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Volume 224, Nº 6 (2017)


Locally Strongly Primitive Semigroups of Nonnegative Matrices

Al’pin Y., Al’pina V.


The class of locally strongly primitive semigroups of nonnegative matrices is introduced. It is shown that, by a certain permutation similarity, all the matrices of a semigroup of the class considered can be brought to a block monomial form; moreover, any matrix product of sufficient length has positive nonzero blocks only. This shows that the following known property of an imprimitive nonnegative matrix in Frobenius form is inherited: If such a matrix is raised to a sufficiently high power, then all its nonzero blocks are positive. A combinatorial criterion of the locally strong primitivity of a semigroup of nonnegative matrices is found. Bibliography: 6 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):815-820
pages 815-820 views

On the Mutual Change of Values of the Derivative and Third Coefficient in a Class of Regular Functions

Goluzina E.


Let T be the class of functions \( f(z)=z+\sum_{n=2}^{\infty }{c}_n{z}^n \) regular and typically real in the disk |z| < 1. Sharp estimates for the derivative f(r)(0 < r < 1) in terms of the value c3 and sharp estimates for the coefficient c3 in terms of f′(r) are obtained.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):821-825
pages 821-825 views

The Lengths of the Quaternion and Octonion Algebras

Guterman A., Kudryavtsev D.


The classical Hurwitz theorem claims that there are exactly four normed algebras with division: the real numbers (ℝ), complex numbers (ℂ), quaternions (ℍ), and octonions (????). The length of ℝ as an algebra over itself is zero; the length of ℂ as an ℝ-algebra equals one. The purpose of the present paper is to prove that the lengths of the ℝ-algebras of quaternions and octonions equal two and three, respectively.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):826-832
pages 826-832 views

Realization of the Spline-Wavelet Decomposition of the First Order

Dem’yanovich Y., Ponomarev A.


The aim of the paper is to present an orthogonal basis for the discrete wavelets in the general structure of the spline-wavelet decomposition. Decomposition of an original numerical flow without embedding in the standard functional spaces is discussed. It makes it possible to concentrate on simplification of the realization formulas: here, the simple formulas of decomposition and reconstruction are presented, an orthogonal wavelet basis is constructed, and an illustrative example is given. Finally, some estimates of the complexity of the method discussed for different software environments are provided. Bibliography: 6 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):833-860
pages 833-860 views

Decompositions of Pseudo-Unitary and Centro-Unitary Matrices

Ikramov K.


ConsiderCn as the pseudo-unitary space with the inner product defined by the matrix\( {p}_n=\left(\begin{array}{l}\kern4em 1\hfill \\ {}\kern3em 1\hfill \\ {}\kern1em \dots \hfill \\ {}1\hfill \end{array}\right) \).

In this space, centro-unitary matrices play the role of unitary operators.

The main result of this paper is a factorization of an arbitrary centro-unitary matrix of even order into a product of simpler centro-unitary matrices. This result is an implication of a similar fact concerning factorizations of pseudo-unitary matrices of the type (n, n).

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):861-868
pages 861-868 views

The Congruent Centralizer of the Jordan Block

Ikramov K.


The congruent centralizer of a complex n × n matrix A is the set of n × n matrices Z such that Z*AZ = A. This set is an analog of the classical centralizer in the case where the similarity relation on the space of n × n matrices is replaced by the congruence relation.

The study of the classical centralizer CA reduces to describing the set of solutions of the linear matrix equation AZ = ZA. The structure of this set is well known and is explained in many monographs on matrix theory. As to the congruent centralizer, its analysis amounts to a description of the solution set of a system of n2 quadratic equations for n2 unknowns. The complexity of this problem is the reason why there is still no description of the congruent centralizer \( {C}_J^{\ast } \) even in the simplest case of the Jordan block J = Jn(0) with zeros on the principal diagonal. This paper presents certain facts concerning the structure of matrices in \( {C}_J^{\ast } \) for an arbitrary n and then gives complete descriptions of the groups \( {C}_J^{\ast } \) for n = 2, 3, 4, 5.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):869-876
pages 869-876 views

The Congruent Centralizer of a Block Diagonal Matrix

Ikramov K.


Let a complex matrix A be the direct sum of its square submatrices B and C that have no common eigenvalues. Then every matrix X belonging to the centralizer of A has the same block diagonal form as the matrix A. This paper discusses how the conditions on the submatrices B and C should be modified for an analogous assertion about the congruent centralizer of A, which is the set of matrices X such that X*AX = A, to be valid. Also the question whether the matrices in the congruent centralizer are block diagonal if A is a block anti-diagonal matrix is considered. Bibliography: 2 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):877-882
pages 877-882 views

The Congruent Centralizer of the Horn–Sergeichuk Matrix

Ikramov K.


The paper describes the congruent centralizer of the matrix \( {\Delta}_n=\left(\begin{array}{llll}\hfill & \hfill & \hfill & 1\hfill \\ {}\hfill & \hfill & \dots \hfill & i\hfill \\ {}\hfill & 1\hfill & \dots \hfill & \hfill \\ {}1\hfill & i\hfill & \hfill & \hfill \end{array}\right) \), representing one of three blocks in the Horn–Sergeichuk canonical form, i.e., the set of matrices X such that XΔnX = Δn.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):883-889
pages 883-889 views

Iterative Processes in the Krylov–Sonneveld Subspaces

Il’in V.


