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Том 61, № 4 (2019)


Production of Lutetium-177: Process Aspects

Kuznetsov R., Bobrovskaya K., Svetukhin V., Fomin A., Zhukov A.


Papers dealing with the 177Lu production technology are analyzed with the aim of evaluating the readiness of the existing processes to setting up regular large-scale production, which is the necessary condition for the progress of the market of 177Lu-based radiopharmaceuticals. This is now on the initial step of its development. The 177Lu production processes are based on irradiation of isotopically enriched 176Lu or 176Yb with reactor neutrons, followed by radiochemical processing of the irradiated targets. Specific production features are analyzed with emphasis on process aspects of the reactor and radiochemical stages. The evaluation shows that the presently reached level of the 177Lu production technology allows only the current demand of nuclear medicine for this radionuclide, corresponding to the initial step of its clinical use, to be met. Further growth of the market of 177Lu radiopharmaceuticals requires the upgrading of existing or construction of new facilities, which is possible only with significant improvement of both reactor and radiochemical processes.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):381-395
pages 381-395 views

Progress in the Development of Track Radiometers for Radon Measurements

Nikolaev V.


Radiometers based on solid-state nuclear track detectors, developed for radon measurements in the past two decades, are considered. Devices for measuring the volume activity of radon, thoron, and their decay products and the rate of radon exhalation from various media (soil, water, building materials) are discussed. Significant progress in the development of radiometers for simultaneous measurements of the radon and thoron concentrations and for direct measurements of the concentrations of their decay products is noted.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):396-407
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Actinide Contraction in Oxygen-Containing An(VI) Compounds

Serezhkin V., Savchenkov A., Sidorenko G., Serezhkina L.


The actinide contraction effect in the structures of 55 crystals containing \(\rm{AnO}_2^{2+}\) dioxocations (An = U, Np, Pu, Am) and belonging to 18 series of isostructural An(VI) compounds was analyzed using Voronoi-Dirichlet (VD) polyhedra. Analysis shows that the actinide contraction, as a rule, is accompanied by a regular decrease in the radii of the spherical domains (Rsd) of the volume equal to that of the VD polyhedra of the An(VI) atoms in the crystal structures. In the series U-Np-Pu, such contraction is accompanied by a regular increase in the second moment of inertia (G3) of the VD polyhedra, suggesting a decrease in the extent of their sphericity (due to stronger flattening of the coordination polyhedron in the form of bipyramid), whereas in going from Pu to Am the extent of sphericity of the VD polyhedron increases instead of decreasing. The results obtained confirm the viewpoint that the contraction and localization of the 5f shell start specifically from Am. The lack of correlation between the actinide contraction and relative strength of An-O bonds in the series U-Np-Pu-Am is noted.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):408-419
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Complexes of Np(VI) with Cyclobutanecarboxylic Acid Anions and Single-Charged Cations in the Outer Sphere: [NH4][NpO2(cbc)3], [C(NH2)3][NpO2(cbc)3], and [N(CH3)4][NpO2(cbc)3]

Charushnikova I., Grigor’ev M., Fedoseev A.


Three new Np(VI) complexes with cyclobutanecarboxylic acid anions and single-charged outer-sphere anions: ammonium, [NH4][NpO2(cbc)3] (I), guanidinium, [C(NH2)3][NpO2(cbc)3] (II), and tetramethyl-ammonium, [N(CH3)4][NpO2(cbc)3] (III), were synthesized and studied by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The coordination surrounding of the Np atoms in IIII is a hexagonal bipyramid with three bidentate cyclic C4H7COO anions in the equatorial belt. In compounds I and II, the outer-sphere \(\rm{NH}_4^+\) and \(\rm{C}(NH_2)_3^+\) cations are linked with the anionic complexes [NpO2(cbc)3] to form a three-dimensional framework via N–H⋯O hydrogen bonding. In complex III, large outer-sphere \(\rm{N}(CH_3)_4^+\) cations cause differences in the structure of the anionic complexes [NpO2(cbc)3].

