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Том 98, № 1 (2018)


On the Parameters of the Singular Part of the Horn—Sergeichuk Regularizing Decomposition

Ikramov K.


A simple method is given for a priori determination of the number of Jordan blocks and their orders in the regularizing decomposition of a square matrix. This decomposition was proposed by R. Horn and V. Sergeichuk. It is attained by congruence transformations and makes it possible to separate the regular and singular parts of the matrix.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):301-303
pages 301-303 views

Clustering Coefficient of a Spatial Preferential Attachment Model

Iskhakov L., Mironov M., Prokhorenkova L., Kamiński B., Prałat P.


The clustering structure of a graph in a spatial preferential attachment model whose similarity to real-world networks has been shown in many aspects is considered. The behavior of the local clustering coefficient is studied. Namely, the asymptotic behavior of its average value over all graph vertices of a certain degree as the graph size tends to infinity is examined. This characteristic has not been previously analyzed in the SPA model, and it reflects the typical dependence of the clustering structure near some vertex on its degree in the graph. Additionally, it is shown that, with a high probability, there is a vertex for which the value of the clustering coefficient differs from its average.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):304-307
pages 304-307 views

Programmed Iteration Method in Differential Games with a Functional Target Set

Chentsov A.


A variant of the programmed iteration method is developed for solving game problems of realizing trajectories of a nonlinear conflict controlled system in a given set of functions. Solving these open-loop control problems yields an iterative process in a space of sets whose elements are functional positions, and the corresponding limit determines the set of successful solvability of the original problem in the class of set-valued quasi-strategies (nonanticipating responses to disturbances). For the conflict controlled system, the conditions of generalized uniqueness and uniform boundedness of programmed motions are assumed to hold. The use of an infinite-dimensional space of functional positions is essential, since the arising differential game generally does not satisfy the alternative solvability conditions in classes of feedback strategies.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):308-312
pages 308-312 views

Optimal Disturbances of Bistable Time-Delay Systems Modeling Virus Infections

Bocharov G., Nechepurenko Y., Khristichenko M., Grebennikov D.


For bistable time-delay dynamical systems modeling the dynamics of viral infections and the virusinduced immune response, an efficient approach is proposed for constructing optimal disturbances of steady states with a high viral load that transfer the system to a state with a low viral load. Functions approximating the behavior of drugs within the framework of well-known pharmacokinetic models are used as basis functions. Optimal disturbances are sought in the W21 norm. It is shown that optimal disturbances found in this norm are superior to those found in the L2 norm as applied to the development of adequate therapeutic strategies.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):313-316
pages 313-316 views

Spectral Decomposition Formulas for Zeta Functions of Imaginary Quadratic Fields of Class Number One

Bykovskii V.


The squared absolute value of the Dedekind zeta functions of imaginary quadratic fields of class number one on the critical line is expressed in terms of averaged values associated with the spectrum of the automorphic Laplacian with respect to the full modular group.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):317-320
pages 317-320 views

The Distribution of the Rational Points on the Unit Circle

Ustinov A., Korolev M.


In the paper, the explicit form of distribution function for the lengths of arcs connecting neighbouring rational points on the unit circle whose denominators do not exceed given value, is given.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):321-324
pages 321-324 views

On Quadrature Formulas

Chubarikov V.


Number theory methods are used to construct quadrature formulas for exactly integrating trigonometric polynomials in several variables of degree as high as possible for a given number of integration nodes.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):325-326
pages 325-326 views

Strict Embeddings of Rearrangement Invariant Spaces

Astashkin S., Semenov E.


A Banach space E of measurable functions on [0,1] is called rearrangement invariant if E is a Banach lattice and equimeasurable functions have identical norms. The canonical inclusion EF of two rearrangement invariant spaces is said to be strict if functions from the unit ball of E have absolutely equicontinuous norms in F. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the strictness of canonical inclusion for Orlicz, Lorentz, and Marcinkiewicz spaces are obtained, and the relations of this concept to the disjoint strict singularity are studied.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):327-329
pages 327-329 views

Stable Cohomology of Spaces of Non-Resultant Systems of Homogeneous Polynomials in ℝn

Vassiliev V.


Stable rational cohomology groups of spaces of non-resultant homogeneous polynomial systems of growing degree in ℝn are calculated.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):330-333
pages 330-333 views

Outer Billiards outside a Regular Octagon: Periodicity of Almost All Orbits and Existence of an Aperiodic Orbit

Rukhovich F.


