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Том 60, № 6 (2018)


Influence of the Redox Potential and Charge of f Element Ions on the Kinetics of Reactions Involving Them

Shilov V., Gogolev A., Fedoseev A.


Experimental data on the kinetics of reactions of lanthanide and actinide ions with ОН radicals, eaq, each other, and d element ions are analyzed. The reactions with ОН radicals are kinetically controlled, with the rate constants being independent of the redox potential of the ion. This is due to the fact that the ОН radical abstracts the H atom from Н2О in the hydration shell, which is followed by the charge transfer. The An4+ ions are oxidized with the formation of the An5+ ions, followed by their hydrolysis. The hydrated electrons eaq react with f element ions whose potential is less negative than–2.0 V, with the reaction being diffusion-controlled. The reactions of eaq with An4+ and AnO22+ occur by the tunneling mechanism. The reactions of the ions with each other are kinetically controlled, with the rate constants depending on ΔЕ of the reaction. The correlation is broken in the case of formation of AnO2+–An4+ cation–cation complexes or of reactions involving the structure rearrangement. The stability of heptavalent ions in an alkaline solution decreases with an increase in the oxidation potential and with a decrease in the ion charge.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):563-572
pages 563-572 views

New Compounds of Some Trivalent Lanthanides and Actinides with Furancarboxylic Acid. Synthesis, Structure, and Absorption Spectra of the Complexes [(NH2)3C]2[M(OOCC4H3O)5] (M = La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Tb, Np, Pu, Am)

Fedoseev A., Sokolova M., Grigor’ev M., Budantseva N.


Eight new compounds of some lanthanides and actinides with furancarboxylate anion were synthesized and studied. Their structure was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. All the compounds contain complex anions [M(OOCC4H3O)5]2– in which four of five furancarboxylate anions coordinate the central metal atom in the bidentate fashion via carboxy groups, whereas the fifth anion is bonded to the metal atom only via one O atom of the carboxy group. In all the complexes except the Tb compound the ether oxygen atom of the fifth furancarboxylate anion is also bonded to the metal atom; i.e., a five-membered chelate ring (МОССО) is formed. Such bond is not formed in the Tb compound. Thus, the coordination number of the central atom is 9 in the Tb compound and 10 in the other complexes.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):573-580
pages 573-580 views

Kinetics of Np(VI) Reduction with Diformylhydrazine in Nitric Acid

Dvoeglazov K., Pavlyukevich E., Mitrikas P.


The kinetics of the Np(VI) reduction with diformylhydrazine in a nitric acid solution was studied by spectrophotometry. The reaction rate increases with an increase in the reductant concentration and temperature and decreases with an increase in the HNO3 concentration. The reaction order with respect to Np, diformylhydrazine, and HNO3 is 1, 1.3, and–1.55, respectively. The activation energy of the reaction is 85 ± 10 kJ mol–1.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):581-587
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Kinetics of Pu(VI) Reduction with Diformylhydrazine in Nitric Acid

Dvoeglazov K., Pavlyukevich E., Mitrikas P.


The kinetics of the Pu(VI) reduction with diformylhydrazine in a nitric acid medium was studied by spectrophotometry. The reaction rate increases with an increase in the reductant concentration and temperature and decreases with an increase in the HNO3 concentration. The reaction order with respect to Pu, diformylhydrazine, and HNO3 is 1, 1.3, and–1.5, respectively. The activation energy of the reaction is 86.9 kJ mol–1.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):588-594
pages 588-594 views

Effect of Irradiation on the Dynamics of Gas Evolution in Thermal Oxidation of Diamide Extractants in F-3 Diluent

Skvortsov I., Belova E., Pavlov Y., Myasoedov B.


