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Том 54, № 3 (2019)


Linear Electron Accelerator LUE-75 of Yerevan Physics Institute at Energies of 10−75 MeV

Sirunyan A., Hakobyan A., Babayan A., Marukyan H., Mkrtchyan H., Davtyan K., Arutyunov H., Ayvazyan G., Avagyan S., Martirosyan V., Margaryan A., Khachatryan G., Vahradyan L.


The results to increase the rated energy of the linear accelerator of electrons LUE-75 from 50 to 75 MeV are presented. The characteristics of the beam are investigated, and the measured energy spectra of the obtained beams are presented in the range of 50–75 MeV at the average intensity up to 10 μA. The modernization of the elements of magnetic optics for the parallel transfer path was performed, and the beam was tracked to the end of the transport channel.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(3):225-231
pages 225-231 views

Development of New Algorithm in the Method of a Resonant Vibrating Target for Large Scanning Speeds

Aginian M., Harutyunyan G., Arutunian S., Badalyan S., Chung M., Lazareva E., Margaryan A., Tumanyan M.


The work is devoted to the study of scanning the transverse profile of a beam using a vibrating wire. A new algorithm has been developed that allows the use of a resonant vibrating target method for high scanning speeds. The method is based on the idea of measuring secondary/reflected particles/radiation generated from the interaction of the beam particles with the wire material, synchronously with the frequency of the wire oscillation. The proposed algorithm for using a differential signal with sign inversion on consecutive measurements from half-periods of wire oscillations is generalized for the case when the scanning speed is much higher than the average speed of the wire oscillation.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(3):232-241
pages 232-241 views

Localization of an Electron Transiting Through a System of N Identical and Periodically Located Two-Dimensional δ-Potentials

Sedrakian D., Badalyan D.


The scattering of a quantum particle (an electron) on a chain of N non-overlapping identical and periodically located 5-shaped two-dimensional scattering centers is considered. When taking into account the transverse dimensions of the chain, this scattering is a multi-channel. The asymptotic value of an impedance of the chain is estimated when N tends to infinity. It is shown that the results a two dimensionality of motion of particle at a one-channel scattering coincide with the results of one-dimensional theory of scattering. Only the shift of the boundaries of the energy gap occurs. The picture is radically changing in the case of multichannel scattering: the impedance of the chain tends to infinity when N→ ∞. This means that in the 2D periodic conduction system with the nanometer widths the localization of the single-particle quantum states of an electron is possible. This result does not depend on the energy of the incident particle.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(3):242-252
pages 242-252 views

An X-Ray Dynamical Diffraction Analogue of Talbot Effect in the Transmitted Beam

Balyan M.


X-ray dynamical diffraction Talbot effect in perfect crystals is investigated. An analysis of the effect for a transmitted beam is performed. The features of this effect are revealed, some expressions for the Talbot distance and the exact Talbot distance are obtained. The results are compared with those obtained earlier in the diffracted beam.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(3):253-261
pages 253-261 views

Achromatic Cycloidal Diffraction Gratings

Hayrapetyan A., Aramyan R., Hakobyan M., Hakobyan R.


A theory of a broadband thin-film polarizing beam splitter based on an anisotropic cycloidal diffraction grating is proposed. The achromatization of the grating is provided by creating two-layer chiral structures with an opposite twist sense. Such a system has almost 100% efficiency. The calculations were carried out by the Jones matrix method. The resulting efficiency and bandwidth are higher than the previously known results.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(3):262-266
pages 262-266 views

Resonance Polarization Rotation in Photonic Crystals

Davtyan M., Gevorkian Z.


The rotation of polarization of the TE waves in one-dimensional dilute photonic crystal is investigated theoretically. The resonance character of polarization rotation is revealed. It is shown that the rotation angle acquires only discrete values at the resonant frequencies. The results of the theory are compared with the experiment.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(3):267-271
pages 267-271 views

Effect of Self-Induced Transparency in a Massive of Spherical Quantum Dots Under the Conditions of Strong Dimensional Quantization

Nikoghosyan H., Manukyan V., Harutyunyan S., Nikoghosyan G.


The influence of dimensional quantization on the process of self-induced transparency in the system of spherical quantum dots in the frames of the model of the simplest interband transition in the symmetrical spherical infinitely deep wall is considered. Expressions describing the evolution of the energy of ultraviolet pulses are obtained. The relative energy losses when it becomes the 2π-pulse during propagation in a nanoscale medium, and also the polarization of the medium of non-homogeneous broadening, caused by the dispersion of radius of spherical quantum dots are obtained. The case when the radial distribution is described by the Lifshitz-Slyozov formula is considered.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(3):272-281
pages 272-281 views

Formation Energy of Intrinsic and Impurity Defects in Tin Dioxide

Hunanyan A., Aghamalyan M., Aroutiounian V., Zakaryan H.


