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Volume 234, Nº 5 (2018)


In Memory of Galina Vasil’evna Kuz’mina (1929–2017)

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;234(5):591-594
pages 591-594 views

Alternating Sums of Elements of Continued Fractions and the Minkowski Question Mark Function

Golubeva E.


The paper considers the function A(t) (0 ≤ t ≤ 1), related to the distribution of alternating sums of elements of continued fractions. The function A(t) possesses many properties similar to those of the Minkowski function ?(t). In particular, A(t) is continuous, satisfies similar functional equations, and A′(t) = 0 almost everywhere with respect to the Lebesgue measure. However, unlike ?(t), the function A(t) is not monotonically increasing. Moreover, on any subinterval of [1, 0], it has a sharp extremum.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;234(5):595-597
pages 595-597 views

Lemniscate Zone and Distortion Theorems for Multivalent Functions

Dubinin V.


The impact of the connectivity of some lemniscates of a multivalent function on the absolute value of this function or its derivative is considered.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;234(5):598-607
pages 598-607 views

Modules of Families of Vector Measures on a Riemann Surface

Dymchenko Y., Shlyk V.


The paper considers a Riemann surface (in a broad sense of the term in the Hurwitz–Courant terminology) and an open set with a compact closure on this surface. It is proved that, following Aikawa–Ohtsuka, with a condenser on a given open set one can associate a family of vector measures, whose modules are computed directly with the aid of the weighted capacity (with Muchenhoupt weight) of the condenser.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;234(5):608-615
pages 608-615 views

Linear-Fractional Invariance of Multidimensional Continued Fractions

Zhuravlev V.


The invariance of the simplex-karyon algorithm for expanding real numbers α = (α1, …, αd) in multidimensional continued fractions under linear-fractional transformations \( {\alpha}^{\prime }=\left({\alpha}_1^{\prime },\dots, {\alpha}_d^{\prime}\right)=U\left\langle \alpha \right\rangle \) with matrices U from the unimodular group GLd+1(ℤ) is established. For the transformed collections α, convergents of the best approximations are found.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;234(5):616-639
pages 616-639 views

Linear-Fractional Invariance of the Simplex-Module Algorithm for Expanding Algebraic Numbers in Multidimensional Continued Fractions

Zhuravlev V.


The paper establishes the invariance of the simplex-module algorithm for expanding real numbers α = (α1, …, αd) in multidimensional continued fractions under linear-fractional transformations \( {\alpha}^{\prime }=\left({\alpha}_1^{\prime },\dots, {\alpha}_d^1\right)=U\left\langle \alpha \right\rangle \) with matrices U from the unimodular group GLd+1(ℤ). It is shown that the convergents of the transformed collections of numbers α satisfy the same recurrence relation and have the same approximation order.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;234(5):640-658
pages 640-658 views

Localized Pisot Matrices and Joint Approximations of Algebraic Numbers

Zhuravlev V.


A development of the simplex-module algorithm for expansion of algebraic numbers in multidimensional continued fractions is proposed. To this end, localized Pisot matrices are constructed, whose eigenvalues with moduli less than one are contained in an interval of small length. Such Pisot matrices generate continued fractions whose convergents are arbitrarily close to the best approximations.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;234(5):659-679
pages 659-679 views

An Inverse Factorial Series for a General Gamma Ratio and Related Properties of the Nørlund–Bernoulli Polynomials

Karp D., Prilepkina E.


The inverse factorial series expansion for the ratio of products of gamma functions whose arguments are linear functions of the variable is found. A recurrence relation for the coefficients in terms of the Nørlund–Bernoulli polynomials is provided, and the half-plane of convergence is determined. The results obtained naturally supplement a number of previous investigations of the gamma ratios, which began in the 1930-ies. The expansion obtained in this paper plays a crucial role in the study of the behavior of the delta-neutral Fox’s H-function in the neighborhood of its finite singular point. A particular case of the inverse factorial series expansion is used in deriving a possibly new identity for the Nørlund–Bernoulli polynomials.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;234(5):680-696
pages 680-696 views

On Cubic Exponential Sums and Gauss Sums

Proskurin N.


