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Том 242, № 5 (2019)


On Parametrization of the Symplectic Quotient of the Cartesian Product of Coadjoint Orbits of the Complex General Linear Group with Respect to its Diagonal Action

Babich M.


We consider the problem of coordinatizing the manifold constructed via the Marsden–Weinstein quotient. Rational canonical coordinates on the symplectic reduction with respect to the diagonal action of the general linear group on the Cartesian product of coadjoint orbits in the case of the complex general linear group are constructed on an algebraically open subset of the quotient space. The method is based on an iterative process of constructing projection-flag coordinates, and works if the matrices constituting the orbits have a sufficiently rich set of invariant subspaces.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;242(5):587-594
pages 587-594 views

Necessary Conditions for Point Equivalence of Second-Order Odes to the Sixth Painlevé Equation

Bagderina Y.


We consider the equivalence problem for projective-type scalar second-order ordinary differential equations with respect to invertible point changes of variables. Invariants of the equivalence transformation group of this family of equations are used to find necessary conditions for equivalence to the sixth Painlevé equation.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;242(5):595-607
pages 595-607 views

The Q-Operator for the Quantum NLS Model

Belousov N., Derkachov S.


In this paper, we show that an operator introduced by A. A. Tsvetkov enjoys all the necessary properties of a Q-operator. It is shown that the Q-operator of the XXX spin chain with spin ℓ turns into Tsvetkov’s operator in the continuous limit as ℓ→∞. Bibliography: 18 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;242(5):608-627
pages 608-627 views

The Ground-State Vector of the XY Heisenberg Chain and the Gauss Decomposition

Bogoliubov N., Malyshev C.


We consider the XY Heisenberg spin \( \frac{1}{2} \) chain in the fermion representation. The construction of the ground-state vector is based on the group-theoretical approach. An exact expression for the ground-state vector will allow one to study the combinatorics of the correlation functions of the model.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;242(5):628-635
pages 628-635 views

The Partition Function of the Four-Vertex Model in a Special External Field

Bogoliubov N., Malyshev C.


The exactly solvable four-vertex model on a square grid with the fixed boundary conditions in a presence of a special external field is considered. Namely, we study a system in a linear field acting on the central column of the grid. The partition function of the model is calculated by the quantum inverse scattering method. The answer is written in determinantal form.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;242(5):636-641
pages 636-641 views

The Scalar Products of the Regular Analytic Vectors of the Laplace Operator in the Solenoidal Subspace

Bolokhov T.


The Laplace operator on the subspace of solenoidal vector functions of three variables vanishing together with their first derivatives at selected points xn, n = 1, . . .,N, is a symmetric operator with deficiency indices (3N, 3N). The calculation of the scalar products of its regular analytic vectors is the key step in the construction of the resolvents of its self-adjoint extensions via Krein’s formula.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;242(5):642-650
pages 642-650 views

On Differential Operators for Chebyshev Polynomials in Several Variables

Damaskinsky E., Sokolov M.


We obtain differential operators for the bivariate Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind associated with the root systems of the simple Lie algebras C2 and G2.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;242(5):651-657
pages 651-657 views

Separation of Variables for the Quantum SL(3,ℂ) Spin Magnet: Eigenfunctions of the Sklyanin B-Operator

Derkachov S., Valinevich P.


The quantum SL(3,ℂ)-invariant spin magnet with infinite-dimensional principal series representation in local spaces is considered. We construct eigenfunctions of the Sklyanin B-operator which define the representation of separated variables of the model.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;242(5):658-682
pages 658-682 views

On the Application of the Matrix Formalism for the Heat Kernel to Number Theory

Ivanov A.


Earlier, in the study of combinatorial properties of the heat kernel of the Laplace operator with covariant derivative, a diagram technique and matrix formalism were constructed. In particular, the obtained formalism allows one to control the coefficients of the heat kernel, which is useful for calculations. In this paper, we consider a simple case with an Abelian connection in the two-dimensional space. This model allows us to give a mathematical description of the operators and find a relation between these operators and generating functions of numbers.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;242(5):683-691
pages 683-691 views

On the Completeness of the System of Projections for the Tensor Product Decomposition of Continuous Series Representations of the Group SL(2, ℝ)

Ivanov A.


As is well known, in the case of the group SL(2, ℝ), the tensor product of two continuous series representations can be decomposed into a direct sum of representations corresponding to the discrete and continuous spectra. The general theory implies the completeness of the system of projections that realize this decomposition. The main purpose of this paper is to check the corresponding relation in the sense of generalized functions. Performing the calculations, we develop a technique for working with projections, in particular, construct operators that realize the unitary equivalence between representations. Our results can be useful in various applications, for example, in calculating 6j-symbols.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;242(5):692-700
pages 692-700 views

Conformal Limit for Dimer Models on the Hexagonal Lattice

Keating D., Reshetikhin N., Sridhar A.


In this note, we derive the asymptotical behavior of local correlation functions in dimer models on a domain of the hexagonal lattice in the continuum limit, when the size of the domain goes to infinity and the parameters of the model scale appropriately.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;242(5):701-714
pages 701-714 views

Asymptotics of Integrals of Some Functions Related to the Degenerate Third Painlevé Equation

Kitaev A., Vartanian A.


It is shown how to calculate asymptotics of integrals over the positive semi-axis of two functions related to the degenerate third Painlevé equation (dP3). As an example, the corresponding results for the meromorphic solution of dP3 vanishing at the origin are presented.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;242(5):715-721
pages 715-721 views

Two-Phase Periodic Solutions to the AKNS Hierarchy Equations

Matveev V., Smirnov A.


In this paper, we investigate genus 2 algebro-geometric solutions of the AKNS hierarchy equations strictly periodic with respect to the space variable x. In general, genus 2 solutions, which are expressed in terms of two-dimensional Riemann theta functions, are not strictly periodic in x. We show that x-periodic solutions can be obtained by an appropriate choice of a hyperelliptic spectral curve having a structure of a covering of an elliptic curve. For odd-numbered members of the AKNS hierarchy, these solutions can be made periodic also with respect to the corresponding time variables of the AKNS hierarchy, by imposing further restrictions on the structure of the spectral curve. The corresponding solutions are especially interesting from the point of view of potential applications to the study of signal propagation in nonlinear optical fibers.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;242(5):722-741
pages 722-741 views

Off-Shell Bethe States and the Six-Vertex Model

Pronko A., Pronko G.


We study the symmetric six-vertex model on a finite square lattice with partial domain wall boundary conditions. We use the known connection of the model to the off-shell Bethe states of the Heisenberg XXZ spin chain. We obtain various formulas for the partition function, and also discuss the model in the limit of semiinfinite lattice.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;242(5):742-752
pages 742-752 views

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