The paper presents a generalized block version of the Induced Dimension Reduction (IDR) methods in comparison with the Multi–Preconditioned Semi-Conjugate Direction (MPSCD) algorithms in Krylov subspaces with deflation and low-rank matrix approximation. General and individual orthogonality and variational properties of these two methodologies are analyzed. It is demonstrated, in particular, that for any sequence of Krylov subspaces with increasing dimensions there exists a sequence of the corresponding shrinking subspaces with decreasing dimensions. The main conclusion is that the IDR procedures, proposed by P. Sonneveld and other authors, are not an alternative to but a further development of the general principles of iterative processes in Krylov subspaces.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):890-899
pages 890-899 views

Least Squares Methods in Krylov Subspaces

Il’in V.


The paper considers iterative algorithms for solving large systems of linear algebraic equations with sparse nonsymmetric matrices based on solving least squares problems in Krylov subspaces and generalizing the alternating Anderson–Jacobi method. The approaches suggested are compared with the classical Krylov methods, represented by the method of semiconjugate residuals. The efficiency of parallel implementation and speedup are estimated and illustrated with numerical results obtained for a series of linear systems resulting from discretization of convection-diffusion boundary-value problems.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):900-910
pages 900-910 views

New Subclasses of the Class of \( \mathrm{\mathscr{H}} \)-Matrices and Related Bounds for the Inverses

Kolotilina L.


The paper introduces new subclasses, called P\( \mathrm{\mathscr{H}} \)N(π) and P\( \mathrm{\mathscr{H}} \)QN(π), of (nonsingular) \( \mathrm{\mathscr{H}} \)-matrices of order n dependent on a partition π of the index set {1, . . ., n}, which generalize the classes P\( \mathrm{\mathscr{H}} \)(π), introduced previously, and contain, in particular, such subclasses as those of strictly diagonally dominant (SDD), Nekrasov, S-SDD, S-Nekrasov, QN, and P\( \mathrm{\mathscr{H}} \)(π) matrices. Properties of the matrices introduced are studied, and upper bounds on their inverses in l norm are obtained. Block generalizations of the classes P\( \mathrm{\mathscr{H}} \)N(π) and P\( \mathrm{\mathscr{H}} \)QN(π) in the sense of Robert are considered.

Also a general approach to defining subclasses \( {\mathcal{K}}^{\pi } \) of the class \( \mathrm{\mathscr{H}} \) containing a given subclass \( \mathcal{K} \)\( \mathrm{\mathscr{H}} \) and dependent on a partition π is presented.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):911-925
pages 911-925 views

On Block Generalizations of \( \mathrm{\mathscr{H}} \)-Matrices

Kolotilina L.


The paper considers some classes of block matrices that can be regarded as block generalizations of the class of \( \mathrm{\mathscr{H}} \)-matrices and interrelations among them. New bounds for the infinity norm of inverses for matrices in the classes under consideration are suggested.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):926-936
pages 926-936 views

On Possible Dimensions of Subspace Intersections for Five Direct Summands

Lebedinskaya N., Lebedinskii D., Smirnov A.


The paper considers the problem on the dimensions of intersections of a subspace in the direct sum of a finite series of finite-dimensional vector spaces with sums of pairs of direct summands, provided that the subspace intersection with each of these direct summands is trivial. The problem naturally splits into finding conditions for the existence and representability of the corresponding matroid. The following theorem is proved: If the ranks of all the unions of a series of blocks satisfying the condition on the ranks of subsets in the matroid are given and the blocks have full rank, then this partial rank function may be extended to a full rank function for all the subsets of the base set (the union of all the blocks). Necessary and sufficient conditions on the dimensions of the direct summands and intersections mentioned above for the corresponding matroid to exist are obtained in the case of five direct summands. Bibliography: 5 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):937-941
pages 937-941 views

On Functionals Dual to Minimal Splines

Makarov A.


The paper considers minimal splines of Lagrange type of lower orders, and a system of functionals biorthogonal to the system of minimal coordinate splines is constructed. The results obtained are illustrated with an example of a polynomial generating vector function, which leads to the construction of B-splines from the approximation relations. Bibliography: 16 titles.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):942-955
pages 942-955 views

Commutative Nilpotent Subalgebras with Nilpotency Index n-1 in the Algebra of Matrices of Order n

Markova O.


The paper establishes the existence of an element with nilpotency index n − 1 in an arbitrary nilpotent commutative subalgebra with nilpotency index n−1 in the algebra of upper niltriangular matrices Nn(????) over a field ???? with at least n elements for all n ≥ 5, and also, as a corollary, in the full matrix algebra Mn(????). The result implies an improvement with respect to the base field of known classification theorems due to D. A. Suprunenko, R. I. Tyshkevich, and I. A. Pavlov for algebras of the class considered.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):956-970
pages 956-970 views

On a Description of Pairs of Anticommuting Hankel Matrices

Chugunov V.


A complete description of the sets of pairs of anti-commuting Hankel matrices is given.

Journal of Mathematical Sciences. 2017;224(6):971-981
pages 971-981 views

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