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Том 231, № 2 (2018)


Ray Expansions and Identities for Second Order Equations. Applications to Inverse Problems

Anikonov Y., Ayupova N.


We develop a new method for studying inverse problems of mathematical physics by using systems of equations of ray expansion of solutions to parabolic and hyperbolic equations with variable coefficients.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;231(2):111-123
pages 111-123 views

Exact Solutions of the Precursor Film Equation

Bazarova V., Pukhnachev V.


We find and analyze exact solutions to equations with logarithmic nonlinearity. To construct the soltuions, we use the classical group analysis methods, as well as the method of invariant manifolds and the Lagrangian coordinate method. Bibliography: 23 titles. Illustrations: 5 figures.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;231(2):124-142
pages 124-142 views

Stationary Electrohydrodynamic Flows of Incompressible Polymeric Media with Strong Discontinuity

Blokhin A., Semenko R.


We study the motion of an incompressible polymeric fluid with volume charge and construct stationary solutions of the electrohydrodynamical equations.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;231(2):143-152
pages 143-152 views

One-Parameter Families of Positive Solutions of Some Classes of Nonlinear Convolution Type Integral Equations

Khachatryan K., Petrosyan H.


We consider a class of nonlinear convolution type integral equations with a noncompact Hammerstein operator on the half-line and on the whole line. Under certain conditions on nonlinearity, we prove the existence of a one-parameter family of positive solutions and study the asymptotic behavior of the solutions at infinity. The results are illustrated by examples of the equations under consideration.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;231(2):153-167
pages 153-167 views

Properties of the Operator Generated by the Derivative of the Acoustic Single Layer Potential

Khalilov E.


We prove the existence of the derivative of the acoustic single layer potential and study some properties of the operator generated by this derivative in generalized Hölder spaces.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;231(2):168-180
pages 168-180 views

Unique Determination of 3-Connected Plane Domains by Relative Conformal Moduli of Pairs of Boundary Components

Kopylov A.


We study the boundary values of conformal mappings of plane finitely connected domains. We present a complete exposition of a theorem giving an exhaustive description of the boundary values of such mappings in terms of conformal moduli (extremal lengths) of pairs of boundary components of a domain of connectedness at most 3. Bibliography: 12 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;231(2):181-188
pages 181-188 views

Structure of the Main Tensor of Conformally Connected Torsion Free Space. Conformal Connections on Hypersurfaces of Projective Space

Krivonosov L., Luk’yanov V.


We give a definition of a conformally connected space with an angular metric of an arbitrary signature. We present basic formulas and classes of such spaces. We obtain the decomposition of the main tensor of a conformally connected torsion free space into irreducible gauge invariant summands and prove that all affine connections obtained from the Levi–Civita connection via the normalization transformation have the same Weyl conformal tensor. We describe all conformal torsion free connections on hypersurfaces of a projective space and give some examples. We construct a global conformal connection on a hyperquadric of the projective space.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;231(2):189-205
pages 189-205 views

Two-Step Estimation in a Heteroscedastic Linear Regression Model

Linke Y.


We study the problem of estimating a parameter in some heteroscedastic linear regression model in the case where the regressors consist of all order statistics based on the sample of identically distributed not necessarily independent observations with finite second moment. It is assumed that the random errors depend on the parameter and distributions of the corresponding regressors. We propose a two-step procedure for finding explicit asymptotically normal estimators.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;231(2):206-217
pages 206-217 views

Stationary Distribution of a Stochastic Process

Lotov V., Okhapkina E.


We find a stationary distribution of a stochastic process with delay at the origin. The trajectories of the process have linear growth and random jumps at random times. We use known results for regenerative processes and factorization technique for the study in boundary crossing problems for random walks.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;231(2):218-226
pages 218-226 views

Local Solvability of Initial-Boundary Value Problem for One-Dimensional Equations of Polytropic Flows of Viscous Compressible Multifluids

Mamontov A., Prokudin D.


We consider the initial-boundary value problem governing unsteady polytropic motions of viscous compressible multifluids. We prove the existence and uniqueness of a strong solution to the problem. Bibliography: 11 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;231(2):227-242
pages 227-242 views

Asymptotic Behavior of the Spectrum of a Multipoint Differential Operator with an Integrable Potential

Mitrokhin S.


We consider the boundary value problem for a differential operator with an integrable potential and study the asymptotic behavior of solutions for large values of the spectral parameter. We derive an equation for eigenvalues and obtain asymptotics of eigenfunctions of the operator.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;231(2):243-254
pages 243-254 views

Absolute Continuity of Sobolev Functions and Moduli of Families of Hypersurfaces Related to Lorentz Spaces

Romanov A.


We study traces of functions in Sobolev–Lorentz spaces on Lipschitz hypersurfaces. Some aspects concerning the (n − 1)-absolute continuity are studied.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;231(2):255-266
pages 255-266 views

Exact Asymptotics of the Solution to a Difference Equation of General Type

Sgibnev M.


An asymptotic expansion for the solution to a nonhomogeneous difference equation of general type is obtained. The influence of the roots of the characteristic equation is taken into account. The asymptotic behavior of the remainder is established, depending on the asymptotics of the nonhomogeneous term of the equation.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;231(2):267-277
pages 267-277 views

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