Change in composition and porous structure of coal on thermal conditioning


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Attention focuses here on methods of coal processing that require minimal quantities of water and yield products that may be effectively used as commercial and secondary raw materials. In the heat treatment of coals associated with semicoking, the accompanying physicochemical transformation of the coal significantly affects its potential for further processing. In semicoking, the filtration system within the coal pieces changes. The initial coal sample contains phytopores of equivalent diameter de up to 0.22 μm. More than 54% of these are pores smaller than 10 μm, mainly (65%) of slot and disk form. A small proportion (10%) of supercapillary cavities (de > 0.1 μm) is also observed. After heat treatment, the content of small pores is sharply reduced to 10% (450°C semicoke) and 6.6% (550°C semicoke)–that is, almost sixfold–while the content of supercapillary cavities is increased approximately fourfold (in 550°C semicoke).

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Об авторах

A. Gerasimov

NPK Mekhanobr-Tekhnika, Vasilyevsky Ostrov

Автор, ответственный за переписку.
Россия, Dvadtsat’ Vtoraya Liniya 3, St. Petersburg, 199106

A. Abrosimov

Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas

Россия, pr. Leninskii 65, Moscow, 119991

Yu. Pimenov


Россия, pr. Mira 68, Moscow, 129110

V. Strakhov

Kuznetsk Center

Россия, ul. Klimasenko 19, Novokuznetsk, 654040

© Allerton Press, Inc., 2016

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