
Development of a technology for protecting groundwater from 137Cs on the territory of the BN-350 reactor facility
Bulenova K., Panova E., Blynskiy P., Yakovlev I., Zhaksybekova K.
Synthesis and crystal structure of cesium actinide(VI) tricarbonate complexes Cs4AnO2(CO3)3·6H2O, An(VI) = U, Np, Pu
Charushnikova I., Fedoseev A., Perminov V.
Sorption characteristics of materials of the filtration barrier in upper aquifers contaminated with radionuclides
Andryushchenko N., Safonov A., Babich T., Ivanov P., Konevnik Y., Kondrashova A., Proshin I., Zakharova E.
Removal of cesium and strontium radionuclides from aqueous media by sorption onto magnetic potassium zinc hexacyanoferrate(II)
Pshinko G., Puzyrnaya L., Shunkov V., Kosorukov A., Demchenko V.
Sorption of Cesium from Alkaline Solutions onto Resorcinol-Formaldehyde Sorbents
Milyutin V., Zelenin P., Kozlov P., Remizov M., Kondrutskii D.
Processes for treatment of liquid radioactive waste containing seawater
Avramenko V., Egorin A., Papynov E., Sokol’nitskaya T., Tananaev I., Sergienko V.
Development of a process for cesium recovery from the clarified phase of high-level waste storage tanks of the Mayak Production Association with a ferrocyanide sorbent
Kozlov P., Kazadaev A., Makarovskii R., Remizov M., Verbitskii K., Logunov M.
Sorption of Cs(I) and Np(V) onto Clays from the Ostrozhanskoe Deposit (Belarus)
Semenkova A., Polyakova T., Korob D., Seregina I., Mikheev I., Krupskaya V., Romanchuk A., Kalmykov S.
High-temperature interaction of components of spent uranium nuclear fuel with alkali metal carbonates in the course of voloxidation in the Carbex process
Chekmarev A., Vazhenkov M., Stepanov S., Boyarintsev A., Tsivadze A.
Removal of radionuclides and corrosion products from neutral and weakly alkaline solutions by microfiltration
Milyutin V., Nekrasova N., Kaptakov V.
Solidification of Boron-Containing Ion-Exchange Resins with Aluminosilicate Binder
Kononenko O., Milyutin V.
Influence of temperature on the speciation of radionuclides sorbed onto rocks from the Nizhnekansky massif
Konevnik Y., Zakharova E., Martynov K., Shiryaev A.
Biogenic Factors of Radionuclide Immobilization on Sandy Rocks of Upper Aquifers
Safonov A., Andryushchenko N., Ivanov P., Boldyrev K., Babich T., German K., Zakharova E.
Influence of temperature on the sorption properties of rocks from the Nizhnekansky massif
Konevnik Y., Zakharova E., Martynov K., Andryushchenko N., Proshin I.
Complex Radiochemical Analysis of Natural Waters and Nuclear Power Plant Wastewaters. Specific Features of the Method for Radiochemical Determination of 90Sr
Epimakhov V., Moskvin L., Pankina E.
Sorption of 137Cs from seawater onto resorcinol–formaldehyde resin
Egorin A., Palamarchuk M., Tokar’ E., Tutov M., Azarova Y., Tananaev I., Avramenko V.
Determination of the Parameters of Selective 137Cs Sorption onto Natural and Ferrocyanide-Modified Glauconite and Clinoptilolite
Voronina A., Kulyaeva I., Gupta D.
Sorption of cesium and strontium radionuclides onto crystalline alkali metal titanosilicates
Milyutin V., Nekrasova N., Yanicheva N., Kalashnikova G., Ganicheva Y.
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