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Volume 237, Nº 3 (2019)


The Canonical Ensemble of Open Self-Avoiding Strings

Alkhimov V.


Statistical models of a single open string avoiding self-intersections in the d-dimensional Euclidean space ℝd, 2 ≤ d < 4, and the ensemble of strings are considered. The presentation of these models is based on the Darwin–Fowler method, used in statistical mechanics to derive the canonical ensemble. The configuration of the string in space ℝd is described by its contour length L and the spatial distance R between its ends. We establish an integral equation for a transformed probability density W(R, L) of the distance R similar to the known Dyson equation, which is invariant under the continuous group of renormalization transformations. This allows us using the renormalization group method to investigate the asymptotic behavior of this density in the case where R → ∞ and L → ∞. For the model of an ensemble of M open strings with the mean string contour length over the ensemble given by \( \overline{L} \), we obtain the most probable distribution of strings over their lengths in the limit as M → ∞. Averaging the probability density W(R, L) over the canonical ensemble eventually gives the sought density 〈W(R, L)〉.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(3):337-352
pages 337-352 views

Applied Homomorphic Cryptography: Examples

Arakelov G., Gribov A., Mikhalev A.


This paper is devoted to the application aspects of homomorphic cryptography. It provides a description of a fully homomorphic matrix polynomial-based encryption scheme. It also gives the results of practical comparison of fully homomorphic encryption schemes. We consider some special cases of homomorphic encryption allowing computations of a limited number of functions.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(3):353-361
pages 353-361 views

Complete Systems of Eigenfunctions of the Vladimirov Operator in L2(Br) and L2(ℚp)

Bikulov A., Zubarev A.


We construct new bases of real functions from L2(Br) and from L2(ℚp). These functions are eigenfunctions of the p-adic pseudo-differential Vladimirov operator, which is defined on a compact set Br ⊂ ℚp of the field of p-adic numbers ℚp or, respectively, on the entire field ℚp. A relation between the basis of functions from L2(ℚp) and the basis of p-adic wavelets from L2(ℚp) is found. As an application, we consider the solution of the Cauchy problem with the initial condition on a compact set for a pseudo-differential equation with a general pseudo-differential operator that is diagonal in the basis constructed.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(3):362-374
pages 362-374 views

Construction of Optimal Bézier Splines

Borisenko V.


We consider a construction of a smooth curve by a set of interpolation nodes. The curve is constructed as a spline consisting of cubic Bézier curves. We show that if we require the continuity of the first and second derivatives, then such a spline is uniquely defined for any fixed parameterization of Bézier curves. The control points of Bézier curves are calculated as a solution of a system of linear equations with a four-diagonal band matrix. We consider various ways of parameterization of Bézier curves that make up a spline and their influence on its shape. The best spline is computed as a solution of an optimization problem: minimize the integral of the square of the second derivative with a fixed total transit time of a spline.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(3):375-386
pages 375-386 views

Universal Equivalence of General and Special Linear Groups Over Fields

Bunina E., Kaleeva G.


In this paper, we study universal equivalence of general and special linear groups over fields. We give the following criterion for this relation to hold: two groups Gn(K) and Gm(L) (G = GL, SL, K and L are infinite fields) are universally equivalent if and only if n = m and the fields K and L are universally equivalent.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(3):387-409
pages 387-409 views

Pseudocomplements in the Lattice of Subvarieties of a Variety of Multiplicatively Idempotent Semirings

Vechtomov E., Petrov A.


The lattice L(????) of all subvarieties of the variety ???? of multiplicatively idempotent semirings is studied. Some relations have been obtained. It is proved that L(????) is a pseudocomplemented lattice. Pseudocomplements in the lattice L(????) are described. It is shown that they form a 64-element Boolean lattice with respect to the inclusion. It is established that the lattice L(????) is infinite and nonmodular.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(3):410-419
pages 410-419 views

On Haver’s Theorem in the Category of Filtered Metric Spaces

Zhigulich I.