The existence of an aperiodic orbit for an outer billiard outside a regular octagon is proved. Additionally, almost all orbits of such an outer billiard are proved to be periodic. All possible periods are explicitly listed.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):334-337
pages 334-337 views

On the Uniqueness of the Solution of the Inverse Sturm–Liouville Problem with Nonseparated Boundary Conditions on a Geometric Graph

Sadovnichy V., Sultanaev Y., Akhtyamov A.


For the first time, the inverse Sturm–Liouville problem with nonseparated boundary conditions is studied on a star-shaped geometric graph with three edges. It is shown that the Sturm–Liouville problem with general boundary conditions cannot be uniquely reconstructed from four spectra. Nonseparated boundary conditions are found for which a uniqueness theorem for the solution of the inverse Sturm–Liouville problem is proved. The spectrum of the boundary value problem itself and the spectra of three auxiliary problems are used as reconstruction data. It is also shown that the Sturm–Liouville problem with these nonseparated boundary conditions can be uniquely recovered if three spectra of auxiliary problems are used as reconstruction data and only five of its eigenvalues are used instead of the entire spectrum of the problem.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):338-340
pages 338-340 views

Polynomial Computability of Fields of Algebraic Numbers

Alaev P., Selivanov V.


We prove that the field of complex algebraic numbers and the ordered field of real algebraic numbers have isomorphic presentations computable in polynomial time. For these presentations, new algorithms are found for evaluation of polynomials and solving equations of one unknown. It is proved that all best known presentations for these fields produce polynomially computable structures or quotient-structures such that there exists an isomorphism between them polynomially computable in both directions.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):341-343
pages 341-343 views

Fejér Sums for Periodic Measures and the von Neumann Ergodic Theorem

Kachurovskii A., Podvigin I.


The Fejér sums of periodic measures and the norms of the deviations from the limit in the von Neumann ergodic theorem are calculated, in fact, using the same formulas (by integrating the Fejér kernels), so this ergodic theorem is, in fact, a statement about the asymptotics of the growth of the Fejér sums at zero for the spectral measure of the corresponding dynamical system. As a result, well-known estimates for the rates of convergence in the von Neumann ergodic theorem can be restated as estimates of the Fejér sums at the point for periodic measures. For example, natural criteria for the polynomial growth and polynomial decrease in these sums can be obtained. On the contrary, available in the literature, numerous estimates for the deviations of Fejér sums at a point can be used to obtain new estimates for the rate of convergence in this ergodic theorem.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):344-347
pages 344-347 views

Numerical Schemes without Saturation for Periodic Functions

Petrov A.


For functions defined on closed smooth contours, formulas without saturation for calculating derivatives, integrals, interpolation, and integrals with logarithmic singularity are derived.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):348-352
pages 348-352 views

General Embedding Theorem

Ramazanov M.


The quotient space of an arbitrary Banach space B by any subspace B1B equipped with the norm \(||b|B/{B_1}|| = \mathop {\inf }\limits_{f \in B/{B_1}} ||f|b||\) is considered. In the case where the infimum is a minimum, i.e., it is attained at some element, a formula for this element is presented. The proof is based on restating the original problem in dual spaces with the help of corresponding Legendre transforms. Although the original problem is nonlinear, it is found that its formulation in dual spaces is always linear and solvable. The results are applied to the general theory of boundary value problems for differential equations of mathematical physics.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):353-356
pages 353-356 views

Integer Sequences Somos-4

Bykovskii V., Monina M.


A new three-parameter family of integer sequences Somos-4 is constructed.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):357-359
pages 357-359 views

Graphs of Lipschitz Mappings on Two-Step Sub-Lorentzian Structures with Multidimensional Time

Karmanova M.


A sub-Lorentzian area formula is proved for graph mappings constructed on the basis of intrinsically Lipschitz mappings defined on two-step Carnot groups.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):360-363
pages 360-363 views

Generating Functions in the Knapsack Problem

Leontiev V., Gordeev E.


The knapsack problem with Boolean variables and a single constraint is considered. Combinatorial formulas for calculating and estimating the cardinality of the set of feasible solutions and the values of the functional in various cases depending on given parameters of the problem are derived. The coefficients of the objective function and of the constraint vector and the knapsack size are used as parameters. The baseline technique is the classical method of generating functions. The results obtained can be used to estimate the complexity of enumeration and decomposition methods for solving the problem and can also be used as auxiliary procedures in developing such methods.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):364-366
pages 364-366 views

On Spectral Asymptotics for a Family of Finite-Dimensional Perturbations of Operators of Trace Class

Petrova Y.


Spectral asymptotics for a family of finite-dimensional perturbations of operators of trace class are found. The results are used to find exact asymptotics of small ball probabilities in the Hilbert norm for finitedimensional perturbations of Gaussian functions. As an example, Durbin processes appearing in the study of empirical processes with estimated parameters are considered.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):367-369
pages 367-369 views

On New Arithmetic Properties of Determinants of Hankel Matrices

Platonov V., Petrunin M.


