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Том 42, № 11 (2017)


Long-term variability of UV radiation in the spectral range of 300–380 nm in Moscow

Nezval’ E., Chubarova N.


The seasonal and interannual variability of global ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the spectral range of 300-380 nm (0380) in Moscow in 1968-2014 is analyzed. The effect of cloudiness on the magnitude of 0380 is assessed. The smallest (-22...-26%) losses due to cloudiness are registered in May-August, and the highest ones (to -45%) are observed in October-November. According to the UV radiation reconstruction model and measurement data, the long-term deviations of 0380 from the average (for 1968-1997) due to clouds can reach + (11-12)%. The statistically significant positive linear trend in total annual 0380 is revealed from the data of both the reconstruction model and observations (about 1.5% per decade for 1968-2014 and 3% per decade for 1979-2014).

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(11):693-699
pages 693-699 views

Atmospheric transparency over central Yakutia from the sun photometer data in 2004—2014

Vasiliev M., Nikolashkin S., Boroyev R.


The transparency of the atmosphere over the central part of Yakutia is classified using ground-based observations of aerosol optical depth (AOD) for the period of 2004-2014. The annual variations in monthly mean values of AOD are compared with satellite monitoring data. It is revealed that every year the days with the values of AOD corresponding to the class III of atmospheric transparency (turbid atmosphere) made up 25-30% of the total number of AOD measurement days.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(11):700-704
pages 700-704 views

Characteristics of the lower 1000-m atmospheric layer in the area of the Leningrad NPP-2

Psalomshchikova L., Stadnik V., Sall’ I., Mironicheva N., Trofimova O., Aleksandrova G.


The calculated aeroclimatic characteristics of the lower 1000-m atmospheric layer needed to study the conditions for the atmospheric diffusion of pollutants are considered. The measurements of temperature profiles with the MTP-5 microwave temperature profiler and the data of weather balloon observations on wind speed and wind direction from the special meteorological station located at the Leningrad NPP-2 (LNPP-2) construction site are used as initial data. The characteristics of the vertical distribution of temperature and wind obtained from the observations in the LNPP-2 construction area and at the Voeikovo upper-air network station are compared.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(11):705-716
pages 705-716 views

Investigation of hypoxia in the Eastern Bosporus (the Peter the Great Gulf, the Sea of Japan)

Grigoryeva N.


The seasonal distribution of hypoxia in the bottom waters of the Eastern Bosporus (the Peter the Great Gulf, the Sea of Japan) is analyzed based on long-term observational data (2006-2013). It is revealed that in summer the monthly mean concentration of oxygen in the bottom waters considerably decreased as compared to average long-term data. The minimum values of oxygen concentration were registered during four months, from July to October. It is demonstrated that the small values of oxygen concentration are mainly caused by the inflow of hypoxic water from the Amur Bay.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(11):717-722
pages 717-722 views

Mercury inflow to the Amur Bay (the sea of Japan) after the passage of typhoons in 2015

Aksentov K.


Mercury levels in the abiotic components of the Razdol’naya River-Amur Bay geosystem are determined. The obtained mercury concentrations correspond to modern global values. Mercury accumulated in the deposit environments is transported to the bay during floods and creates a local geochemical background. The migration of mercury is carried out in the form of suspended matter and single fragments of soil cover which can be deposited in the open parts of the Peter the Great Gulf shelf according to the existing circulation of surface waters.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(11):723-727
pages 723-727 views

Concentration of NO2 in the air over Tehran, Iran

Masoudi M., Behzadi F., Sakhaei M.


The air quality analyses for nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were conducted in Tehran, capital of Iran. Daily and annual variations in its average concentrations were calculated using measurements from four sampling stations. Multiple linear and nonlinear regression equations for relationships between concentration of pollutant and meteorological parameters were obtained from average data. The RMSE test showed that the stepwise model is the best option among the considered prediction models.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(11):728-730
pages 728-730 views

The development of Atmospheric Crop Moisture Index for irrigated agriculture

Uang-aree P., Kingpaiboon S., Khuanmar K.


This paper develops the Atmospheric Crop Moisture Index (ACMI), an indicator of atmospheric drought. Levels in the index represent the possibility of rainfall or the lack of moisture needed at various stages of crop growth. The lack of moisture is determined with the ratio between water supply and demand, where the supply indicator is Precipitable Water Vapor (PWV). The ACMI was calculated from data collected between February 2010 and September 2014. The example of calculation of 10-day values of ACMI10 for rice is provided. The comparison of ACMI and other indices shows poor correlation with the SPI, the SPEI, and the scPDSI; however, it displays high correlation with precipitation, the PE, and the MAI. The ACMI is a parameter affected by surface temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, atmospheric pressure, and solar irradiation; all these parameters are included in the study of drought. The ACMI is an effective tool for agricultural water management.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(11):731-739
pages 731-739 views

Reviews and Consultations

Ozone content over the Russian Federation in the third quarter of 2017

Zvyagintsev A., Ivanova N., Kuznetsova I., Lapchenko V.


The review is based on the results of the operation of the total ozone (TO) monitoring in the CIS and Baltic countries. The system is functioning in the operational regime at the Central Aerological Observatory (CAO) and uses the data from the national network equipped with M-124 filter ozonometers being under the methodological supervision of the Main Geophysical Observatory. The quality of the entire system functioning is under the operational control based on the TO observations including those obtained from the OMI satellite equipment (NASA, USA). Basic TO observation data are generalized for each month of the third quarter of 2017 and for the third quarter. The data of routine observations of surface ozone values in the Moscow region and on the Black Sea coast of Crimea are also presented.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(11):740-743
pages 740-743 views

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