The dynamics of gas evolution in thermal oxidation of solutions of 2,2'-bipyridine-6,6'-dicarboxylic acid di(N-ethyl-4-hexylanilide) (DYP-7), 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid di(N-ethyl-4-fluoroanilide) [Et(pFPh)· DPA], and 2,2'-bipyridine-6,6'-dicarboxylic acid di(N-ethyl-4-ethylanilide) (DYP-9) in m-nitrobenzotrifluoride (F-3) diluent with 14 M HNO3 in open and closed vessels was studied. The effect of preliminary irradiation of the organic phase on the kinetics of thermolysis of the two-phase system was determined. Heating of the irradiated samples in a closed vessel (autoclave) leads to the pressure buildup, with the pressure reached increasing from 18 to 23 atm as the absorbed dose is increased from 0 to 1 MGy. The exothermic processes occurring in the systems caused a 4 to 10°С increase in the sample temperature. The thermal stability of all the irradiated diamide–F-3 diluent extraction systems studied is acceptable for practical use.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):595-600
pages 595-600 views

Thermal Stability of Extractants Based on Diamides of Heterocyclic Carboxylic Acids

Skvortsov I., Kalistratova V., Rodin A., Belova E., Myasoedov B., Borisova N., Tsarev D.


The thermal stability of 2,6-pyridinedicarboxylic acid di(N-ethyl-4-fluoroanilide), 2,2'-bipyridine- 6,6'-dicarboxylic acid di(N-ethyl-4-ethylanilide), and 2,2'-bipyridine-6,6'-dicarboxylic acid di(N-ethyl-4- hexylanilide) at atmospheric pressure was studied. The course of their decomposition before and after saturation with nitric acid was compared to determine the influence of nitric acid on the thermal effects accompanying the oxidation of these substances.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):601-606
pages 601-606 views

Extraction of REE(III), U(VI), and Th(IV) from Nitric Acid Solutions with Carbamoylmethylphosphine Oxides in the Presence of Dinonylnaphthalenesulfonic Acid

Turanov A., Karandashev V., Yarkevich A.


The extraction of REE(III), U(VI), and Th(IV) from nitric acid solutions with solutions of carbamoylmethylphosphine oxides (CMPOs) considerably increases in the presence of dinonylnaphthalenesulfonic acid. The stoichiometry of the extractable complexes was determined, and the influence of the aqueous phase composition, kind of organic diluent, and CMPO structure on the efficiency of the extraction of the metal ions was analyzed.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):607-612
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A New Method for Removing and Binding Th(IV) and Other Radionuclides by In Situ Formation of a Sorbent Based on Fibrous Cerium(IV) Hydrogen Phosphate in Liquid Media

Romanchuk A., Shekunova T., Petrov V., Baranchikov A., Ivanova O., Erov K., Ivanov V., Kalmykov S.


A novel method was suggested for removing Th(IV) and other radionuclides from liquid media. The method consists in formation of the sorbent, fibrous cerium(IV) hydrogen phosphate, directly in the aqueous solution. The sorbent shows the highest performance in the removal of Th(IV). The sorbent can also serve as a host material for the subsequent Th(IV) disposal.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):613-617
pages 613-617 views

Sorption of U(VI) onto TiO2/ZrO2/SiO2 Mesoporous Materials from Sulfate Solutions

Zheleznov V., Maiorov V., Polyakova N., Silant’ev V., Sokol’nitskaya T., Sushkov Y., Voit E.


New nanostructured mesoporous materials of the composition TiO2/ZrO2/SiO2 were prepared by the template sol–gel method using a siloxane–acrylate emulsion as a template. The morphology and structure of these materials and their ability to take up U(VI) were studied. The influence of various factors (ZrO2 content, pH of solution) on the sorption properties was studied. The suggested materials allow efficient sorption of U(VI) from sulfate solutions with low U(VI) concentrations and can be used in final purification processes.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):618-624
pages 618-624 views

Intricacies of the Determination of the Radiochemical Purity of 68Ga Preparations: Possibility of Sorption of Ionic 68Ga Species on Reversed-Phase Columns

Larenkov A., Maruk A., Kodina G.


