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卷 43, 编号 12 (2018)


Marine Observational Systems as an Integral Part of Operational Oceanology: A Review

Zelenko A., Resnyanskii Y.


The paper presents an overview of the current marine observational systems which provide primary information for operational monitoring and predicting the variability of the main hydrophysical fields on the scales from several tens to several thousand kilometers (of the order of the Rossby baroclinic deformation radius and higher). Such systems provide the regular implementation of oceanographic and marine meteorological observations, their rapid interpretation and delivery to users; this is a subject of a relatively new discipline, operational oceanology. The active development of this discipline during the recent two decades suggests that the forecasting of the marine environment state will eventually reach the same level of accuracy and reliability as in operational meteorology, a more successful and older discipline.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2018;43(12):797-814
pages 797-814 views

Spatial and Temporal Features of Synoptic and Mesoscale Variability of the Baltic Sea Level

Medvedev I.


The spatial and temporal features of synoptic and mesoscale variability of the Baltic Sea level are studied using long-term hourly data. The spectral analysis revealed significant difference in the structure of the sea level spectra between the Gulf of Bothnia and the Gulf of Finland. The maximum variance of the synoptic sea level variability is observed at the head of the Gulf of Bothnia and in the southwestern part of the Baltic Sea, whereas the maximum variance of mesoscale variability is registered at the head of the Gulf of Finland and in the southwestern part of the sea. The minimum variance of synoptic sea level variability was observed in the Gulf of Bothnia in the 1950s–1960s, and the maximum was recorded at the beginning and at the end of the 20th century. The series of interdecadal variability of synoptic sea level fluctuations have a weak negative trend up to −0.11 cm2/year in Kungsholmfrost. A significant qualitative and quantitative correlation was detected between the interannual variability of variance of mesoscale sea level variations in the Gulf of Finland (Gornyi Institut) and the Gulf of Riga (Parnu) and the interannual variability of the NAO index.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2018;43(12):815-826
pages 815-826 views

The Secondary Sea Level Maximum during Floods in Saint Petersburg and Its Simulation with Numerical Models

Popov S., Gusev A., Fomin V.


The study considered two- and three-dimensional models used to compute the Baltic Sea level. It is demonstrated for three floods that the BALT-P three-dimensional hydrodynamic model and the INMOM three-dimensional hydrothermodynamics model successfully simulate extreme sea level fluctuations during the floods in Saint Petersburg. To simulate extreme sea level fluctuations in the Baltic Sea, it is appropriate to use the BALT-P model which requires less input information. The analysis of simulation data for the considered cases reveals that the reason for the occurrence of the second flood maximum is the excitation of the wind-induced fundamental single-node seiche of the Baltic Sea.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2018;43(12):827-836
pages 827-836 views

Simulation of Inertial Oscillations Induced by a Strong Storm by the Operational Circulation Model of the Black Sea

Kholod A., Korotaev G.


The intense storm passed over the Black Sea during about half a day in November 2007. The operational hydrodynamic model which was used at the Marine Hydrophysical Institute at that time, simulated the variability of sea basin fields in a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. One of the interesting aspects of marine dynamics is the excitation of highly intense inertial oscillations across the basin. Inertial oscillations are originally developed in the surface sea layer and have high spatial coherence. Their intensity decreases with time. The damping of inertial oscillations in the upper sea layer is caused by their propagation deep into the sea. The main characteristics of oscillations are presented, and the requirements to the circulation model for their more accurate quantitative description are discussed.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2018;43(12):837-842
pages 837-842 views

Simulation of Extreme Surges in the Taganrog Bay with Atmosphere and Ocean Circulation Models

Fomin V., Diansky N.