Defects in the tin dioxide determine its main characteristics, which are widely used in gas sensors. In the tin dioxide, the native and impurity defects were investigated using the density functional theory. It was shown that the oxygen vacancies dominate between the uncharged defects and the cobalt atoms occupy the places of tin atoms in the case of the cobalt doping. The found defects structures explain the contradictory experimental results obtained previously.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(3):282-286
pages 282-286 views

Field-Effect Transistor Based on Zinc Oxide Using Diffusion Technology

Hovsepyan R., Aghamalyan N., Kafadaryan Y., Arakelyan A., Mnatsakanyan H., Petrosyan S.


Based on the technology developed by authors of the local diffusion doping of certain parts of the ZnO film of the donor (Ga) and acceptor (Li) impurities, a transparent field-effect transistor with the n-type channel was manufactured. The MgF2 films were used as a gate insulator. The field effect and the dark electrical characteristics of the structures were investigated. The field phototransistors based on these structures have been developed. The photoelectric characteristics of the field phototransistors were investigated, and the mechanism of the photoelectric amplification was proposed.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(3):287-295
pages 287-295 views

Analysis of the Hardening Process of Metals, Taking into Account Variations in Structural Parameters

Arakelyan M., Arzoyan T.


The influence of structural parameters (the dislocation density, the presence and concentration of defects, external elastic field, and temperature) on the nature of the hardening process in aluminum single crystals is considered. The macrophenomenon of hardening is represented as a power dependence of the strain resistance on the accumulated deformation, and microphenomena that characterize the motion of dislocations are based on the analysis of the inhomogeneous sine-Gordon equation with the variations of different structural parameters.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(3):296-301
pages 296-301 views

Estimation of the Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Graphene in the Temperature Range of 100–700°K

Yeganyan A., Kokanyan E., Kokanyan N., Aillerie M., Aubert T.


In this paper, by an analogy with the 3D-systems, and because of the analysis of the dimensionalities of the variables involved, an expression is derived in the quasi-harmonic approximation that allows one to estimate the linear thermal expansion coefficient for a single-layered graphene (which represents the 2D-system) at the temperatures close to the room temperature. It is shown that compared to the other methods to evaluate the thermal expansion coefficient of graphene at the room temperatures (the molecular dynamics method or the method of approximation with the aid of nonequilibrium Green’s function, for which the obtained results differ from experimentally measured values at least by 7%), the accuracy of the value obtained by the suggested expression is 5 times higher (the discrepancy from the measured values figures up to 1.4%).

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(3):302-307
pages 302-307 views

Surface Magnetoacoustic Waves in Magnetostrictive Media

Baghdasaryan G.


It is known that in absence of external magnetic field it is always possible to excite a surface Love wave in a two-layered medium, whose speed is less than the speed of transverse bulk waves in the substrate and greater than the speed of these bulk waves in the layer. This paper is devoted to the issues of existence and propagation of surface magnetoacoustic waves in layered magnetostrictive half-spaces. It is shown that besides the noted pure elastic waves, the new type of surface magnetoacoustic wave exists, which existence is exclusively conditioned by magnetostrictive properties of medium. It is established that the speed of this new wave can be less than the speed of transverse bulk waves in the layer. It is also established that the new wave propagates with dispersion.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(3):308-313
pages 308-313 views

Phase Position and Phase Jitter of Electron Bunches in the Accelerating Electromagnetic Field

Laziev E., Movsisyan M.


One of the interesting problems is the determination of the phase position and phase jitter of electron bunches in the field of an accelerating electromagnetic wave. It is shown that the phase position and phase jitter of the cosine segment is possible to determine by the phase spectrum in the microwave range.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(3):314-319
pages 314-319 views

Development of an Antenna Grid of a Centimetric Range in the MIMO System for Determining Coordinates of Objects

Khachatryan K.


In this work, a block diagram of a system to determine the location of a moving object or objects, which is using the technology of the MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output), is proposed. For this system, a microstrip antenna array was modeled and manufactured as an emitter. The numerical modeling of the lattice was carried out using the CADFEKO software package. Based on the obtained simulation results, the operative embodiment was made of the antenna array.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(3):320-325
pages 320-325 views

Mathematical Description of the Diffusion Nature of Swelling and Shrinking of Erythrocytes at Radiation Injury

Sargsyan H., Sargsyan A., Danielyan A.


The mathematical, formal-kinetic description of the diffusion nature of observed dimensional shifts in erythrocytes (the swelling and shrinkage) at early post-radiation period is proposed, and the quasi-chemical model of the diffusion diode is constructed for the transfer processes of micro-particles (including the water molecules) through biological membranes.

Journal of Contemporary Physics (Armenian Academy of Sciences). 2019;54(3):326-332
pages 326-332 views

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