We construct an infinite-dimensional Hankel matrix H with elements of the form m/2l, where m, l ∈ ℤ, with the following property: the divisors of the numerators of its principal minors contain all prime numbers.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):370-372
pages 370-372 views

Spaces Associated with Weighted Sobolev Spaces on the Real Line

Prokhorov D., Stepanov V., Ushakova E.


A complete description of spaces associated with weighted Sobolev spaces of the first order on the real line with identical summation parameters for a function and its derivative is presented.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):373-376
pages 373-376 views

On Equilibrium Concyclic Configurations

Giorgadze G., Khimshiashvili G.


Equilibrium configurations of point charges with Coulomb interaction on a circle, line segment, and a system of three concentric circles is discussed. A characterization of stable electrostatic configurations with a few points is obtained.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):377-381
pages 377-381 views

On Two-Dimensional Polynomially Integrable Billiards on Surfaces of Constant Curvature

Glutsyuk A.


The algebraic version of the Birkhoff conjecture is solved completely for billiards with a piecewise C2-smooth boundary on surfaces of constant curvature: Euclidean plane, sphere, and Lobachevsky plane. Namely, we obtain a complete classification of billiards for which the billiard geodesic flow has a nontrivial first integral depending polynomially on the velocity. According to this classification, every polynomially integrable convex bounded planar billiard with C2-smooth boundary is an ellipse. This is a joint result of M. Bialy, A.E. Mironov, and the author. The proof consists of two parts. The first part was given by Bialy and Mironov in their two joint papers, where the result was reduced to an algebraic-geometric problem, which was partially studied there. The second part is the complete solution of the algebraic-geometric problem presented below.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):382-385
pages 382-385 views

Convergence of Eigenfunction Expansions of a Differential Operator with Integral Boundary Conditions

Lomov I.


For a second-order ordinary differential operator on an interval of the real line with integral boundary conditions, conditions for the unconditional basis property and uniform convergence of the expansion of a function in terms of the eigen- and associated functions of this operator are established. The convergence and equiconvergence rates of this expansion and the equiconvergence rate of the trigonometric Fourier expansion of this function are estimated. The uniform convergence of its expansion in the adjoint system is studied.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):386-390
pages 386-390 views

On the Closeness of Solutions of Unperturbed and Hyperbolized Heat Equations with Discontinuous Initial Data

Moiseev T., Myshetskaya E., Tishkin V.


The influence exerted by the second time derivative with a small parameter added to the heat equation in the case of discontinuous periodic initial data is investigated. It is shown that, except for the initial instants of time, the error of hyperbolization vanishes as the square root of the addition.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):391-395
pages 391-395 views

Modeling of Galactic Wind Formation from Supernovae Using High-Performance Computations

Chetverushkin B., Nikolaeva A., Saveliev A.


Fundamental processes in the dynamics of the interstellar medium, namely, galactic wind, i.e., ejections of interstellar matter from central regions of galaxies, which are presumably caused by the formation of supernovae, are mathematically modeled in detail on high-performance parallel computer systems. The mathematical simulation is based on a kinetically consistent gasdynamic approach developed for such class of problems in astrophysics. A kinetically consistent algorithm is well adapted to the architecture of high-performance computer systems with massive parallelism, so that complex large-scale astrophysical phenomena can be efficiently studied with a high resolution. The approach, method, and algorithms are described, and numerical results are presented.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):396-400
pages 396-400 views

Mathematical Physics

Modeling of Ultrasonic Waves in Fractured Rails with an Explicit Approach

Favorskaya A., Kabisov S., Petrov I.


Ultrasonic wave propagation in steel rails with explicit identification of flaws is numerically simulated. The problem is to detect a vertical crack in a railhead by applying ultrasonic nondestructive testing techniques. The propagation of elastic waves in the rail profile is simulated for various sizes and positions of the crack. It is shown that the finite-difference grid-characteristic method in the time domain and full-wave simulation can be used to analyze the effectiveness of rail flaw detection by applying ultrasonic nondestructive testing techniques. Full-wave simulation is also used to demonstrate the failure of the widely used echo-mirror method to detect flaws of certain types. It is shown that techniques for practical application of the ultrasonic delta method can be developed using full-wave supercomputer simulation. The study demonstrates a promising potential of geophysical methods as adapted to the analysis of ultrasonic nondestructive testing results.

Doklady Mathematics. 2018;98(1):401-404
pages 401-404 views

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