The simulation the most extreme surges over the period of instrumental observations in the Taganrog Bay since 1881, the surges occurred on March 24, 2013 and September 24, 2014. The objective of the simulation is to study surge formation features and to reveal requirements for the accuracy of simulating atmospheric and oceanic circulation in the Sea of Azov. For this purpose, the Institute of Numerical Mathematics Ocean Model (INMOM) with the spatial resolution of ~4 km and ~250 m was used. The atmospheric forcing over the Black Sea region was specified using ERA-Interim reanalysis data and WRF model data with the spatial resolution of 80 and 10 km, respectively. It is shown that the quality of simulation of extreme surges in the Sea of Azov is more dependent on the quality of the input atmospheric forcing than on the spatial resolution of the ocean circulation model. The usage of WRF data as atmospheric forcing allows the more accurate simulation of extreme surges. However, the simulation of the extreme surge of 2014 overestimates, and simulations for the 2013 surge underestimate the surge level. Evidently, as the used version of INMOM does not take into account the coastal zone flooding, the maximum surge value is overestimated.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2018;43(12):843-851
pages 843-851 views

Peculiarities of Dense Water Cascading off the Deep Part of Antarctic Continental Slope (A Case Study for the Commonwealth Sea)

Golovin P., Antipov N., Klepikov A.


The developed approach to the calculation and construction of adequate local and common fields of potential density for the whole continental slope (to 2000 m) allows the representative detailed analysis of the downflow of cold and dense shelfwaters in all parts ofthe slope (cascading) in the Commonwealth Sea including the poorly explored deep part. Most often the slope cascading is manifested in the form of discrete meanders (in the steep part of the slope) or discrete plumes (both in the steep and deep parts). More rarely, it occurs in the form of intrusions and eddies (lenses). The pattern and stability of cascading depend on the slope steepness. The detected local irregularities of bottom topography also affect the cascading: they lead to the instability of density flows, intrusive layering, and eddy formation.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2018;43(12):852-861
pages 852-861 views

Wind Waves in the Northwestern Black Sea

Garmashov A.


The study presents the results of long-term monitoring of wind waves was carried out on the offshore fixed gas production platform in the northwestern part of the Black Sea in 1995–2011. The analysis of more than 31000 wave records provided reliable statistical characteristics of wind waves in the analyzed region. It was found that the maximum wave height reached 4.8 m in summer and 8.76 m in winter. The maximum hourly wave height exceeds significant wave height by 1.9 times in the vast majority of cases. The method of annual maxima revealed that in the Karkinit Bay the maximum wave height with the return period of 50 years is equal to 9.2 m.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2018;43(12):862-864
pages 862-864 views

Seasonal Variations in Marine Hydrological Characteristics off the Southwestern Coast of Sakhalin Island

Shevchenko G., Chastikov V., Maryzhikhin V.


Data of long-term observations at three standard oceanographic sections are analyzed. A complex pattern of seasonal variability of oceanographic conditions off the southwestern coast of Sakhalin Island is studied. It is shown that the cold West Sakhalin Current directed to the south is observed from May to October; the low-salinity cold flow of the Sea of Okhotsk water oriented to the north is recorded from November to March. The northern boundary of penetration of the Sea of Okhotsk water is identified.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2018;43(12):865-870
pages 865-870 views

Estimation of Sea Ice Drift on the Sea of Okhotsk Shelves Based on Satellite Data

Plotnikov V., Dubina V., Vakul’skaya N.


The features of sea ice drift in the Sea ofOkhotsk are studied using Terra and Aqua satellite MODIS spectroradiometer data. The spatial heterogeneity of sea ice drift in the areas of hydrocarbon fields on the Magadan and Sakhalin shelves is analyzed.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2018;43(12):871-876
pages 871-876 views

Reviews and Consultations

Ozone Content over the Russian Federation in the Third Quarter of 2018

Ivanova N., Kruchenitskii G., Kuznetsova I., Demin V., Lapchenko V., Shirotov V.


The review is compiled on the basis of the results of the operation of the total ozone (TO) monitoring system that covers Russia and adjoining territories and functions in the operational mode at the Central Aerological Observatory (CAO). The monitoring system uses data from the national network equipped with M-124 filter ozonometers being under the methodological supervision of the Main Geophysical Observatory. The quality of the system functioning is operationally controlled based on the OMI satellite equipment observations (NASA, USA). Basic TO observation data are generalized for each month of the third quarter of 2018 and for the third quarter as a whole. The data of routine observations of surface ozone values in the Moscow region, Crimea, and on the Kola Peninsula are also considered.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2018;43(12):877-881
pages 877-881 views