The results of studying 68Ga radiopharmaceuticals using various TLC and HPLC procedures are compared. The data obtained reliably show that a part of 68Ga ionic species are irreversibly (under definite conditions) sorbed onto chromatographic columns packed with С18 reversed phase. The loss of 68Ga ionic species in the analysis can reach 90%. The 68Ga loss increases with an increase in pH of the preparation. At pH 2.5–3.0, the total loss of 68Ga ionic species on the chromatographic column does not exceed 15%. At pH 4.0, it is 65 ± 7% on the average, and at pH 6.0 it reaches 87 ± 8%. This effect should be taken into account in analysis of any 68Ga radiopharmaceuticals.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):625-633
pages 625-633 views

Radioiodination of Cellex®

Kudelin B., Rodionov S., Bozhko E., Lavrent’eva L.


The possibility of labeling Cellex® with 123I was examined. Labeling was performed by oxidative iodination in the presence of Chloramine-T and Iodogen. The optimum labeling conditions were found. The target product with the radiochemical purity higher than 95% was isolated from the reaction mixture by column gel chromatography. The label distribution between constituent proteins of different molecular masses was determined by gel electrophoresis.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):634-637
pages 634-637 views

Preclinical Evaluation of Radioiodinated Quinoxaline Derivative as a Possible Brain Imaging Agent

Ibrahim I., Talaat H., Ayad R., Farah K.


4-{(4-Methylphenyl)glycyl}-3,4-dihydroquinoxalin-2(1H)-one (QIN) was prepared from 4-(2-chloroacetyl)- 3,4-dihydroquinoxalin-1(1H)-one). 125I-QIN was prepared by electrophilic substitution using Chloramine- T as an oxidizing agent. The highest labeling yield, 94%, was obtained under the following conditions: pH 7, 15 min, 100 μg of QIN, 50 μg of Chloramine-T, and carrier-free Na125I. The labeled compound was stable for up to 12 h post labeling. A biodistribution study of 125I-QIN in mice showed that its brain uptake was about 5.1% at 30 min post injection and remained on this level up to 1 h. As compared to commercially used radiopharmaceuticals for brain imaging, 125I-QIN is more stable and shows higher brain uptake.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):638-643
pages 638-643 views

Phase Composition, Structure, and Hydrolytic Durability of a Uranium-Containing Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Compound

Vinokurov S., Kulikova S., Belova K., Rodionova A., Myasoedov B.


Uranium-containing samples of magnesium potassium phosphate (MPP) compound were synthesized using a nitric acid uranium solution. Uranium is incorporated in the MPP compound in the form of potassium uranyl phosphate with the structure of metaankoleite natural mineral, K(UO2)PO4·3H2O. The differential and integral uranium leach rates, determined in accordance with GOST (State Standard) R 52 126–2003 on the 28th day of contact of the compound with water, are 1.7 × 10–6 and 2.7 × 10–6 g cm–2 day–1, respectively, and the degree of leaching is 0.014%. High hydrolytic durability of the compound with respect to uranium leaching reduces the risk of release of uranium isotopes from radioactive waste into the environment.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):644-647
pages 644-647 views

Leaching of Radioactive Waste Surrogates from a Glassy Matrix and Migration of the Leaching Products in Gneisses

Malkovsky V., Yudintsev S., Aleksandrova E.


Changes in the glassy matrix containing high-level waste surrogates after 24-h heating in an autoclave at 300°С with steam at 66% relative humidity were studied. Experiments were performed with an Na–Al–P glass sample containing Cs, Sr, Ce, Nd, and U. The effect of crystallization on the leaching of the elements from the glassy matrix and the form in which the waste surrogates are released into water were determined. The transport of the leaching products in a gneiss sample taken from the core of a borehole of the Yeniseiskii site of the Nizhnekansky massif was studied. REE and U occur in the solution after leaching mainly in the colloidal form. Colloidal particles of elements exhibit high mobility in migration in the rock.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):648-656
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Radionuclides in Irradiated Graphite of Uranium–Graphite Reactors: Decontamination by Thermochemical Methods

Volkova A., Zakharova E., Rodygina N., Pavlyuk A., Shiryaev A.


