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Том 42, № 6 (2017)


The impact of radar data assimilation on atmosphere state analysis in the Moscow region

Pavlyukov Y., Zaripov R., Luk’yanov A., Shestakova A., Shumilin A., Travov A.


The results of numerical experiments with the data assimilation system including the WRF-ARW mesoscale atmospheric model and WRFDA analysis package in the 3D-Var mode are considered. The focus is on the impact of Doppler weather radar data on the quality of short-range weather forecasting. The maps of weather events and cloud top constructed from the modeling by GIMET-2010 software package are analyzed using the web-GIS METEORAD. The experiments in the Moscow region demonstrated that if only radial wind is assimilated, the intensity of simulated cloud and precipitation formation is the closest to the observed one; however, the spatial mismatches of simulated and observed cloud systems are possible. If Doppler radar data on radial wind and reflectivity are assimilated, the general pattern and location of clouds and precipitation are simulated more accurately, but there is a certain overestimation of convection intensity which leads to the overestimation of the number of thunderstorms and rainfall rate.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(6):357-368
pages 357-368 views

Numerical simulation of scattered light polarization in a developing convective cloud for millimeter wavelengths

Zhakamikhov K., Abshaev A.


The optical characteristics of scattered light polarization in a developing convective cloud for millimeter wavelengths are numerically studied using the convection jet model and Stokes parameters. The analysis revealed that the value of all polarization forms does not depend on the cloud droplet spectrum and wavelength in the lower layers of a convective cloud. As the cloud droplet size increases and the wavelength decreases, the polarizations of all forms vary greatly and may have several maxima. It is also demonstrated that the degree of partial polarization may make no sense in the Rayleigh region at the certain values of polarization parameters.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(6):369-376
pages 369-376 views

Investigations of the development of thunderstorm with hail. Part 2. Analysis of methods for the forecast and diagnosis of the electrical properties of clouds

Mikhailovskii Y., Sin’kevich A., Pawar S., Gopalakrishnan V., Dovgalyuk Y., Veremei N., Bogdanov E., Kurov A., Adzhiev A., Malkarova A., Abshaev A.


The results of observation of the development of a high-depth thunder-hail storm is presented. The measurements were carried out with the MRL-5 weather radar and LS8000 lightning detection system. The electrical parameters of the investigated cloud obtained with LS8000 as well as their relations to radar-derived cloud characteristics and to the indirect criteria of electrical conditions computed on their basis are analyzed. The possibility to forecast thunderstorm based on different thermodynamic criteria is investigated. The high correlation was revealed between the total lightning current in the LF range and the lightning flash rate in the LF and VHF ranges. The total charge transferred by negative lightnings from this cloud to the ground is equal to 387 C; the average value of charge per one lightning is 0.44 C. Regression equations linking the radar criteria of lightnings and the lightning flash rate are presented.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(6):377-387
pages 377-387 views

Analysis of effects of constant wind on the velocity of currents and seiche oscillations in the Azov Sea level

Demyshev S., Cherkesov L., Shul’ga T.


Physical regularities of free oscillations of the Azov Sea level induced after the cessation of long-lasting action of wind are analyzed. Spatial characteristics of seiche oscillations, the position of nodal lines, and the velocity of induced currents are simulated with the three-dimensional nonlinear barotropic hydrodynamic model. It was found that in the coastal zone the maximum amplitude of these oscillations is comparable with the value of storm surges. It is demonstrated that seiches make essential contribution to the variability of velocity of currents.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(6):388-393
pages 388-393 views

A Simplified Extended Kalman Filter assimilation of soil moisture for the SL-AV global medium-range forecast model

Makhnorylova S., Tolstykh M.


The implementation of the Simplified Extended Kalman Filter (SEKF) for the deep soil moisture initialization in the SL-AV global atmosphere model is described. Special attention is paid to the calculation of the observation operator and analysis increment. SL-AV screen-level parameters forecasts are estimated with SEKF and optimal interpolation initialization methods. It is demonstrated that the implementation of the assimilation algorithm improves the model forecast quality for screen-level temperature and relative humidity.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(6):394-402
pages 394-402 views

The statistical structure of the field of surface soil layer moisture from ground-based and satellite observations

Bykov P., Vasilenko E., Gordin V., Tarasova L.


The following data was used: the archives of measurements of available water capacity carried out at Roshydromet network of stations and satellite measurements of relative humidity of the upper soil layer from ASCAT data (from the MetOp satellites). The statistical structure of the field of available water capacity in the upper 10- and 20-cm soil layers is assessed. The correlations between the Earth remote sensing data and data from agrometeorological stations are revealed. The procedure of automatic data checking from ground-based observations is developed. The algorithm is suggested for statistically optimal conversion of the Earth remote sensing data to the estimate of moisture content in the upper soil layer.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(6):403-414
pages 403-414 views

Spatial autocorrelation analysis of extreme precipitation in Iran

Darand M., Dostkamyan M., Rehmani M.


Spatial variations in extreme precipitation events make hydrological, climatological, social, environmental and agricultural effects on a country. This study presents the spatiotemporal autocorrelation analysis of extreme precipitation events over Iran using gridded data on daily precipitation for the period 1961–2010. The 95th percentile is considered as extreme precipitation factor. The spatial autocorrelation of extreme precipitation is examined by three commonly used spatial autocorrelation statistics, the Gi statistic index, Moran’s I global index, and Local Moran’s I (LISA) index, at the 95 and 99% significant confidence level. The results showed a strong significant spatial autocorrelation for extreme precipitation events with the highest Moran’s I value in January. The positive significant autocorrelation of extreme precipitation is observed over the southern parts of the Caspian Sea and Zagros Mountains ranges, while the negative significant autocorrelation is observed over the central and eastern parts of country. In spring and summer the positive autocorrelation cores displace from the Zagros Mountains ranges to the northwestern and southeastern parts.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(6):415-424
pages 415-424 views

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