
Microbiological Transformation of Organic Matter in Oil-Polluted Tundra Soils after Their Reclamation
Maslov M., Maslova O., Ezhelev Z.
Electrical resistance profiles of permafrost-affected soils in the north of Western Siberia according to their vertical electrical sounding
Abakumov E., Tomashunas V., Alekseev I.
Quantitative Evaluation of Pedodiversity in the Russian Arctic and Subarctic (by Cartographic Data)
Smirnova M., Gennadiev A.
Transformation of nitrogen compounds in the tundra soils of Northern Fennoscandia
Maslov M., Makarov M.
Paramagnetic Properties of Humic Substances in Taiga and Tundra Soils of the European Northeast of Russia
Lodygin E., Beznosikov V., Vasilevich R.
Suprapermafrost Horizons of the Accumulation of Raw Organic Matter in Tundra Cryozems of Northern Yakutia
Gubin S., Lupachev A.
Nitrogen Isotopes in Soils and Plants of Tundra Ecosystems in the Khibiny Mountains
Makarov M., Buzin I., Tiunov A., Malysheva T., Kadulin M., Koroleva N.
Biological Activity of Soils in Mountain Tundra Ecosystems under Postpyrogenic Restoration
Maslov M., Maslova O., Pozdnyakov L., Kopeina E.
Characteristics of the Microarthropod Communities in Postagrogenic and Tundra Soils of the European Northeast of Russia
Taskaeva A., Mandrik E., Konakova T., Kudrin A.
Soils and Vegetation of the Khaipudyr Bay Coast of the Barents Sea
Shamrikova E., Deneva S., Panyukov A., Kubik O.
Transformation of Nitrogen Compounds in Soils of Mountain Tundra Ecosystems in the Khibiny
Buzin I., Makarov M., Malysheva T., Kadulin M., Koroleva N., Maslov M.
The Influence of Edaphic and Orographic Factors on Algal Diversity in Biological Soil Crusts on Bare Spots in the Polar and Subpolar Urals
Patova E., Novakovskaya I., Deneva S.
Spatial Patterns of Carbon and Nitrogen in Soils of the Barents Sea Coastal Area (Khaypudyrskaya Bay)
Shamrikova E., Deneva S., Kubik O.
Physicochemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Tundra Soils on the Rybachii Peninsula
Evdokimova G., Mozgova N., Myazin V.
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