Let eq be a nontrivial additive character of a finite field ????q of order q ≡ 1(mod 3) and let ψ be a cubic multiplicative character of ????q, ψ(0) = 0. Consider the cubic Gauss sum and the cubic exponential sum

\( G\left(\psi \right)=\sum \limits_{z\in {\mathbb{F}}_q}{e}_q(z)\psi (z),\kern0.5em C\left(\omega \right)=\sum \limits_{z\in {\mathbb{F}}_q}{e}_q\left(\frac{z^3}{\omega }-3z\right),\kern0.5em \omega \in {\mathbb{F}}_q,\kern1em \omega \ne 0. \)

It is proved that for all nonzero a, b ∈ ????q,

\( \frac{1}{q}\sum \limits_nC(an)C(bn)\psi (n)+\frac{1}{q}\psi (ab)G{\left(\psi \right)}^2=\overline{\psi}(ab)\psi \left(a-b\right)\overline{G\left(\psi \right)}, \)

where the summation runs over all nonzero n ∈ ????q.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;234(5):697-700
pages 697-700 views

Weighted Modules and Capacities on a Riemann Surface

Pugach P., Shlyk V.


On a Riemann surface (in the broad sense of the word in the terminology of Hurwitz–Courant), the weighted capacity and module (with a Muckenhoupt weight) of a condenser with a finite number of plates are defined. The equality of the capacity and module of a condenser is proved, which solves a Dubinin problem.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;234(5):701-736
pages 701-736 views

On Riesz Means of the Coefficients of Epstein’s Zeta Functions

Fomenko O.


Let rk(n) denote the number of lattice points on a k-dimensional sphere of radius \( \sqrt{n} \). The generating function

\( {\zeta}_k(s)=\sum \limits_{n=1}^{\infty }{r}_k(n){n}^{-s},\kern0.5em k\ge 2, \)

is Epstein’s zeta function. The paper considers the Riesz mean of the type

\( {D}_{\rho}\left(x;{\zeta}_3\right)=\frac{1}{\Gamma \left(\rho +1\right)}\sum \limits_{n\le x}{\left(x-n\right)}^{\rho }{r}_3(n), \)

where ρ > 0; the error term Δρ(x; ζ3) is defined by

\( {D}_{\rho}\left(x;{\zeta}_3\right)=\frac{\uppi^{3/2}{x}^{\rho +3/2}}{\Gamma \left(\rho +5/2\right)}+\frac{x^{\rho }}{\Gamma \left(\rho +1\right)}{\zeta}_3(0)+{\Delta}_{\rho}\left(x;{\zeta}_3\right). \)

K. Chandrasekharan and R. Narasimhan (1962, MR25#3911) proved that

\( {\Delta}_{\rho}\left(x;{\zeta}_3\right)=\Big\{{\displaystyle \begin{array}{ll}O\Big({x}^{1/2+\rho /2\Big)}& \left(\rho >1\right),\\ {}{\Omega}_{\pm}\left({x}^{1/2+\rho /2}\right)& \left(\rho \ge 0\right).\end{array}} \)

In the present paper, it is proved that

\( {\Delta}_{\rho}\left(x;{\zeta}_3\right)=\Big\{{\displaystyle \begin{array}{ll}O\left(x\log x\right)& \left(\rho =1\right),\\ {}O\left({x}^{2/3+\rho /3+\varepsilon}\right)& \left(1/2<\rho <1\right),\\ {}O\left({x}^{3/4+\rho /4+\varepsilon}\right)& \left(0<\rho \le 1/2\right),\end{array}} \)

and the Riesz means of the coefficients of ζk(s), k ≥ 4, are studied.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;234(5):737-749
pages 737-749 views

Lattice Points in the Four-Dimensional Ball

Fomenko O.


Let r4(n) denote the number of representations of n as a sum of four squares. The generating function ζ4(s) is Epstein’s zeta function. The paper considers the Riesz mean

\( {D}_{\rho}\left(x;{\zeta}_4\right)=\frac{1}{\Gamma \left(\rho +1\right)}\sum \limits_{n\le x}{\left(x-n\right)}^{\rho }{r}_4(n) \)

for an arbitrary fixed ρ > 0. The error term Δρ(x; ζ4) is defined by

\( {D}_{\rho}\left(x;{\zeta}_4\right)=\frac{\uppi^2{x}^{2+\rho }}{\Gamma \left(\rho +3\right)}+\frac{x^{\rho }}{\Gamma \left(\rho +1\right)}{\zeta}_4(0)+{\Delta}_{\rho}\left(x;{\zeta}_4\right). \)

It is proved that

\( {\Delta}_4\left(x;{\zeta}_4\right)=\Big\{{\displaystyle \begin{array}{ll}O\left({x}^{1/2+\rho +\varepsilon}\right)& \left(1<\rho \le 3/2\right),\\ {}O\left({x}^{9/8+\rho /4}\right)& \left(1/2<\rho \le 1\right),\\ {}O\left({x}^{5/4+\varepsilon}\right)& \left(0<\rho \le 1/2\right)\end{array}} \)


\( {\Delta}_{1/2}\left(x;{\zeta}_4\right)=\Omega \left(x{\log}^{1/2}x\right). \)

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2018;234(5):750-757
pages 750-757 views

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