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Том 228, № 6 (2018)


A Remark on Denoising of Greyscale Images Using Energy Densities with Varying Growth Rates

Fuchs M., Müller J.


We prove the solvability in Sobolev spaces for a class of variational problems related to the TV-model proposed by Rudin, Osher and Fatemi for the denoising of greyscale images. In contrast to their approach, we discuss energy densities with variable growth rates depending on |∇u| in a rather general form including functionals of (1, p)-growth.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;228(6):705-722
pages 705-722 views

The Case of Integrable Systems with Dissipation on the Tangent Bundle of a Multidimensional Sphere

Shamolin M.


We establish the integrability of dynamical systems of some classes arising in multidimensional dynamics. The force fields under consideration possess the so-called variable dissipation with zero mean and generalize the studied earlier ones.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;228(6):723-730
pages 723-730 views

Existence in the Sense of Sequences of Stationary Solutions for Some Non-Fredholm Integro-Differential Equations

Vougalter V., Volpert V.


We establish the existence in the sense of sequences of stationary solutions for some reaction-diffusion type equations in appropriate H2 spaces. It is shown that, under reasonable technical conditions, the convergence in L1 of the integral kernels implies the existence and convergence in H2 of solutions. The nonlocal elliptic equations involve second order differential operators with and without the Fredholm property. Bibliography: 21 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;228(6):601-632
pages 601-632 views

The Hurwitz Product, p-Adic Topology on ℤ, and Fundamental Solution to Linear Differential Equation in the Ring ℤ[[x]]

Gefter S., Goncharuk A.


We study the linear inhomogeneous first order differential equation by′ + f(x) = y in the ring of formal power series with integer coefficients. Using the p-adic topology on the ring of integers, we construct a counterpart of the Hurwitz product of the Euler series and an arbitrary formal power series with integer coefficients. It is shown that the Euler series can be interpreted as the fundamental solution to the equation under consideration. Bibliography: 8 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;228(6):633-638
pages 633-638 views

Integer Realization of Spline-Wavelet Decomposition

Dem’yanovich Y., Ivantsova O., Ponomareva A.


We consider integer spline-wavelet algorithms for processing digital flows. We obtain integer variants of the decomposition and reconstruction formulas and give an example demonstrating the practical realizability of the proposed algorithms.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;228(6):639-654
pages 639-654 views

Trace Theorem and Applications

Dubinskii Y.


We characterize three-dimensional vector fields on the basis of the trace of a certain combination of normal derivatives, curl, and divergence. We clarify an unconditional connection between the values of a vector-valued function and the values of gradient, curl, and divergence on the boundary, which makes it possible to consider boundary value problems with boundary conditions that involve the basic first order differential operations of field theory.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;228(6):655-661
pages 655-661 views

Sharp Inequalities for Seminorms Defined on Spaces of Periodic Functions

Zhuk V.


We present a polynomial approximation method for realizing modified Landau–Kolmogorov type inequalities with small order derivatives. Bibliography: 6 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;228(6):662-671
pages 662-671 views

On Solutions to the Schwarz Problem in a Disk in the Three-Dimensional Case

Nikolaev V.


We consider the Schwarz problem for first order elliptic systems in the plane. We obtain the conditions on three– and two-dimensional matrices J admitting nondiagonal Jordan form under which a solution to the Schwarz problem in an arbitrary disk exists and is unique in Hölder classes. We describe an algorithm for constructing the solution. Bibliography: 5 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;228(6):672-683
pages 672-683 views

The Range of the Berezin Transform

Rao N.


We give a description of all functions of the form \( \sum \limits_{i=1}^N{f}_i{\overline{g}}_i \) in the range of the Berezin transform, where fi and gi, 1 ≤ i ≤ N, are holomorphic functions on the unit disk ????, which generalizes the corresponding result of Ahern. We also give a very simple proof of the results of Ahern and the results due to Čučković and Li who deal with the special case N = 2 and g2 = zn.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;228(6):684-694
pages 684-694 views

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principles for the Dunkl Multipier Operators

Soltani F., Rejeb S.


We prove a Heisenberg type and a Heisenberg–Pauli–Weyl type inequalities for a class of Dunkl multipier operators. The constants in the main inequalities are sharp, and the results are confirmed by examples.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;228(6):695-704
pages 695-704 views

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