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):420-426
pages 420-426 views

Cation–Cation Interaction in the Np(V) Complex with Cyclobutanecarboxylic Acid Anions, Na[NpO2(cbc)2]

Grigor’ev M., Charushnikova I., Fedoseev A.


The Np(V) complex Na[NpO2(cbc)2] was isolated in the crystalline form and studied by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The coordination surrounding of the Np(1) atom is a pentagonal bipyramid with the O atoms of the NpO2 group in apical positions. The equatorial plane of the bipyramid is constituted by one O atom of the adjacent NpO2 group and four O atoms of three C4H7COO anions. Cation–cation (CC) interaction (mutual coordination of linear \(\rm{NpO}_2^+\) dioxocations) observed in the structure leads to the formation of chains of \(\rm{NpO}_2^+\) cations. The bridging anions link the \(\rm{NpO}_2^+\) cations along the chains with the formation of infinite anionic chains \(\left[ {\rm{Np}{O_2}{{(cbc)}_2}} \right]_{\rm{n}}^{{\rm{n -}} }\) oriented along [001] in the crystal. The Na+ cations arranged between the \(\left[ {\rm{Np}{O_2}{{(cbc)}_2}} \right]_{\rm{n}}^{{\rm{n -}} }\) anionic chains link them in the [010] direction. As a result, electrically neutral layers parallel to the (011) plane are formed in the crystal.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):427-433
pages 427-433 views

Synthesis, Characterization, and X-ray Structure of Tetraaminoguanidinium Diuranyl Tetraoxalate Monohydrate (HAgun)4[(UO2)2(C2O4)4]·H2O

Sivasankar B., Ahamed Hussain T.


A new uranyl oxalate complex containing aminoguanidinium cation was isolated from an aqueous solution containing uranyl nitrate hexahydrate, oxalic acid dihydrate, and aminoguanidinium bicarbonate in appropriate ratio. The compound was characterized by analytical, spectral (UV-Vis and IR), and thermal (TG-DTA) techniques. The X-ray crystallographic study shows that the complex has a polymeric structure with two types of coordination around the alternative uranyl ions. The oxalate ions exhibit tetradentate bridging and tri-dentate bridging modes. The aminoguanidinium cation is in the outer sphere, acting as charge-neutralizing species. An intense photoluminescence peak is observed at 519 run. The thermal decomposition of the complex yields U3O8. SEM photographs of U3O8 show the presence of irregularly shaped agglomerated particles of sub-micron size.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):434-442
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Specific Features of Electrochemical Oxidation of Pu(III) in a Diaphragmless Cell in Hydrazine-Containing Nitric Acid Solutions

Marchenko V., Dvoeglazov K.


Oxidation of Pu(III) in a diaphragmless cell with a Ti cathode and a Pt anode in 1.0–3.9 M HNO3 solutions containing 4.5 × 10−2–1.8 × 10−1 M hydrazine was studied. The final solutions contain, along with Pu(IV), also a small amount of Pu(VI), increasing with an increase in the current density. Methods allowing minimization of the Pu(VI) amount in the solutions after the electrolysis were suggested. The possible process mechanism involving reactions of Pu ions at the electrodes and in the bulk of the solution with HNO2 was considered.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):443-446
pages 443-446 views

Description of the Extraction of Rare Earth Element Nitrates from Weakly Acidic Solutions with Concentrated Tributyl Phosphate Solutions

Puzikov E., Zilberman B., Goletskii N., Kudinov A.


