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Том 237, № 5 (2019)


Estimating Parameters of a Directed Weighted Graph Model with Beta-Distributed Edge-Weights

Bolla M., Mala J., Elbanna A.


We introduce a directed, weighted random graph model, where the edge-weights are independent and beta distributed with parameters depending on their endpoints. We will show that the row- and column-sums of the transformed edge-weight matrix are sufficient statistics for the parameters, and use the theory of exponential families to prove that the ML estimate of the parameters exists and is unique. Then an algorithm to find this estimate is introduced together with convergence proof that uses properties of the digamma function. Simulation results and applications are also presented.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(5):611-620
pages 611-620 views

On Functions Bounded by Karamata Functions

Cadena M., Kratz M., Omey E.


We define a new class of positive and measurable functions that are bounded by regularly varying functions (which were introduced by Karamata). We study integrals and Laplace transforms of these functions. We use the obtained results to study the tail of convolutions of distribution functions. The results are extended to functions that are bounded by O-regularly varying functions.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(5):621-630
pages 621-630 views

On the Maximal Value of a Cell from a Pointed Set of Cells

Chuprunov A.


We consider a random variable that is a maximal value of a cell from the first K cells in the equidistributed allocation scheme of distinguishable particles. We prove the convergence of the distribution of this random variables to a two-point distribution.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(5):631-638
pages 631-638 views

Investigation of the Window Variance Noise Component of Multicomponent Signals

Dranitsyna M., Zakharova T.


Signal partitioning or signal segmentation allows to perform data classification, prediction of signals’ behavior, and profound interpretation of obtained data. In accordance with the signal model some distribution characteristics of the window variance noise component are investigated. It was shown that when all true underlying signal components remain unchanged, the window variance noise component is gamma distributed. Applying window variance to multicomponent signal (i.e., pharmacokinetic curve), it was shown that the window variance allows to split visually the signal record into phases due to prevalent processes.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(5):639-645
pages 639-645 views

A Generalization of the Wang–Ahmad Inequality

Gabdullin R., Makarenko V., Shevtsova I.


By introducing a truncation parameter, we generalize the Ahmad–Wang inequality (2016) which provides an estimate of the accuracy of the normal approximation to distribution of a sum of independent random variables in terms of weighted absolute values of truncated third-order moments and tails of the second-order moments of random summands. The obtained estimate also generalizes the celebrated inequalities due to Berry (1941), Esseen (1942, 1969), Katz (1963), and Petrov (1965).

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(5):646-651
pages 646-651 views

Random Matrix Theory for Heavy-Tailed Time Series

Heiny J.


This paper is a review of recent results for large random matrices with heavy-tailed entries. First, we outline the development of and some classical results in random matrix theory. We focus on large sample covariance matrices, their limiting spectral distributions, and the asymptotic behavior of their largest and smallest eigenvalues and their eigenvectors. The limits significantly depend on the finite or infiniteness of the fourth moment of the entries of the random matrix. We compare the results for these two regimes which give rise to completely different asymptotic theories. Finally, the limits of the extreme eigenvalues of sample correlation matrices are examined.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(5):652-666
pages 652-666 views

On a Lower Asymptotic Bound of the Overflow Probability in a Fluid Queue with a Heterogeneous Fractional Input

Morozov E., Khokhlov Y., Lukashenko O.


For a fluid queue fed by superposition of fractional Brownian motion and alpha-stable Lévy process, the asymptotic lower bound of the overflow probability is obtained.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(5):667-672
pages 667-672 views

Numerical Analysis of Retrial Queueing Systems with Conflict of Customers and an Unreliable Server

Kuki A., Bérczes T., Sztrik J., Kvach A.


In this paper a closed retrial queueing system is considered with a finite number of customers. If an arriving (primary or secondary) request finds the server busy, two modes are possible: the job is transferred to the orbit (no conflict) or the job under service is interrupted and both of them are transferred to the orbit (conflict). Jobs in the orbit can retry reaching the server after a random time. The unreliable case where the server is subject to breakdown is also investigated. These types of systems can be solved by numerical, asymptotical, and simulation methods. The novelty of the investigations is that it provides a new approach to an algorithmic solution for calculating the steady-state probabilities of the system. With the help of these probabilities the main performance measures can be computed. Several sample examples illustrate the effect of different parameters on the distribution on requests in the system.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(5):673-683
pages 673-683 views

On Gaussian Approximation of Multi-Channel Networks with Input Flows of General Structure

Lebedev E., Livinska H., Sztrik J.


In this paper, a multi-channel queueing network with input flow of a general structure is considered. The multi-dimensional service process is introduced as the number of customers at network nodes. In the heavy-traffic regime, a functional limit theorem of diffusion approximation type is proved under the condition that the input flows converge to their limits in the uniform topology. A limit Gaussian process is constructed and its correlation characteristics are represented explicitly via the network parameters. A network with nonhomogeneous Poisson input flow is studied as a particular case of the general model, and a correspondent Gaussian limit process is built.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(5):684-691
pages 684-691 views

Bayesian Analysis of Spatial Survival Model with Non-Gaussian Random Effect

Motarjem K., Mohammadzadeh M., Abyar A.


