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Том 226, № 2 (2017)


Radiation of Sound During the Takeoff of an Aircraft

Piddubniak O., Piddubniak N.


We consider the problem of radiation of sound during the takeoff of an aircraft in the stage of its elevation over the runway with regard for the action of the wind. The role of the sources of noise are played by the engines of the aircraft modeled by point sources moving in air with a constant velocity at an angle to the plane interface of acoustic and elastic half spaces. The solution of the problem is obtained by using the Fourier integral transformations with respect to time and space variables with regard for the properties of generalized functions and the method of stationary phase. We perform the numerical analyses of the space-and-time distributions of the pressure of sound and the energy characteristics of the acoustic field on the example of modeling of the process of takeoff of the six-engine An-225 “Mriya” aircraft.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(2):89-103
pages 89-103 views

Nonlinear Normal Modes of Strongly Nonlinear Periodically Excited Piecewise Linear Systems

Uspensky B., Avramov K.


A method for the numerical analysis of nonlinear normal modes of forced vibrations in strongly nonlinear systems with piecewise linear elastic characteristics is proposed. The approach is based on the combination of the Shaw–Pierre method of nonlinear normal modes with the Rauscher technique. As a result of application of this approach, the nonautonomous piecewise linear system is transformed into an autonomous system. For this system, we determine the Shaw–Pierre nonlinear normal modes. We also study the nonlinear torsional vibrations of the power transmission in a three-cylinder transport engine.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(2):104-113
pages 104-113 views

Determination of Viscoelastic Stresses in Plates with Inclusions

Maksymovych V., Solyar T.


We describe an approach to the determination of viscoelastic stresses in plates with inclusions. It is based on the method of boundary integral equations and the Laplace integral transformation. The formal solution of the problem of elasticity theory in which the differential operators are replaced with constants is constructed by the method of boundary integral equations and reduced to the solution of a system of algebraic equations. The corresponding system for the viscoelasticity problem is solved with the help of the Laplace integral transformation and a refined numerical-analytic formula for its inversion.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(2):114-122
pages 114-122 views

Analysis of the Methods of Determination of the Viscoelastic Coefficients of Piezoceramic Resonators

Karlash V.


We analyze the well-known and new methods for the experimental determination of the viscoelastic coefficients of piezoceramic resonators including the coefficients of coupling and the tangents of mechanical and piezoelectric losses. The foundations of author’s new computation-experimental technique are outlined and the examples of its application are presented. The method is justified by using, as an example, the well-known problem of radial vibrations of a thin disk with continuous electrodes. The idea of alternating measurements of voltage drops in a modernized Mason circuit is developed. On its basis, we develop a new method for the determination of phase shifts between the components of admittance by the cosine theorem and present some elements of this technique. The experimental data are in good agreement with the numerical results.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(2):123-138
pages 123-138 views

Electrothermomechanics of Nonferromagnetic Polarizable Solid Bodies with Regard for the Tensor Nature of the Local Displacements of Mass

Hrytsyna О.


By using the concept of the local displacements of mass as a measure of the gradient character of mechanical fields, we propose the relations of nonlocal electrothermoelasticity of nonferromagnetic dielectric solids. The theory takes into account the tensor nature of the local displacements of masses. By using the relations of this theory, we deduce a formula for the surface strain energy of dielectric solids.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(2):139-151
pages 139-151 views

Stressed State of a Cylindrical Orthotropic Shell Containing a Crack at an Angle

Sen’kiv L.


On the basis of the method of distortions in the Kirchhoff–Love theory of thin shells, we reduce the problem of elastic equilibrium of a cylindrical orthotropic shell containing a notch made along a helical curve to a system of integral equations. We investigate the influence of orthotropy, orientation, and length of the notch on the intensity factors of forces and moments.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(2):152-159
pages 152-159 views

Axisymmetric Problem of the Theory of Elasticity for a Hollow Cylinder of Finite Length with Regard for Its Weight

Protserov Y.


We consider a hollow elastic cylinder of finite length subjected to the action of its own weight and an axisymmetric normal load applied to the upper base. The lower base of the cylinder is immovably fixed. The inner cylindrical surface is under the conditions of sliding restraint and its outer surface is immovably fixed. The problem is reduced to an integral equation of the first kind for normal stresses on the fixed lateral surface. We determine the character of singularity of the required function and propose an efficient algorithm for the solution of the obtained equation based on the expansion of the required function in a series in Jacobi polynomials. We present the results of calculations of normal stresses on the lateral surfaces of the cylinder, which show that, in the case of rigid fixing, the influence of the weight of the cylinder is much weaker than in the case of sliding restraint.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;226(2):160-174
pages 160-174 views

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