
Synthesis and high-temperature X-ray diffraction study of thorium orthosilicate
Knyazev A., Komshina M., Savushkin I.
Extraction of U(VI) and Th(IV) ions from nitric acid solutions with N,N,N′,N′-tetra-2-ethylhexylglutaramide
Mohamed D.
Extraction of Thorium(IV) with N-Methyl-N,N,N-trioctylammonium Chloride from Monazite Acidic Leach Liquor and Its Use for Spectrophotometric Determination
Mohamed B., Guirguis L., Orabi A., Khalil L.
New vinylpyridine anion exchangers for recovering thorium and nonferrous metals from nitric and hydrochloric acid solutions
Milyutin V., Nekrasova N., Tret’yakov V., Kondrutskii D.
Sequential Radiochemical Procedure for Isotopic Analysis of Uranium and Thorium in Egyptian Monazite
Abdellah W.
Efficiency of different methods for removing U, Th, and K from a liquid scintillator
Barabanov I., Morgalyuk V., Novikova G., Yanovich E.
Speciation of Thorium Isotopes in Water, Bottom Sediments, and Soils in the Region of the Former Radium Extraction Plant
Rachkova N., Shaposhnikova L., Shuktomova I.
Interaction of thorium and plutonium with pertechnetic acid in the course of extraction from nitric acid solutions with tributyl phosphate in diluent and its mathematical description
Puzikov E., Zilberman B., Blazheva I., Vakhrushin A., Goletskii N., Kudinov A., Ryabkov D., Shmidt O.
A New Method for Removing and Binding Th(IV) and Other Radionuclides by In Situ Formation of a Sorbent Based on Fibrous Cerium(IV) Hydrogen Phosphate in Liquid Media
Romanchuk A., Shekunova T., Petrov V., Baranchikov A., Ivanova O., Erov K., Ivanov V., Kalmykov S.
A procedure for removing uranium, thorium, and potassium-40 microimpurities from a liquid organic scintillator based on linear alkylbenzene
Barabanov I., Bezrukov L., Veresnikova A., Gurentsov V., Morgalyuk V., Novikova G., Yanovich E.
Nuclear Chemical Effects in the Paragenetic Mineral Association Based on Polycrase
Hosseinpour Khanmiri M., Bogdanov R.
Coextraction and successive selective stripping of cerium(IV) and thorium from monazite leach solutions with tributyl phosphate (TBP)
Ali A.
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