A mathematical model based on the published data was developed for the extraction of REE (from La to Lu, including also Y) nitrates in a wide concentration range in weakly acidic ([H+] ≪ [REE]) systems with TBP, taking into account the dilution of TBP with paraffins and including systems with salting-out agents. Parallel occurrence of several complexation reactions in the aqueous and organic phases and of nonstoichiometric physicochemical interaction of the components is assumed. The formation of REE trisolvate, tetrasolvate, and hydrate solvate, the coextraction of cerium- and yttrtium-group REEs in the form of an ion pair, and the self-salting-out effect caused by the apparent hydration of Ln3+ in the aqueous phase are taken into account. The model considers the effect of ammonium, sodium, and aluminum nitrates as salting-out agents. The influence of temperature on the REE extraction in these systems is also described. The error of calculating the distribution ratios is ≤10%.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):447-458
pages 447-458 views

Removal of Cesium Radionuclides from Aqueous Media with an Aluminosilicate Sorbent Prepared from Belaruskalii Production Waste

Maskalchuk L., Baklai A., Leont’eva T., Makovskaya N.


The sorption ability of an aluminosilicate sorbent prepared from clay-salt slimes (Belaruskalii production waste, Belarus) was studied. The 137Cs sorption is the most efficient at pH 2.5-10.5. At the sorbent dosage of 4 g dm3 and sorption time of 1 h, the degree of the 137Cs sorption from aqueous solution is 98.8%. The sorbent performance in the 137Cs removal is mainly determined by the kind (Na+, K+, Ca2+) and concentrations of macrocomponents in surface and groundwater. The aluminosilicate sorbent selectively takes up 137Cs from an aqueous solution in the presence of Na+ and Ca2+ cations, but in the presence of K+ cations the selective sorption of 137Cs is observed at K+ concentrations lower than 1 mM.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):459-463
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Spectrophotometric Determination of Simultaneously Present Neptunium, Americium, and Plutonium in Aqueous Solutions

Momotov V., Erin E., Volkov A.


A spectrophotometric method was developed for determining simultaneously present Np, Am, and Pu in sulfuric and perchloric acid solutions. The molar extinction coefficients ε were determined. In the concentration ranges 1.0 × 10−4−2.0 × 10−3 M for Pu and Am and 5.0 × 10−4−1.0 × 10−2 M for Np, the overall error does not exceed 5%. The detection limits are 3.0 × 10−5 M for Pu and Am and 1.0 × 10−4 M for Np.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):464-469
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Sequential Radiochemical Procedure for Isotopic Analysis of Uranium and Thorium in Egyptian Monazite

Abdellah W.


Gamma and alpha spectrometry techniques were applied to determine the activity concentrations of 238U and 232Th (Bq kg–1) as well as the 234U/238U and 230Th/234U isotopic ratios for commercial grade monazite (purity ≈50%) supplied from the Egypt nuclear materials authority. A method for total dissolution of monazite followed by the sequential radiochemical separation using anion-exchange chromatography is presented. The average activity concentrations of 238U and 232Th, measured by α-ray spectrometry, are 2.49 g kg–1 (0.24 wt %) and 30.09 g kg–1 (3.1 wt %), respectively. The calculated 234U/238U and 230Th/234U isotopic ratios are close to unity, suggesting closed system equilibrium. The possibility of using leaching of monazite with water at different pH values for gaining information about the masses of uranium and thorium that pass into the solution and remain fixed in the crystal lattice was examined.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):470-477
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Radiolabeling, Preparation, and Bioevaluation of 99mTc-Azathioprine as a Potential Targeting Agent for Solid Tumor Imaging

Sanad M., Marzook F., Saleh G., Farag A., Talaat H.


Azathioprine, an antitumor agent, was labeled with 99mTc using stannous chloride dihydrate as a reducing agent. Factors such as the amounts of the reducing agent and substrate, pH, and reaction temperature and time were systematically studied to determine the optimum conditions, under which the 95% radiochemical yield was achieved. Biodistribution studies demonstrate the suitability of 99mTc-azathioprine as a novel tracer for tumor imaging. It shows high selectivity to high-replicating solid tumors.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):478-482
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Reprocessing of Irradiated [18O]H2O under the Conditions of a PET Center

Brinkevich S., Krot V., Brinkevich D., Tugai O., Edimecheva I., Ivanyukovich A.


