Long-term projection of main parameters of regional climate till the year 3000


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The methods are considered to solve the problem of secure isolation of radioactive waste containing long-lived products of nuclear fuel processing with a half-life of tens of thousands years (plutonium etc.). The methodology of long-term projection of average annual surface air temperature and total precipitation is proposed. Taking into account the possible scenarios of the development of the global socioeconomic system, variations due to the anthropogenic impact in average annual temperature at the Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes for the period till 2300 are estimated. Based on paleoclimatic data, projections of natural trends in global average annual temperature and total precipitation till the year 3000 are developed. Taking into account the anthropogenic component, the projective ranges of these climatic parameters in the Vyatka River basin in 2100-3000 are evaluated.

Об авторах

V. Vetrov

Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of Roshydromet and Russian Academy of Sciences

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Email: vetrov.igce@mail.ru
Россия, ul. Glebovskaya 20b, Moscow, 107258

O. Borisova

Institute of Geography

Email: vetrov.igce@mail.ru
Россия, Staromonetnyi per. 29, Moscow, 119017

A. Velichko

Institute of Global Climate and Ecology of Roshydromet and Russian Academy of Sciences

Email: vetrov.igce@mail.ru
Россия, ul. Glebovskaya 20b, Moscow, 107258

© Allerton Press, Inc., 2016

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