Graphite samples from blocks and sleeves are characterized by extremely heterogeneous spatial distribution of radionuclides on the scale of tens and hundreds of micrometers. The graphite decontamination occurs in three steps: Up to 25% of 14C is removed in the course of low-temperature annealing or treatment of graphite with liquid reagents (total weight loss of graphite ≤10%); up to 70–80% of 14C is removed in the course of 20-h heat treatment under oxidizing conditions; and in the final step the degree of removal of 14C exceeds 90%, with a proportional decrease in the graphite weight. Oxidation of graphite in the first steps of thermochemical treatment mainly occurs along (micro)cracks and other defects, which favors the removal of relatively weakly bound 14C, e.g., from the pore space. The removal of 14C from the crystal lattice of graphite requires its breakdown, e.g., by high-temperature heat treatment.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):657-663
pages 657-663 views

Radionuclides in Irradiated Graphite of Industrial Uranium–Graphite Reactors: Effect of Irradiation and Thermochemical Treatment on the Graphite Structure

Shiryaev A., Volkova A., Zakharova E., Nikolsky M., Averin A., Dolgopolova E., Yapaskurt V.


The structure of irradiated graphite from decommissioned industrial uranium–graphite reactors was studied. The extent of disturbance of the graphite structure is closely correlated with temperature and integral neutral fluence. The perfection of the structure of graphite samples (data of X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy) does not correlate with their radioactivity, which is due to low absolute concentration of the radionuclides. Mapping of the samples using Raman spectroscopy reveals spatial heterogeneity of the distribution of graphite lattice damages, which casts doubt on the representativeness of the spectra of individual points. The spatial distribution of domains differing in the crystal lattice perfection was studied for the first time and was compared with the radionuclide distribution. Satisfactory correlation between the radiographic and spectroscopic mapping data is observed for some samples. Irradiated graphite is strongly textured and contains amorphous microvolumes, which are probably radionuclide carriers. Thermochemical treatment (oxidation in O2, thermal shock) leads to degradation of the irradiated graphite structure on the submicron level, accompanied by a drastic decrease in the mechanical strength of the samples.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):664-671
pages 664-671 views

Speciation of Thorium Isotopes in Water, Bottom Sediments, and Soils in the Region of the Former Radium Extraction Plant

Rachkova N., Shaposhnikova L., Shuktomova I.


Speciation of natural thorium isotopes (228Th, 230Th, 232Th) in water, bottom sediments, and soils in the region of the former plant for radium extraction from highly mineralized stratal waters was studied. The isotope ratio in water and bottom sediments corresponded to the natural mixture, whereas in contaminated podzolic and alluvial-soddy soils with the mean thorium content of 26.0 and 2.74 μg g–1 the enrichment in 230Th was observed. At the hydrochemical background of 0.06 μg L–1 for waters of the river and industrial sites, the Th concentration varied from 0.02 to 0.73 μg L–1 and correlated with the content of the organic matter dissolved in water and of iron ions. Thorium was present both in the solution and in the suspended material. Its relative content in the suspended material (0.45–3.5 μm) reached 50%, which is lower than the background level for the river. In bottom sediments and soils, Th mainly occurred in the insoluble residue. Its fraction linearly increased with an increase in the total thorium content of the soils. The relative content of Th in fractions of Fe and Mn oxides and hydroxides, amorphous silicates, and especially organic matter was higher than in other mobile fractions. This trend was more pronounced for podzolic soil than for alluvial-soddy soil.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):672-677
pages 672-677 views

Leaching of Uranium from Its Mineralization and Experimental Design of the Process

Khawassek Y.


The central composite design (CCD) of experiments was used to study the leaching of uranium and iron from the mineralized Gabal Al-Aglab uranium ore sample using sulfuric acid solution. The leaching factors were sulfuric acid concentration, contact time, particle size, temperature, solid to liquid ratio, and stirring rate. The uranium and iron leaching efficiencies were 71.6 and 10.8%, respectively. Three factors were taken into consideration in the experimental planning: leaching time, solid/liquid ratio, and stirring rate. The obtained results were statistically analyzed using analysis of variances (ANOVA) to determine the main effects and interactions between the investigated factors.

Radiochemistry. 2018;60(6):678-684
pages 678-684 views

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