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卷 62, 编号 9 (2019)


Raman Characteristics of Kuznetsk Basin Coal and Coal-Based Sorbents

Nikitin A., Dudnikova Y., Mikhaylova E., Ismagilov Z.


Coal samples and the sorbents derived from them are investigated by Raman spectroscopy. A correlation is established between the formation of a developed sorbent surface by the leaching of coal and the degree of graphitization calculated from the Raman spectra. An inverse correlation is found between the metamorphic development of the initial coal and the specific surface of the derived sorbent.

Coke and Chemistry. 2019;62(9):379-384
pages 379-384 views

Coal Classification and Mining Priorities

Okhotnikov K.


The practical need for a classification to permit uniform accounting of coal reserves is discussed. Reasons for the failure to categorize coal reserves in terms of applicability are considered. The influence of coal classification on mining activity is elucidated. The proposed classification of coal reserves is shown to be consistent with the main trends in coal enrichment.

Coke and Chemistry. 2019;62(9):385-389
pages 385-389 views

Assessment of the Distribution of Mineral Inclusions and Coal Crushing

Gerasimov A., Lazareva V., Samukov A., Strahov V.


When coal is crushed, it fractures along the bedding planes and also along the boundaries with mineral inclusions. In the latter case, the mineral inclusions are released and separated from the coal. The release of the mineral inclusions may be precisely measured, but special instruments are required and these methods are of little utility. In the present work, the release of mineral inclusions is calculated by means of the Hancock–Luyken formula for coal from three Russian fields. Different crushing methods are employed. The dispersion coefficient N indicates similar results for hammer crushing of coal from different fields. The effect on the mineral inclusions is basically the same when different disintegration methods are used. However, little crushing is observed when using the KID-300 hybrid system and two-stage treatment in the DShch-60×100 jawbreaker and the DG-200×125 roller system.

Coke and Chemistry. 2019;62(9):390-393
pages 390-393 views

Physicochemical, Geomineralogical, and Evolved Gas Analyses of Newly Discovered Nigerian Lignite Coals

Nyakuma B.


This paper examines and highlights the energy recovery potential and emissions profiles of three (3) newly discovered lignite coals from Obomkpa (BMK), Ihioma (IHM), and Ogboligbo (OGB) in Nigeria. Therefore, the physicochemical, geo-mineralogical, and evolved gas characteristics of the lignite coals from Nigeria’s sedimentary basins were examined and highlighted. Physicochemical analyses revealed that BMK contains the highest carbon and hydrogen but the lowest oxygen content. This accounted for its higher heating value (HHV = 19.66 MJ/kg) compared to IHM (HHV = 19.40 MJ/kg) and OGB (HHV = 15.55 MJ/kg). Proximate analysis revealed that BMK has the highest ash compared to OGB which has the lowest volatiles, moisture, and ash. Geomineralogical and microstructural analyses showed the lignites contain layers of fine to coarse particles with a distinct lustre which may be due to quartz, kaolinite or metal elements. Thermal analysis revealed that BMK, IHM, and OGB experienced high loss of ranging from 55.1 to 78.1%, resulting in 20.9 to 44.6% residual mass (RM). Therefore, IHM is the most reactive whereas OGB is the most thermally stable due to its thermal resistance during degradation. Thermal analysis also revealed that the oxidative degradation occurred in three stages namely; drying, devolatilization, and char oxidation. Lastly, evolved gas analysis revealed low to high intensity bands indicating the evolution of H2O, CO2, CO, SO2 and HCN in six (6) stages from; 4000–3400, 2400–2200, 2200–2000, 2000–1600, 1600–1300, and from 800–600 cm–1 during TG-FTIR. In conclusion, the paper successfully presented insights into the physicochemical, geo-mineralogical, evolved gas characteristics and potential applications of lignite coals from Nigeria.

Coke and Chemistry. 2019;62(9):394-401
pages 394-401 views


Moisture Content of Wet-Quenched Coke

Shulga I., Miroshnichenko I., Ryschenko I., Miroshnichenko D.


Analysis of the factors that significantly affect the moisture content of wet-quenched coke provides the basis for measures to stabilize the moisture content at all stages of the process: in the formulation, preparation, and coking of the coal batch and subsequent treatment of the coke. Those measures include the use of batch compositions, preparation techniques, and coking parameters such that uniformly conditioned coke with reasonable levels of porosity and specific surface is produced; uniform intake of coke in the charging car; sprayer configurations in the quenching tower such that the whole coke charge in the charging car is uniformly cooled; appropriate adjustment of the pumps, sprayers, and other equipment in the quenching tower; quenching by means of biochemically treated water without excessive organic pollutants; strict compliance with the quenching conditions (quenching time and residence time of the coke-filled car beneath the quenching tower); uniform distribution of the coke on the ramp; specified holding time of the coke on the ramp since shortening of that time is accompanied by exponential rise in moisture content; systematic identification of incompletely quenched coke on the ramp and its correction by manual quenching on the ramp and automatic quenching during coke transportation for sorting; and the use of air holes in the bunkers holding the blast-furnace coke so as to stabilize its moisture content.