One of the most popular models in survival analysis is the Cox proportional hazards model. This model has been widely used because of its simplicity. Despite its simplicity, the basic problem of the Cox model is its inability to enter unknown risk factors into the model. Some risk factors may affect the survival of a trial unit, but due to time and cost constraints, there is no possibility to measure all of these factors in the form of explanatory variables in the model. In many cases, measuring risk factors is not possible. For entering unknown risk factors into the model, a positive random variable, representative of unknown risk factors, is multiplied in the model. Then a new class of survival models, namely frailty models, is introduced. When survival data are spatially correlated, frailty models do not have good performance for analyzing the data. In these cases, a Gaussian random field would be used as frailty variable such that the spatial correlation of the data can be included in the model. But in some applications, the Gaussian assumption of spatial effects is not realistic. In this paper, we use a spatial survival model with Gaussian and non-Gaussian random effects. Considering the complexity of likelihood function for spatial survival models and the lack of closed form, the frequency approach is very time-consuming for estimation of the model parameters. We use the Bayesian approach and MCMC algorithms for estimating the model parameters. Next, the application of the model is shown in an analysis of a real dataset.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(5):692-701
pages 692-701 views

Performance Simulation of Finite-Source Cognitive Radio Networks with Servers Subjects to Breakdowns and Repairs

Nemouchi H., Sztrik J.


The present paper deals with the performance evaluation of a cognitive radio network with the help of a queueing model. The queueing system contains two interconnected, not independent sub-systems. The first part is for the requests of the Primary Units (PU). The number of sources is finite, and each source generates high priority requests after a exponentially distributed time. The requests are sent to a single server unit or Primary Channel Service (PCS) with a preemptive priority queue. The service times are assumed to be exponentially distributed. The second sub-system is for the requests of the Secondary Units (SU), which is finite sources system too; the inter-request times and service times of the single server unit or Secondary system Channel Service (SCS) are assumed to be exponentially distributed, respectively. A generated high priority packet goes to the primary service unit. If the unit is idle, the service of the packet begins immediately. If the server is busy with a high priority request, the packet joins the preemptive priority queue. When the unit is engaged with a request from SUs, the service is interrupted and the interrupted low priority task is sent back to the SCS. Depending on the state of the secondary channel, the interrupted job is directed to either the server or the orbit. In case the requests from SUs find the SCS idle, the service starts, and if the SCS is busy, the packet looks for the PCS. In the case of an idle PCS, the service of the low-priority packet begins at the high-priority channel (PCS). If the PCS is busy, the packet goes to the orbit. From the orbit it retries to be served after an exponentially distributed time.

The novelty of our investigation is that each server is subject to random breakdowns, in which case the interrupted request is sent to the queue or orbit, respectively. The operating and repair times of the servers are assumed to be generally distributed. Finally, all the random times included in the model construction are assumed to be independent of each other.

The main aim of the paper is to analyze the effect of the nonreliability of the servers on the mean and variance of the response time for the SUs by using simulation.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(5):702-711
pages 702-711 views

Bayesian Variance-Stabilizing Kernel Density Estimation Using Conjugate Prior

Nishida K.


Kernel-type density or regression estimator does not produce a constant estimator variance over the domain. To correct this problem, K. Nishida and Y. Kanazawa (2011, 2015) proposed a variance-stabilizing (VS) local variable bandwidth for kernel regression estimators. K. Nishida (2017) proposed another strategy to construct VS local linear regression estimator using a convex combination of three skewing estimators proposed by Choi and Hall (1998). In this study, we show that variance stabilization can be accomplished by a Bayesian approach in the case of kernel density estimator using conjugate prior.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(5):712-721
pages 712-721 views

Stationary Distribution and Perturbation Bounds for a Stochastic Inventory Model

Rabta B.


In this paper, we use the theory of generalized inverses to compute the stationary distribution of the (s, S) inventory model directly from the transition matrix of the underlying Markov chain and to provide perturbation bounds. Indeed, approximations are employed to build a tractable model, and statistical methods are used to estimate the unknown parameters and distributions. Hence, the system is subject to perturbations that may cause deviation in the characteristics. The proposed perturbation bound provides a means to estimate the impact of the perturbations on the performance measures of the considered inventory system.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(5):722-729
pages 722-729 views

A Chaos Theoretic Approach to Animal Activity Recognition

Sturm V., Efrosinin D., Efrosinina N., Roland L., Iwersen M., Drillich M., Auer W.


Animal activity is a descriptor that can be potentially used to track the health and well-being, which is obviously very important to improve the management process and productivity of farms. This paper deals with an animal behavior recognition problem using a chaos theory approach where we adopt such a technique for automatic classification of calves behavioral states. Two main mutually exclusive behaviors are of interest, namely, lying and standing/walking with six possible activities: feeding, drinking water, drinking milk, playing, rumination, and neutral. The time series generated by ear-tags with a 3D-accelerometer after a wavelet denoising transformation and frequency stabilization are treated as representations of the nonlinear dynamical system. The dynamical system of a certain animal state exhibits specific strange attractor in a phase space. A characterization of such an attractor is performed through metric, dynamic, and topological invariants including Lyapunov exponent, correlation dimension, length of a phase trajectory, sum of edges forming a convex hull and others. These measures are used as a feature vector for the subsequent classification. In a cross validation scheme, six classifiers are built on each training set, and the hyper-parameters are optimized using an inner validation set. The classifier that reaches the highest accuracy on the inner validation set is used to classify the outer validation set. It is shown that this approach can be useful at predicting activity states as an alternative methodology for the animal behavior state recognition problem with acceptable classification accuracy. Furthermore it is possible to include this procedure as part of an ensemble method in machine learning where a combination of different models is used.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(5):730-743
pages 730-743 views

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