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Том 217, № 6 (2016)


To the 80th Birthday of Professor V. M. Tikhomirov

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;217(6):671-671
pages 671-671 views

Mix of Controls and the Pontryagin Maximum Principle

Avakov E., Magaril-Il’yaev G.


In this paper, necessary conditions for a minimum (the Pontryagin maximum principle) for an optimal control problem are proved on the basis of the concept of a mix, which enables one to reduce the study of the original problem to some approximation thereof, which is linear in the control. The study of the latter problem proves more simple.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;217(6):672-682
pages 672-682 views

Connectedness and Other Geometric Properties of Suns and Chebyshev Sets

Alimov A., Tsar’kov I.


This survey is concerned with structural characteristics of “suns” in normed linear spaces. Special attention is paid to connectedness and monotone path-connectedness of suns. We address both direct theorems of the geometric approximation theory, in which approximative properties of sets are derived from their structural characteristics, and inverse theorems, in which from approximative characteristics of sets one derives their structural properties.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;217(6):683-730
pages 683-730 views

On the Continuity of Inverse Mappings for Lipschitz Perturbations of Covering Mappings

Arutyunov A., Zhukovskiy S.


In this paper, we study the question of the existence of a continuous right inverse mapping for a covering mapping. To describe covering mappings that have a continuous right inverse, a concept of strong covering is introduced. It is shown that the property of strong covering is stable under small Lipschitz perturbations.

Translated from Fundamentalnaya i Prikladnaya Matematika, Vol. 19, No. 4, pp. 93–99, 2014.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;217(6):731-735
pages 731-735 views

On Integral Representation of Γ-Limit Functionals

Zhikov V., Pastukhova S.


We consider the Γ-convergence of a sequence of integral functionals Fn(u), defined on the functions u from the Sobolev space W1(Ω) (α > 1); Ω is a bounded Lipschitz domain, where the integrand fn(x, u,∇u) depends on a function u and its gradient ∇u. As functions of ξ, the integrands fn(x, s, ξ) are convex and satisfy a two-sided power estimate on the coercivity and growth with different exponents α < β. Moreover, the integrands fn(x, s, ξ) are equi-continuous over s in some sense with respect to n. We prove that for the functions from L ∞ (Ω) ∩ W1(Ω) the Γ-limit functional coincides with an integral functional F(u) for which the integrand f(x, s, ξ) is of the same class as fn(x, s, ξ).

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;217(6):736-750
pages 736-750 views

On Necessary Conditions for a Minimum

Ioffe A.


We discuss a general approach to necessary optimality conditions based on the so-called “optimality alternative,” which reduces a problem with constraints to an unconstrained problem or a sequence of unconstrained problems. The power of the approach is demonstrated by a proof of a necessary optimality condition in an abstract problem with mixed (convex vs. nonconvex) structure and a new proof of Clarke’s “stratified” maximum principle for optimal control of differential inclusions.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;217(6):751-772
pages 751-772 views

Course of Mathematics

Tikhomirov V.


This paper is devoted to problems of modern mathematical education. Fundamental problems of mathematics are considered in their unity.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;217(6):773-802
pages 773-802 views

On an Estimate Connected with the Stabilization of a Normal Parabolic Equation by Start Control

Fursikov A., Shatina L.


After a brief revision of facts concerning semilinear parabolic equations of normal type and their nonlocal stabilization by start control, we provide a simplification of the proof of the lower bound for a functional of the solution to the heat equation with initial condition of a special type. This bound is essential to prove the nonlocal stabilization of equations of normal type. The simplification presented is required for further development of the nonlocal stabilization theory.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2016;217(6):803-826
pages 803-826 views

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