Coke and Chemistry. 2019;62(9):402-407
pages 402-407 views

Strength and Granulometric Composition of Dry-Quenched Blast-Furnace Coke at PAO NLMK

Klyukin S.


The dependence of the mechanical strength of coke on its granulometric composition is determined for the coke shop at PAO NLMK. The smaller fractions produced from the >80 mm fraction on crushing conform to a normal (Gaussian) distribution. Under the same mechanical load, larger coke pieces are less likely to retain their initial size and more likely to disintegrate. The 40–60 mm class most improves the mechanical strength of blast-furnace coke. With increase in content of this class, the coke will be stronger.

Coke and Chemistry. 2019;62(9):408-410
pages 408-410 views


Self-Organization of Hexane-Insoluble Asphaltenes of Coal Pitch

Sozinov S., Popova A., Sotnikova L.


Recently, there has been growing interest in asphaltenes, which are byproducts of petroleum processing and coal liquefaction. However, most data on the macromolecular structure and morphological characteristics of asphaltene aggregates relate to the petrochemical industry. We know that the concentration of asphaltene in solution affects the structure of their associates, which is also modified by the presence of various additives. The formation of planar associates of asphaltenes and condensed graphite-like structures are of particular interest. In order to optimize the graphitization of the anode mass, coal pitch (the β fraction) is investigated. In the heat treatment of the anode mass, the best binder is pitch with a high content of β fraction. The structuring of the asphaltene macromolecules in solution has not been studied for coal pitch. In the present work, in order to investigate the self-assembly of molecular aggregates of coal-pitch asphaltenes, the morphology and structure of powder particles for coal-pitch asphaltenes are investigated by various methods. The β fraction of pitch containing asphaltenes is separated by means of selectively soluble groups. Toluene and hexane are used as the selective solvents. On the basis of X-ray phase analysis, the coke residue of coal-pitch asphaltenes contains crystallites of naphthene–aromatic layers. The crystalline properties of the deposited asphaltene particles hardly depend on the deposition conditions. The powder mainly consists of turbostratic carbon structures.

Coke and Chemistry. 2019;62(9):411-415
pages 411-415 views

Liquid Product in the Pyrolysis of Discarded Tires

Vasileva E., Nevedrov A., Subbotin S., Cherkasova T., Papin A.


The liquid product obtained in the pyrolysis of discarded auto tires at OOO Kuznetskekologiya+ is investigated. In distillation, the fractions obtained are as follows (the yield is given in parentheses): petroleum (4 wt %), gasoline (21 wt %), kerosene (18 wt %), diesel (47 wt %), and fuel oil (10 wt %). For each fraction, the refractive index is determined, and the chemical composition is established. On that basis, possible chemical reactions in the pyrolysis of auto tires are investigated.

Coke and Chemistry. 2019;62(9):416-418
pages 416-418 views

Disposal of Production Wastes

Strength of Briquets Made from PAO Koks Coke Dust

Solodov V., Cherkasova T., Subbotin S., Vasileva E., Nevedrov A., Papin A.


Briquetting of PAO Koks coke dust with different binders is considered. The best results are obtained with carbamide, which yields briquets of high strength, with low sulfur content. Comparison of briquetting by one-time and pulsed pressing shows that the strength is greater after pulsed pressing.

Coke and Chemistry. 2019;62(9):419-421
pages 419-421 views

Benefits of Slurry Fuels Based on Industrial Wastes

Kuznetsov G., Nyashina G., Valiullin T., Martova S.


Most industrial waste (mainly from raw-materials processing) consists of materials with relatively high calorific value. Their direct combustion to produce thermal and electrical energy is environmentally undesirable. An alternative approach is to convert the waste to slurry fuel, by forming suspensions in water. In the present work, the benefits of this approach are assessed by comparing the characteristics of slurry combustion with those of coal and fuel-oil combustion. The following factors are taken into account in the assessment: the ignition time delay; the minimum ignition temperature; the duration of combustion; the maximum combustion temperature; the heat of combustion; and the emissions of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides. The cost of the components is also considered. The assessment shows that the effectiveness of the fuel suspensions may be as much as 50 times that of coal. Predictions show that thermal and electrical energy generation by the combustion of the proposed slurry fuels in industrial regions could supply up to 10% of annual energy requirements.

Coke and Chemistry. 2019;62(9):422-432
pages 422-432 views