We extend Haver’s theorem on the characterization of absolute extensors in the class of countable-dimensional spaces to the category of metric filtered spaces.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(3):420-425
pages 420-425 views

Detection of Communities in a Graph of Interactive Objects

Kolomeychenko M., Polyakov I., Chepovskiy A., Chepovskiy A.


This article describes the problem of analysis of social network graphs and other interacting objects. It also presents community detection algorithms in social networks and their classification and analysis. In addition, it considers applicability of algorithms for real tasks in social network graph analysis.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(3):426-431
pages 426-431 views

The Structure of Isomorphisms of Universal Hypergraphical Automata

Molchanov V.


Universal hypergraphical automata are universally attracting objects in the category of automata for which the set of states and the set of output symbols are equipped with structures of hypergraphs. It was proved earlier that a wide class of such sort of automata are determined up to isomorphism by their semigroups of input symbols. We investigate the connection between isomorphisms of universal hypergraphical automata and isomorphisms of their components: semigroups of input symbols and hypergraphs of states and output symbols.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(3):432-444
pages 432-444 views

The Geometry of Projective, Injective, and Flat Banach Modules

Nemesh N.


In this paper, we prove general facts on metrically and topologically projective, injective, and flat Banach modules. We prove theorems pointing to the close connection between metric, topological Banach homology and the geometry of Banach spaces. For example, in geometric terms we give a complete description of projective, injective, and flat annihilator modules. We also show that for an algebra with the geometric structure of an - or -space all its homologically trivial modules possess the Dunford–Pettis property.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(3):445-459
pages 445-459 views

On Some Discrete Nonlinear Dynamical Systems

Sekovanov V., Sekovanov V.


This paper studies the spectrum of the Hénon map and the spectrum of the baker’s map. The character of fixed points of the Hénon map and randomness of the baker’s map are analyzed. Attractors of the modified Hénon map and the modified baker’s map are considered; cases where attractors are fractal sets are selected.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(3):460-472
pages 460-472 views

A Study of Elastic-Plastic Boundary Propagation in a Tube of Elastic-Perfectly Plastic Material Under Dynamic Loadings of Different Types

Tishin P.


The dynamics of distribution of the border between areas of elasticity and plasticity for a hollow thick-walled cylinder under the influence of the internal pressure applied instantly is investigated in this work. Proof of the accuracy of the obtained numerical solution is provided. A more general regime loading a tube is examined.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(3):473-484
pages 473-484 views

On k-Transitivity Conditions of a Product of Regular Permutation Groups

Toktarev A.


The paper analyzes the product of m regular permutation groups G1· . . . · Gm, where m ≥ 2 is a natural number. Each of the regular permutation groups is a subgroup of the symmetric permutation group S(Ω) of degree |Ω| for the set Ω. M. M. Glukhov proved that for k = 2 and m = 2, 2-transitivity of the product G1· G2 is equivalent to the absence of zeros in the corresponding square matrix with the number of rows and columns equal to |Ω| − 1. Also M. M. Glukhov has given necessary conditions of 2-transitivity of such a product of regular permutation groups.

In this paper, we consider the general case for any natural m and k such that m ≥ 2 and k ≥ 2. It is proved that k-transitivity of the product of regular permutation groups G1· . . . · Gm is equivalent to the absence of zeros in the square matrix with the number of rows and columns equal to (|Ω| − 1)!/(|Ω| − k)!. We obtain correlation between the number of arcs corresponding to this matrix and a natural number l such that the product (PsQt)l is 2-transitive, where P,Q ⊆ S(Ω) are some regular permutation groups and the permutation st is an (|Ω| − 1)-cycle. We provide an example of the building of AES ciphers such that their round transformations are k-transitive on a number of rounds.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(3):485-495
pages 485-495 views

On Diagonalization of Matrices in an Arbitrary Field

Shmatkov V.


This paper presents a simple way for diagonalization of matrices in an arbitrary field, with which one can calculate functions of matrices.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;237(3):496-500
pages 496-500 views

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