
Separation of Carrier-Free 115mIn from Its Parent 115Cd Using the Synthesized TODGA-Impregnated Silica Gel
Mandal M., Dhara S., Basu S.
172Hf → 172Lu Radionuclide Generator Based on a Reverse-Tandem Separation Scheme
Dadakhanov J., Lebedev N., Velichkov A., Karaivanov D., Baimukhanova A., Temerbulatova N., Filosofov D.
Plutonium Recovery from Nitric Acid Regeneration Solutions Using AXIONIT VPA Vinylpyridinium Anion-Exchange Resins
Lyzlova E., Glukhova A., Kondrutskii D.
Motion of Genetically Related 221Fr and 213Bi Radionuclides in a Chromatographic Medium
Ermolaev S., Skasyrskaya A.
Sorption of Molybdenum onto Titanium Hydroxide
Denisov E., Betenekov N.
Adsorption and Separation of 152+154Eu(III) and 60Co(II) Using Cerium(IV) Tungstate
El-Sweify F., Abdel Fattah A., El-Sheikh R., Aly S., Ghamry M.
A Model for Calculating the Characteristics of Separation of Transplutonium and Rare Earth Elements by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Tret’yakova S., Vidanov V., Tkachenko V., Shmidt O., Kharitonov O., Kozlitin E., Firsova L.
Extraction of Uranium, Thorium, and Certain Lanthanides from Nitric Acid Medium with a Series of Substituted Glutaramides as Novel Extractants
Mowafy E., Al Shammari A., Mohamed D.
A modified electrochemical procedure for isolating 177Lu radionuclide
Boldyrev P., Kurochkin A., Proshin M., Chuvilin D., Yashin Y.
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