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Том 51, № 3 (2016)

Differential Equations

Regularity in Orlicz spaces for non-divergence degenerate elliptic equations on homogeneous groups

Feng X.


Let G be a homogeneous group, and let X1, X2, · · ·, Xp0 be left-invariant real vector fields on G that are homogeneous of degree one with respect to the dilation group of G and satisfy Hörmander’s condition. We establish a regularity result in the Orlicz spaces for the following equation:

\(Lu\left( x \right) = \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{{p_0}} {{a_{ij}}\left( x \right){X_i}{X_J}u\left( x \right)} = f\left( x \right)\)
, where aij(x) are real valued, bounded measurable functions defined on G, satisfying the uniform ellipticity condition, and belonging to the space VMO(G) with respect to the subelliptic metric induced by the vector fields X1, X2 · · ·, Xp0.

Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):111-120
pages 111-120 views

Functional Analysis

Weighted Mazur-Ulam spaces

Botezat P., Crasmareanu M.


The notion of a Mazur-Ulam space, introduced by C. P. Niculescu in [6] by using the midpoints, is extended here for an arbitrary weight λ ∈ (0, 1). A similar characterization in terms of a class of isometries and their unique fixed point is obtained for the rational case λ = m/n and under more complicated conditions than that of in [6] or [7, p. 166].

Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):121-124
pages 121-124 views

Generalizations of Köthe-Toeplitz duals and Null duals of new difference sequence spaces

Erfanmanesh S., Foroutannia D.


The main purpose of the paper is to generalize the notions of the Köthe-Toeplitz duals and Null duals of sequence spaces by introducing the concepts of αEF-, βEF-, γEF-duals and NEF-duals, where E = (En) and F = (Fn) are two partitions of finite subsets of the positive integers. These duals are computed for the classical sequence spaces l∞, c and c0. The other purpose of the paper is to introduce the sequence spaces

\(X\left( {E,\;\Delta } \right) = \left\{ {x = \left( {{x_k}} \right):\left( {\sum\limits_{i \in {E_k}} {{x_i} - \sum\limits_{i \in {E_{k - 1}}} {{x_i}} } } \right) \in X} \right\}\)
. where \(X \in \left\{ {{l_\infty },\;c,\;{c_0}} \right\}\). We investigate the topological properties of these spaces, establish some inclusion relations between them, and compute the NEF-(or Null) duals for these spaces.

Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):125-133
pages 125-133 views

Real and Complex Analysis

On some subclasses of delta-subharmonic functions with nonnegative harmonic majorants in the half-plane

Jerbashian A., Restrepo J.


The paper is devoted to the construction in the half-plane, for delta-subharmonic functions, of an analog of the part of the theory of M. M. Djrbashian-V. S. Zakarian, which relates to the factorization of the ω-weighted subclasses of meromorphic functions of bounded type in the unit disc. Some ω-weighted classes of delta-subharmonic functions with bounded Tsuji type characteristics are introduced in the upper half-plane and the descriptive representations of these classes are found.

Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):134-147
pages 134-147 views

On directional derivatives of selections of set-valued mappings

Khachatryan R.


The paper is devoted to the question of existence of directional derivatives of selections of some set-valued mappings with starlike graphs.

Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):148-159
pages 148-159 views

Normal families of meromorphic functions and shared functions

Niu P., Xu Y.


The paper is devoted to the normal families of meromorphic functions and shared functions. Generalizing a result of Chang (2013), we prove the following theorem. Let h (≠≡ 0,∞) be a meromorphic function on a domain D and let k be a positive integer. Let F be a family of meromorphic functions on D, all of whose zeros have multiplicity at least k + 2, such that for each pair of functions f and g from F, f and g share the value 0, and f(k) and g(k) share the function h. If for every fF, at each common zero of f and h the multiplicities mf for f and mh for h satisfy mfmh + k + 1 for k > 1 and mf ≥ 2mh + 3 for k = 1, and at each common pole of f and h, the multiplicities nf for f and nh for h satisfy nfnh + 1, then the family F is normal on D.

Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2016;51(3):160-165
pages 160-165 views

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