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Volume 236, Nº 2 (2019)


Analysis of the Spectral Stability of the Generalized Runge–Kutta Methods Applied to Initial-Boundary-Value Problems for Equations of the Parabolic Type. II. Implicit Methods

Yankovskii А.


We consider specific realizations of different implicit generalized Runge–Kutta methods as applied to the numerical integration with respect to time of initial-boundary-value problems for the second-order parabolic equations and investigate their spectral stability. It is shown that all implicit generalized Runge–Kutta methods are unconditionally spectrally stable but some of them have the conditional property of monotonicity of the numerical solution with respect to time. The functions of spectral stability of the implicit generalized Runge–Kutta methods are rational. We compare the analytic solution of the nonstationary one-dimensional problem of heat conduction with the numerical solutions of this problem obtained by different implicit generalized Runge–Kutta methods. It is shown that, in this case, the application of the one-stage Radau methods with subsequent discretization of the problem with respect to the space variable leads to the classical forward finite difference scheme (Laasonen scheme), whereas the use of the one-stage Gauss–Legendre method leads to a six-point symmetric scheme (Crank–Nicolson scheme). It is shown that diagonally implicit generalized Nørsett and Burrage methods are realized in almost the same way as the one-stage Radau and Gauss–Legendre methods but their accuracy in the time step is 10–1000 times higher. On the basis of comparison of the numerical and analytic solutions, we conclude that, in order to get practically suitable numerical solutions without any restrictions on the time step, it is reasonable to use one- and three-stage generalized Radau methods or two- and four-stage Lobatto IIIC methods. All other explicit and implicit generalized Runge–Kutta methods require certain restrictions imposed on the time step.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(2):115-136
pages 115-136 views

Coupled Thermoelasticity Problem for Multilayer Composite Shells of Revolution. II. Applied Problems

Nemirovskii Y., Babin A.


We deduce a system of nonclassical nonlinear differential equations of coupled thermoelasticity for multilayer composite anisotropic shells of revolution in a coordinate system connected with the lines of curvature of the reference surface. The constructed nonclassical model of deformation of a multilayer shell and the nonlinear model of distribution of heat fluxes over the thickness of the shell enable us to take into account the transverse shear strains and guarantee the validity of the conditions of thermal and mechanical conjugation of the layers and the conditions of thermomechanical loading on the faces of the shell. We deduce the linearized differential equations of the axisymmetric coupled problem of thermoelasticity for a conic reinforced multilayer shell and solve the quasistatic problem of thermoelasticity for a two-layer cylindrical shell cross-reinforced in the direction of helical lines. By using the structural approach to the formulation of the criteria of strength for composite materials, we determine the loads of the onset of fracture of the binder and reinforcing elements of a two-layer metal-composite cylindrical shell.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(2):137-159
pages 137-159 views

Effective Thermal Contact Resistance of Regularly Textured Bodies in the Presence of Intercontact Heat-Conducting Media and the Phenomenon of Thermal Rectification

Chumak K., Martynyak R.


We compute the effective thermal contact resistance of a pair of materials formed by AISI 304 stainless steel and 200 nickel alloy in the presence of a periodic array of gaps filled with a heat-conducting medium (argon, water, helium, oxygen, or air) on the interface of these materials. In the nondeformed state, the surface of AISI 304 stainless steel has a microtextured topography formed by regularly located grooves of identical shapes, while the surface of 200 nickel alloy is perfectly flat. We estimate the level of thermal rectification for structures of this kind for different values of the applied mechanical and thermal loads and the maximal height of the surface grooves.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(2):160-171
pages 160-171 views

Two-Dimensional Problem of Thermoelasticity for a Half Space in the Presence of Heat Release in a Ribbon-Shaped Domain Parallel to its Boundary

Kit H., Ivas’ko N.


Using a logarithmic single-layer potential, thermoelastic displacement potential, Airy stress function, and Boussinesq function, we solve two-dimensional problems of stationary heat conduction and thermoelasticity under the conditions of plane deformation of a semiinfinite body in the presence of heat release in a ribbon-shaped domain parallel to its boundary (in this domain, either a temperature or a heat flux is given). The boundary of the body is kept at temperature equal to zero. We study the distribution of stresses in the domain of heat release with given heat sources of constant intensity at constant temperature.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(2):172-184
pages 172-184 views

The Influence of Temperature on the Cyclic Properties of the Transversely Isotropic Nanocomposite System Under Kinematic Harmonic Loading

Hashemi M., Zhuk Y.


A micromechanical model is developed to determine the effective inelastic properties of nanocomposites under monoharmonic deformation by taking into account the detailed microstructural geometries and constitutive models of the constituents. By using the correspondence principle in viscoelasticity and the modified Mori–Tanaka method, the effects of interface between the inclusion and the matrix are taken into account. By applying the developed model, we perform the numerical analysis aimed at the determination of complex moduli for a polymeric nanocomposite reinforced with nanofibers composed from carbon nanotubes under the isothermal conditions. The dependences of complex moduli on temperature and the amplitude of strain intensity are analyzed. The composites reinforced with unidirectionally aligned nanofibers are considered. The accumulated results demonstrate a strong dependence of the storage and loss moduli on temperature within a broad temperature range. The storage and loss moduli are found to monotonically increase with the volume fraction of nanofibers. At the same time, they decrease as temperature increases. The obtained results show that the strength of material decreases as temperature increases in the elastic and inelastic regions and the inelastic behavior occurs for lower strain amplitude as temperature increases.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(2):185-198
pages 185-198 views

Nonlinear Second Harmonics of Localized Shear Waves in an Anisotropic Layer Between Anisotropic Half Spaces Under the Conditions of Imperfect Contact

Shevchenko V., Zhogoleva N.


We construct a numerical-analytic solution of the problem of generation of the nonlinear second harmonics in the course of propagation of elastic symmetric localized shear waves in the crystalline layer of cubic system of the m3m class located between the crystalline half spaces of the same type and the same class of anisotropy under the conditions of imperfect sliding contact of components of the waveguide. We determine the analytic form of the functions of wave motions for nonlinear anharmonic perturbations in the form of longitudinal-shear-type waves. We also perform the numerical investigations of the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the second harmonics for monochromatic localized waves in a layer of a single crystal of germanium between the half spaces from the single crystal of silicon.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(2):199-211
pages 199-211 views

Mathematical Modeling of Fracture Processes in Plates with Systems of Cracks Under the Action of Long-Term Loads, High Temperatures, and Corrosive Media

Andreikiv О., Dolins’ka І., Lysyk А., Sas N.


We formulate mathematical models for the evaluation of the lifetime of plates with systems of cracks under the action of long-term force loads in the presence of high temperatures and corrosive media. These models are based on the use of the well-known main mechanisms of propagation of creep cracks, corrosion fracture, and the first law of thermodynamics (balance of energy components and rates of their changes) for a metal plate containing a system of macrocracks and subjected to the action of long-term tension and corrosive media at high temperatures. We consider the case of a double-periodic system of cracks.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2019;236(2):212-223
pages 212-223 views

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