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Том 224, № 5 (2017)


A Symmetrization Result for a Class of Anisotropic Elliptic Problems

Alberico A., di Blasio G., Feo F.


We prove estimates for weak solutions to a class of Dirichlet problems associated to anisotropic elliptic equations with a zero order term.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(5):607-617
pages 607-617 views

Unique Solvability of Stationary Radiative-Conductive Heat Transfer Problem in a System of Semitransparent Bodies

Amosov A.


We consider the boundary value problem for a system of differential equations consisting of the stationary nonlinear heat equation and the integro-differential radiative transfer equation and describing stationary radiative-conductive heat transfer in a system of semitransparent bodies, taking into account the effects of reflection and refraction of radiation according to the Fresnel laws at the boundaries of bodies. We take into account the dependence of radiation intensity and optical properties of bodies on the radiation frequency. We establish the existence and uniqueness of a weak solution. We prove the comparison theorem and derive a priori estimates for weak solutions and obtain a regularity result.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(5):618-646
pages 618-646 views

Existence and Uniqueness of Spaces of Splines of Maximal Pseudosmoothness

Dem’yanovich Y., Kovtunenko E., Safonova T.


We consider gradation of pseudosmoothness of (in general, nonpolynomial) splines and find conditions under which the space of splines of maximal pseudosmoothness is unique on a given grid, possesses the embedding property on embedded grids, and satisfies the approximation relations. The proposed general scheme can be applied to splines generated by functions in spaces of integrable functions and in Sobolev spaces. The results are illustrated by some examples.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(5):647-660
pages 647-660 views

Modified Steklov Functions

Zhuk V., Bure V., Tumka O.


We obtain estimates for nonnegative semiadditive functionals on the space of continuous 2π-periodic functions defined in terms of Steklov functions.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(5):661-666
pages 661-666 views

Asymptotic Approximations of the Solution to a Boundary Value Problem in a Thin Aneurysm Type Domain

Klevtsovskiy A., Mel’nyk T.


We consider a nonuniform Neumann boundary value problem for the Poisson equation in a thin 3D aneurysm type domain consisting of thin curvilinear cylinders joined through an aneurysm of diameter ϐ(ε). We develop a rigorous procedure for constructing a complete asymptotic expansion of the solution as ε → 0. We prove energy and uniform pointwise estimates, which allows us to observe the impact of the aneurysm. Bibliography: 21 titles. Illustrations: 5 figures.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(5):667-693
pages 667-693 views

Note on a Nonstandard Eigenfunction of the Planar Fourier Transform

Lanzara F., Maz’ya V.


We consider a nontrivial example of distributional eigenfunction of the planar Fourier transform. This eigenfunction is not a tensor product of univariate eigenfunctions. As a consequence, we obtain a formula for multi-dimensional eigenfunctions in dimension 2N.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(5):694-698
pages 694-698 views

Spherical Transformation of Generalized Poisson Shift and Properties of Weighted Lebesgue Classes of Functions

Lyakhov L., Roshchupkin S., Sanina E.


We obtain a formula for the spherical transformation of generalized shift of a function depending on multiple-axial spherical symmetry. This formula shows that the generalized shift order depends on the dimension of the spherically symmetric part of the Euclidean space. The formula can be used for reducing some problems in weighted function spaces to the case of function spaces without weight. For an example we prove the global continuity with respect to shift and show that functions of class \( {C_{ev}^{\infty}}_{,0} \) are dense in the weighted Lebesgue classes.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(5):699-708
pages 699-708 views

A Coupled Variational Problem of Linear Growth Related to the Denoising and Inpainting of Images

Müller J.


We present some results conjectured by Bildhauer, Fuchs, and Weickert who investigated analytical aspects of coupled variational models with applications to mathematical imaging. We focus on variants of linear growth, which require a treatment within the framework of relaxation theory and convex analysis. We establish existence and regularity of (dual-) solutions.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(5):709-734
pages 709-734 views

Numerical Analysis of the Method of Differentiation by Means of Real h-Sums

Nigmatyanova Y.


We propose a numerical method of test algebraic polynomials for constructing the operators \( \sum_{k=1}^n{\uplambda}_kh\left({\uplambda}_kz\right) \) with odd n, real λk, and an even analytic function h(z) in a neighborhood of the origin that approximate the differential operator (zh(z))′ with local error O(zn+2) (z → 0), n ≤ 51.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(5):735-743
pages 735-743 views

Homogenization Estimates in the Riemann–Hilbert Problem for the General Beltrami Equation on the Plane

Pastukhova S.


We study homogenization for the Beltrami equation \( {A}_{\varepsilon }{u}_{\varepsilon}\equiv {\partial}_{\overline{z}}{u}_{\varepsilon }+{\mu}^{\varepsilon }{\partial}_z{u}_{\varepsilon }+{\nu}^{\varepsilon}\overline{\partial_z{u}_{\varepsilon }}=f \) with measurable ε-periodic coefficients με and νε, where ε is a small parameter. The coefficients of the equation satisfy the uniform ellipticity condition. The equation is considered in a bounded domain Ω of the complex plane with the Riemann–Hilbert condition on the boundary ∂Ω. For the resolvent \( {A}_{\varepsilon}^{-1} \) of this boundary value problem we obtain an approximation in the operator norm of the Sobolev space W1,2(Ω) with approximation error of order O(\( \sqrt{\varepsilon } \)).

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(5):744-763
pages 744-763 views

Generation of Chaotic Dynamics and Local Equilibrium for the Carleman Equation

Radkevich E., Vasil’eva O.


We study local equilibrium of solutions to the Cauchy problem with bounded energy and generation of chaotic dynamics.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(5):764-795
pages 764-795 views

Existence of a Solution to a System of Partial Differential Algebraic Equations of Arbitrary Index

Shcheglova A.


We consider a linear nonstationary system of first order partial differential equations that is not resolved with respect to the derivatives and identically degenerates in the domain. Without using the change of variables, we construct the structural form whose set of solutions coincides with the set of solutions to the original system. We obtain the hyperbolicity conditions and conditions for the correctness of initial and boundary conditions. We establish the existence of solutions to the initial-boundary value problem for hyperbolic systems of differential algebraic equations.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(5):796-814
pages 796-814 views

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