The possibility of reprocessing of irradiated [18O]H2O after isolation of [18F]fluoride ion from it (regenerate) under the conditions of the cyclotron-radiochemical laboratory of an operating PET center was examined. The radionuclide and chemical composition of [18O]H2O and the degree of its enrichment in 18O before and after distillation at atmospheric pressure were studied comprehensively. The suggested method allows efficient removal of long-lived γ-emitting radionuclides (56Co, 57Co, 58Co, 65Zn, 54Mn, 51Cr) from the [18O]H2O regenerate. The distillation reduces the content of residual solvents (acetaldehyde, acetone, isopropanol, ethanol, acetonitrile), whereas the content of 3H and 18O in [18O]H2O changes within the measurement uncertainty. The distillation residues and decontamination solutions after neutralization can be jointly cemented to incorporate the γ-emitters into a compact matrix with the aim of its subsequent delivery to specialized organizations performing long-term storage and disposal of solid radioactive waste.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):483-490
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Radiation-Induced Decomposition of Water on the BeO Surface

Hajiyeva S., Gadirova E., Ramazanova N., Jafarov Y., Abbasov M.


Radiation-induced decomposition of water in the BeO-adsorbed H2O system at room temperature (T = 300 K) under the conditions of γ-irradiation for different times was studied by Fourier IR spectroscopy. The water adsorption onto BeO was found to occur by the molecular and dissociative mechanisms. Intermediate active products of radiation-induced heterogeneous decomposition of water, beryllium hydrides and hydroxy groups, were detected. The highest radiation-chemical yield of molecular hydrogen, G(H2), was reached at the BeO particle size d ≤ 4 μm.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):491-494
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Geochemical Characterization of the Uranium Mineralization in the Cenozoic Basin in the Central Anatolia, Turkey

Alçiçek Ö., Kalender L.


Uranium contents were measured in the siltstones and siliceous limestone interbeds within sandstone of Kubaca member of the Eocene of Ayhan formation, with chemical values ranging from 175 to 2537 ppm and radiometric values ranging from 85.40 to 660.40 cps. The highest chemical values of uranium and Th/U were obtained from the siltstones. Mineralogical studies were also conducted, and these indicated that uranium is associated with fluorapatite and hydroxyapatite in the siltstone and as discrete rutherfordine in fractures of siliceous limestone. The uranium contents in the siltstones are higher than those in the siliceous limestones due to the cation-exchange capacity and adsorption of smectite/kaolinite group clay minerals. The D-factor determination of the equilibrium state of the studied rocks indicated that chemically analyzed uranium values are greater than radiometrically determined uranium values, reflecting a disequilibrium state characterized by the addition of uranium into the system. The study shows two types of the uranium mineralization: (1) syngenetic phosphate cement controlled and (2) epigenetic, fluid driven, fracture controlled. The potentiality of the area with respect to uranium is enhanced in view of the addition of uranium into fractures and fault planes, after remobilization from the overlying phosphatic siltstone unit and other deep-seated sources.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):495-506
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Decreased Global 137Cs Fallout Background on an Inspected Territory as an Evidence for Searching for a Radiation Anomaly of a Clandestine Underground Nuclear Explosion or of an Artifact

Dubasov Y., Gavrilin S., Il’in L.


It was found previously that the density of the soil contamination with 137Cs in some shafts on the Semipalatinsk Test Site appreciably decreased relative to the 137Cs global fallout background. The occurrence of this effect was checked in 1997–1999 around ten shafts prepared for nuclear tests and three shafts after previous nuclear tests. The γ-ray spectra were taken using Ge(Li) and NaI(T1) detectors, and soil samples were taken. The measurements showed that the surface activity of 137Cs did decrease in the radius of approximately 100 m around the surveyed shafts. This is caused by the works performed when making the testing shaft, with movement of the soil cover on the site. This effect can serve as an additional evidence for searching for an undeclared nuclear explosion in on-site inspections.

Radiochemistry. 2019;61(4):507-513
pages 507-513 views

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