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Том 235, № 2 (2018)


Initial-Boundary Value Problem for the Nonstationary Radiative Transfer Equation with Diffuse Reflection and Refraction Conditions

Amosov A.


We consider the initial-boundary value problem for the nonstationary radiative transfer equation in a system of semitransparent bodies with the conditions of diffuse reflection and refraction of radiation. We establish the unique solvability of the problem with boundary and initial data in the complete scale of Lebesgue spaces. We obtain estimates for solutions.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;235(2):117-137
pages 117-137 views

Modified Steklov Functions and Numerical Differentiation Formulas

Babushkin M., Dodonov N., Zhuk V.


We consider an approximation method based on Steklov functions of the first and second order. We obtain estimates for the norms in the space C of continuous periodic functions and clarify how they connect with numerical differentiation formulas.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;235(2):138-153
pages 138-153 views

Smoothness in the Dini Space of a Single Layer Potential for a Parabolic System in the Plane

Baderko E., Cherepova M.


We prove estimates in the Dini space for the second order spatial derivative of a vector parabolic single layer potential. We obtain estimates for higher order derivatives of solutions to initial-boundary-value problems for one-dimensional parabolic systems with Dini-continuous coefficients in a curvilinear domain with nonsmooth lateral boundary.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;235(2):154-167
pages 154-167 views

Criteria for the Best Approximation by Simple Partial Fractions on Semi-Axis and Axis

Komarov M.


We study uniform approximation of real-valued functions f, f(∞) = 0, on ℝ+ and ℝ by real-valued simple partial fractions (the logarithmic derivatives of polynomials). We obtain a criterion for the best approximation on ℝ+ and ℝ in terms of the Chebyshev alternance. This criterion is similar to the known criterion on finite segments. For the problem of approximating odd functions on ℝ we construct an alternance criterion with a weakened condition on the poles of fractions. We present a criterion for the best approximation by simple partial fractions on ℝ+ and ℝ in terms of Kolmogorov. We prove analogs of the de la Vallee-Poussin alternation theorem.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;235(2):168-181
pages 168-181 views

On Eigenfunctions of the Fourier Transform

Lanzara F., Maz’ya V.


A nontrivial example of an eigenfunction in the sense of the theory of distributions for the planar Fourier transform was described by the authors in their previous work. In this paper, a method for obtaining other eigenfunctions is proposed. Positive homogeneous distributions in ℝn of order −n/2 are considered, and it is shown that F(ω)|x|n/2, |ω| = 1, is an eigenfunction in the sense of the theory of distributions of the Fourier transform if and only if F(ω) is an eigenfunction of a certain singular integral operator on the unit sphere of ℝn. Since \( {Y}_{m,n}^{(k)}\left(\omega \right){\left|\mathbf{x}\right|}^{-n/2} \), where \( {Y}_{m,n}^{(k)} \) denote the spherical functions of order m in ℝn, are eigenfunctions of the Fourier transform, it follows that \( {Y}_{m,n}^{(k)} \) are eigenfunctions of the above-mentioned singular integral operator. In the planar case, all eigenfunctions of the Fourier transform of the form F(ω)|x|−1 are described by means of the Fourier coefficients of F(ω).

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;235(2):182-198
pages 182-198 views

Minimizing Sequences and Equilibrium Energy in the Variational Problem of Elasticity in Two-Phase Media

Osmolovskii V.


We establish a connection between the limit characteristics of minimizing sequences of the energy functional of a two-phase elastic medium and the derivative of the equilibrium energy with respect to the temperature.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;235(2):199-207
pages 199-207 views

D. Luecking’s Finite Rank Theorem for Toeplitz Operator, Benedicks’ Theorem on the Heisenberg Group, and Uncertainty Principle for the Fourier–Wigner Transform

Samanta A., Sarkar S.


We discuss connections between the three problems mentioned in the title.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;235(2):208-219
pages 208-219 views

Integrable Systems with Dissipation and Two and Three Degrees of Freedom

Shamolin M.


We establish the integrability for some classes of dynamic systems on the tangent bundles of two– and three-dimensional manifolds (systems with two and three degrees of freedom). The force fields possess the so-called variable dissipation and generalize those considered in the previous publications of the author.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;235(2):220-242
pages 220-242 views

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