ. Finding Solutions at the Bifurcation Points
Savenko P.
Nonprobabilistic Infinitely Divisible Distributions: The Lévy-Khinchin Representation, Limit Theorems
Platonova M.
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