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Volume 42, Nº 12 (2017)


A possibility of determination of earth surface radiation budget from calculated and satellite data

Gorbarenko E.


The possibility is considered ofusing calculated and satellite data in addition to the results of direct actinometric observations in order to maintain the series of Earth surface radiation budget and to study its spatial variability. The empirical relationships are obtained based on the regression analysis of atmospheric radiation and meteorological parameters using the data of long-term observations in Lomonosov Moscow State University Meteorological Observatory (MSU MO). Satellite data needed to compute the Earth surface radiation budget are compared with the respective data of ground-based observations in MSU MO, and the possibility of using them is assessed.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(12):745-752
pages 745-752 views

A method of cloud detection from satellite data

Kostornaya A., Saprykin E., Zakhvatov M., Tokareva Y.


The main results of the development and testing of the cloud detection method are presented. The main purpose of the method is the identification and classification of clouds in satellite images with the subsequent retrieval of quantitative characteristics. The method provides digital datasets in the form of maps of cloud classes, cloud top height, and cloud top temperature. The consecutive stages of cloud detection are considered, and the conditions and basic results of the method testing are presented.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(12):753-758
pages 753-758 views

Satellite observations and numerical simulation results for the comprehensive analysis of ash cloud transport during the explosive eruptions of Kamchatka volcanoes

Sorokin A., Girina O., Lupyan E., Mal’kovskii S., Balashov I., Efremov V., Kramareva L., Korolev S., Romanova I., Simonenko E.


Ash clouds resulting from explosive volcanic eruptions pose a real threat to human life (for aircraft flights, airport operations, etc.); therefore, the detection, monitoring, and forecast of their movement is an urgent and important issue. The features and examples of application of the new tool developed on the basis of "Monitoring of Active Volcanoes of Kamchatka and the Kurile Islands" information system (VolSatView) are described. It allows the integrated monitoring and forecasting of ash cloud transport using the data of remote sensing and mathematical modeling as well as the assessment of the parameters of explosive events.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(12):759-765
pages 759-765 views

Long-term variations in the frequency of typhoons and their connection with various formation factors

Krokhin V., Fil A., Veryatin V.


Variations in the frequency of tropical cyclones in the Northwest Pacific in 1961-2015 and their connection with various factors are analyzed. The examined factors are the occurrence rates of the certain patterns of atmospheric circulation (according to the Vangengeim-Girs classification) in the Pacific-American sector, sea surface temperature in the North Pacific, and the position of the North Pacific High center. Steady relationships between these parameters are revealed.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(12):766-774
pages 766-774 views

Projected climate change impacts on the operation of power engineering facilities in Russia

Tyusov G., Akentyeva E., Pavlova T., Shkolnik I.


The aspects ofthe impact ofcurrent and future (in the middle of the 21st century) climate change on the operational safety and efficiency of traditional energy sources (thermal, nuclear, and hydroelectric power stations) in seven regions of Russia are considered. The climate change projections are provided by the ensemble of the MGO regional climate model with the resolution of 25 km under the IPCC RCP8.5 scenario. The regions with the highest weather- and climate-related risk for the energy production are identified, and some recommendations on the risk reduction are provided.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(12):775-782
pages 775-782 views

Dependence of energy consumption on air temperature in Moscow

Lokoshchenko M., Nikolaeva N.


The dependence of energy consumption on air temperature for every day of the period from 1990 to 2015 is for the first time studied for mid-latitudes using the long-term observational data of the Moscow State University Meteorological Observatory. It is demonstrated that this dependence is generally descending in the Moscow region: energy consumption decreases as air temperature rises. At the same time, the energy consumption increase slows down due to energy saving in case of severe frosts, whereas the opposite trend is manifested in case of abnormally hot weather, that is, the energy consumption increase along with the air temperature rise due to additional consumption for air conditioning. The optimum temperature for energy saving is 18°C. The relationship between energy consumption and air humidity characteristics is analyzed. There is almost no link with relative humidity, while in the link with the partial pressure of water vapor, the dependence of the latter on air temperature is reflected indirectly.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(12):783-791
pages 783-791 views

Investigation of surges in marine estuaries (A case study for the Don River mouth)

Ostroumova L.


Upsurges and downsurges in the Don River mouth are investigated using the observational data of the standard hydrometeorological network. The characteristics ofsurges are determined, andthe catalog of maximum annual dangerous surges is compiled for the observation points in the estuarine offshore zone and mouth reach of the Don River from the beginning of observations till 2014. The series of the maximum annual upsurges and downsurges at marine gaging stations in the Taganrog Bay are formed and statistically processed. The distribution of surges along the Taganrog Bay is analyzed. Catastrophic surges which cause adverse and severe events are identified as well as the qualitative and quaniiiaiive patterns of surge peneiraiion to the Don River mouth. The coefficients of upsurges and downsurges, the intensity of their attenuation, and water levels with the probability of 0.1, 1, and 50% at different river runoff are calculated at all gaging stations in the Don estuary for specific upsurges and downsurges. The results of test computations of surges for the specific point in the Taganrog Bay for 2013-2015 based on the numerical hydrodynamic model of the Sea of Azov are compared with observational data. The possibility was revealed of forecasting downsurges and upsurges based on synoptic conditions over the Sea of Azov with the lead time of three days using hydrodynamic models that allowed developing the prediction scheme of surge transformation calculation.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(12):792-802
pages 792-802 views

Modeling the effect of salt water intrusion in the Sebou River estuary (Morocco)

Haddout S., Igouzal M., Maslouhi A.


A one-dimensional transport model HEC-RAS was used to investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of salinity in the Sebou River estuary under different hydrodynamic conditions (tides, fresh water discharge). The results show that this model well describes salt water intrusion from the sea to the Sebou River estuary, with a good agreement between computed and measured salinity values. Statistical criteria of the model output quality are obtained. The model allows the rapid assessment of salinity distribution and can help to ensure the safety of water supply and to support decision making.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(12):803-811
pages 803-811 views

Spatiotemporal variability of drought events and their effect on winter wheat crops in the Republic of Armenia

Grigoryan A.


The regularities ofspatiotemporal distribution ofdrought events in the Republic ofArmenia are revealed. The probability of damage of winter wheat crops caused by the severe and slight drought in different periods of their growth is assessed. The nomogram of chronoisopleths of atmospheric moisture coefficient and the map of distribution of the number of dry ten-day periods are constructed.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(12):812-816
pages 812-816 views

Applying the method of direct statistical modeling to the rocket measurements of air density

Shtyrkov O., Yushkov V., Zhurin S., Kusov A.


A new approach to the calculation of aerodynamic characteristics ofthe rocket sensor with the oncoming gas flow using the method of direct statistical modeling and software allows computing the factor of aerodynamic interaction between the instrument and the oncoming air flow and thereby linking the measured air density with the density of the unperturbed atmosphere for the Mach number range of 0-3 and Knudsen number range of 10-3 -10. On the base of the obtained results the method of air density measurement using meteorological rockets is developed.

Russian Meteorology and Hydrology. 2017;42(12):817-826
pages 817-826 views

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